Employee remote access to AER systems. AER credentials will be required. If you encounter problems with remote access please contact the AER Service Desk
Full Answer
How do I contact the AER service desk?
Contact the AER Service Desk at 403-297-3744 should you have questions. * denote that remote systems access points require a AER or GoA-issued ID and RSA token (fob). Please contact the service.desk@aer.ca for user account or any system access issues. If you need to reset/change your password, please use the Self-Service Password Manager.
What is the remote access service?
This service provides secure remote access to systems and applications provided by AER’s solutions partner, AEP. AEP systems support AER’s regulation of industry activities under the Public Lands Act and Mines & Minerals Act. A GoA ID and GoA RSA Secure ID token or fob is required for authentication to the AEP Systems Applications.
How do I connect my aer2200 to my Network?
Connect the Ethernet cable to the port marked WAN on the back of the AER2200. Connect the other end to your WAN source. STEP 10: Power up the router. Connect the power supply to the router and then plug the other end into an electrical outlet.
Why choose Aer Wireless for emergency response?
You are always connected. Aer Wireless offers a more reliable emergency response system, superior to the first-responder network provided by Other carriers rely on cell towers, which leave some areas without coverage and frequently dropped calls. Our network uses a new technology that doesn’t rely on cell towers or landlines.

What is AER in public land?
The AER manages energy-related surface dispositions on public land in accordance with the Public Lands Act ( PLA) and its related legislation and policies. In accordance with the PLA, each application or amendment for a surface activity on public land requires the inclusion of a plan (sketch or survey) indicating the activity to be conducted and its proximity to existing dispositions.
What is AER in geophysics?
The AER is responsible for the management of energy-related public land dispositions in accordance with the Public Lands Act, the Mines and Minerals Act, and other related legislation, regulations, and policies. To ensure that geophysical clients are provided with efficient and consistent service, the Application Disposition Process and Tracking (ADEPT) tool was created.
What is an EDS?
The Electronic Disposition System (EDS) is an online tool that allows users to electronically submit specified applications, amendments, and associated documents for surface dispositions to the AER. In addition, clients can use the EDS to conduct monthly reporting and check on the status of previously filed applications and amendments. The EDS provides clients with access to its five subsystems:
What is an ETS assignment?
The electronic assignments program is part of the broader Electronic Transfer System (ETS) and facilitates the assignment of surface dispositions issued under the Public Lands Act within the province of Alberta, where over 15 000 oil and gas dispositions are approved annually. Electronic assignments encompass all transactions, documents, and data exchanges associated with the assignment of a disposition holder’s interest in a surface disposition to another party.
What is the Areps portal?
The AREPS portal provides access to public policies relating to the development of upstream oil, gas, oil sands and coal. Users are able to identify and access policy documents from this easy to use platform.
What is well spacing map viewer?
The well spacing map viewer uses an interactive map application to display all approved spacing unit orders since October 2007. These orders are based on decisions made by the AER to increase the number of drainage locations in a specific pool.
What is a map viewer?
This map viewer is an interactive map application that identifies all recorded surface locations of abandoned wells by area. Additional details include the abandoned wells’ licensees; and the latitude and longitude of each well’s surface location.
What is Aer wireless?
The Aer Wireless network for first responders keeps police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services in constant communication with their base. Plus, it is quick and cost-effective to deploy.
Is Aer Wireless reliable?
First Responders Count on Aer Wireless. Aer Wireless offers a more reliable emergency response system, superior to the first-responder network provided by Other carriers rely on cell towers, which leave some areas without coverage and frequently dropped calls.
What is AerAccess UAS?
AERACCESS is a technology solutions provider that designs, builds and produces an innovative portfolio of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Our solutions give law enforcement personnel a situational awareness on the battlefield through real-time, airborne reconnaissance, surveillance and communication.
What is a Hawkeye MK I UAS?
The HawkEye MK I UAS is the modern warfighter for over the wall ISR operations. EOIR sensor capabilities offer immediate deployment day and night.#N#Light weight and silent, the HawkEye MK I brings confidence to moving troops on the battlefield, and clears any unexpected threats and blind spots during operations.
The purpose-built router
Cradlepoint endpoints provide industry-leading, Gigabit-Class LTE connectivity as well as Ethernet and Wi-Fi. These purpose-built endpoints are sold with a subscription to NetCloud Service for Branch which provides streamlined configuration and continuous cloud, modem, and router software feature enhancements.
NetCloud for Branch
NetCloud Service for Branch provides the enterprise capabilities that businesses need to connect all their locations and includes:
What is Azure MFA?
Windows Virtual Desktop login using Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for authentication. The new Deepnet Token Service for offshore workers is also supported with Azure MFA. If you are not yet registered and need assistance to register for Azure MFA, please contact IT Service desk.
Does Citrix use Azure MFA?
Citrix login using Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for authentication. The new Deepnet Token Service for offshore workers is also supported with Azure MFA. If you are not yet registered and need assistance to register for Azure MFA, please contact IT Service desk.
What modems does the AER2200 support?
The AER2200 includes a slot for an additional MC400 modem. This enhanced capability allows for redundancy, advanced configuration, failover, and upgradability. The AER2200 supports both the MC400-600M or the MC400-1200M. Refer to the following for more information:
Where to mount AER2200?
The AER2200 may be mounted in a number of ways, including on a desk, affixed to a wall or ceiling, or to a rack. Refer to the following for mounting best practices.
What carriers use AER2200?
A wireless broadband data plan must be added to your AER2200 for wireless broadband connectivity. Wireless broadband data plans are available from wireless carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile. The SIM card must be activated and provisioned by the carrier.
How to avoid interference with RF?
Ensure plenty of ventilation. Avoid installing the device in enclosed spaces. Do not install the device in direct exposure to the elements.
Can I use a MC400 with an AER2200?
The AER2200 has a slot for a second, removable modem (MC400). If you are using the MC400 with the AER2200, the additional modem must be installed before the router can be set up. To install this modem, do the following: Insert an activated 2FF SIM card into the SIM1 slot (metal contacts down, notch in).