Remote-access Guide

alfresco remote access

by Mason Huels Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I access the Alfresco REST API?

When building remote extensions the Alfresco ReST API is the preferred interface. The endpoint to access the API has the following format: If you are accessing a local Repository the endpoint URL will most likely look like follows for a standard Repository installation: https://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/...

What is Alfresco Governance Services?

Alfresco Governance Services functionality is fully integrated into the Alfresco Digital Workspace. End users can view, move, or delete records, and declare documents as records from a contextual right-click menu. Organizations gain an unmatched combination of simplicity and control to reduce business risk and strengthen compliance.

Does alfresco digital workspace support single sign-on?

Alfresco Digital Workspace supports Single Sign-On with the Identity Service. End users can access Alfresco applications in a single browser session by signing in only once to any of the applications.

How do I set up single sign on (SSO) with Alfresco Share?

Alfresco Share can be configured to accept a user name from an HTTP header provided by an external authentication system for Single Sign on (SSO). This task assumes that you’ve already set up external authentication, as specified in External configuration properties. Go to the Share <web-extension> directory. Open the share-config-custom.xml file.


How is Alfresco Office Services related to external authentication?

There are some limitations when using Microsoft SharePoint support, as provided by Alfresco Office Services, with the Alfresco external authentication subsystem. External authentication can work well when using a web browser client, but not when using the MS Office client. This is because no authentication information is sent with the file URL, and MS Office does not store authentication information, so starts a new authentication process.

What is alfrescontlm?

alfrescoNtlm is the subsystem configured by default in the Content Services authentication chain. It performs authentication based on user and password information stored in the repository database.

What is authentication subsystem?

The authentication subsystem types allow you to integrate Content Services with the authentication servers in your environment. However, if integrating with only one of these systems is not sufficient, you might want to combine multiple authentication protocols against a collection of servers.

What is external authentication?

External authentication uses the Central Authentication Service (CAS), which enables Single Sign-On (SSO), and allows a user to authenticate with a CAS, instead of directly with Content Services. For example, this might be using the mod_cas Apache module. For more information about mod_cas, see CAS Apache Module.

Can Alfresco share accept user name?

Alfresco Share can be configured to accept a user name from an HTTP header provided by an external authentication system for Single Sign on (SSO).

Can Alfresco share work with Kerberos?

You can configure the Alfresco Share server and Active Directory server to work with Kerberos Single Sign On (SSO).

What is Alfresco Digital Workspace?

Alfresco Digital Workspace provides end users with a simple way to archive and retrieve files from Amazon S3 Glacier, a long term, low cost archive store provided by Amazon Web Services.

What is Alfresco Governance Services?

Alfresco Governance Services functionality is fully integrated into the Alfresco Digital Workspace. End users can view, move, or delete records, and declare documents as records from a contextual right-click menu. Organizations gain an unmatched combination of simplicity and control to reduce business risk and strengthen compliance.

Does Alfresco need a server restart?

Alfresco Digital Workspace has a central configuration file to tailor the application easily and without making any code changes. No server restart is needed, users will see the changes once their pages are reloaded.

Does Alfresco have a single sign on?

Alfresco Digital Workspace supports Single Sign-On with the Identity Service. End users can access Alfresco applications in a single browser session by signing in only once to any of the applications.

The API Explorer is your source of truth

The reference documentation for the Alfresco ReST API is available in what is referred to as the API Explorer application. This application is available for each version of ACS.

Finding out if an API endpoint is supported in a specific ACS version

The majority of the API endpoints have information in the Open API specification (i.e. Swagger docs) about what version of ACS that is required (i.e. in the API Explorer).


It’s common to use HTTP basic authentication when trying out the ReST API.

Limiting result items

By default the API will return a maximum of 100 result items in any one request, this can be controlled via the maxItems query parameter.

Skipping result items

By default the API will return result items starting from the beginning, it’s possible to skip any number of result items using the skipCount query parameter. This is typically used for implementing paging or infinite scrolling in clients.

Ordering result items

All collection endpoints (those returning a list of result items) will have a default sort order. It’s possible to change the sort order on some endpoints via the orderBy query parameter.

Filtering result items

Sometimes only a subset of the response items are required, several endpoints support this via the where query parameter.

How is Alfresco Office Services related to external authentication?

There are some limitations when using Microsoft SharePoint support, as provided by Alfresco Office Services, with the Alfresco external authentication subsystem. External authentication can work well when using a web browser client, but not when using the MS Office client. This is because no authentication information is sent with the file URL, and MS Office does not store authentication information, so starts a new authentication process.

What file is used to enable external authentication?

Use this information to enable the external authentication subsystem using the file.

What is authentication subsystem?

The authentication subsystem types allow you to integrate Community Edition with the authentication servers in your environment. However, if integrating with only one of these systems is not sufficient, you might want to combine multiple authentication protocols against a collection of servers.

What is community edition authentication?

The built-in authentication chain is a priority-ordered list of authentication subsystem instances. Community Edition composes together the functions of the subsystems in this list into a more powerful conglomerate.

Can you use Kerberos authentication?

If you’re using Kerberos, you can use either the kerberos authentication subsystem, or the external authentication subsystem with a proxy that handles Kerberos authentication.

Can you access Alfresco if you are not synchronized?

In other words, users that are not already synchronized to Alfresco will be auto-created and enabled, by default. If the user is subsequently set to disabled (either directly via APIs or via LDAP synchronization), then the user will no longer be able to access Alfresco.

Can Alfresco share accept user name?

Alfresco Share can be configured to accept a user name from an HTTP header provided by an external authentication system for Single Sign on (SSO).

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