Remote-access Guide

ahc umn remote access

by Sunny Kiehn Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Windows: Remote Access Setup
  1. Searching "Remote Desktop" from the Windows Start Menu.
  2. Select Remote Desktop Connection.
  3. Click Show Options.
  4. Type your into the Computer field. Example:
  5. Select Connect.
  6. Enter your AD Username and Password (AHC Computer/AHC Server)

How do I set up remote access on a personal Mac?

Setting up Remote Access on a Personal Mac: Establish a VPN Connection using Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client . Note the computer name of the device you would like to remotely access. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the app store.

How do I use remote access on a personal Windows device?

Note: In order to use Remote Access on a Personal Windows Device you must first install the Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client from the Information Technology Download & Guides website. Follow these steps to connect:

What are the requirements and necessary steps for HCC (formerly AHC) employees?

This document specifies the requirements and necessary steps for HCC (FORMERLY AHC) employees supported by Health Science Technology (HST) who want to establish a remote connection through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or Remote Desktop. Some HCC (FORMERLY AHC) users might need VPN to access their shared drives remotely.


Health sciences at the University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is home to one of the most comprehensive academic health centers in the nation. It includes six schools and colleges, several interdisciplinary centers and programs, and operations and support units.

New to the Health Sciences?

Welcome! You'll likely have a lot of questions as you start your new job in the health sciences.

Getting Started

Select the name of the University of Minnesota Technology Help representative with whom you are currently speaking in the Representatives box.

Bomgar Installation

We use Bomgar remote support software to access your computer. To install it, see Bomgar Remote Support .

How to contact University of Minnesota Health Sciences?

Technology Help is also available via chat, phone ( 612-301-4357) or email ( ), and at walk-in locations during service hours.

Is Fairview VPN only for Radiologist?

EPIC, Copath from an HST supported device. Fairview VPN is available only Radiologist and Otolaryngology (iSite and MPV). Fairview Systems REQUIRE all fields be complete.

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