How much does remote access to excellian cost to Allina Health?
Remote access to Excellian is available to Allina Health medical staff members at no cost. Allina Health covers the initial cost of the provider's security token. The cost to replace lost or stolen tokens is charged to the provider's business.
How do I login to the Allina Health private network?
You will need an Allina Health network ID (A# or D#) and password. If you do not have an Allina Health network ID, you can also use an access code provided by provideraccess@allina.com. If you are a current employee, log in to the AKN for the most up-to-date employee information. You have reached an Allina Health private network.
How do I return a token to Allina Health?
Please call the Allina Health Service Desk at 612-262-1900 612-262-1900 or 1-800-315-4085 1-800-315-4085. If a token has been lost, the provider will be charged for a replacement token. If a token is defective, please return it to Allina Health so that it can be replaced free-of-charge under warranty.
What happens if I use the AKN network?
The network contains confidential information and is for authorized users only. Unauthorized use of this network may subject you to criminal and civil penalties. You must have an external authenticator to access the AKN, Outlook, Workday and other systems from non-Allina Health computers. 612-262-1900.

What is the phone number for Allina Health?
Please call the Allina Health Service Desk at 612-262-1900 or 1-800-315-4085. If a token has been lost, the provider will be charged for a replacement token. If a token is defective, please return it to Allina Health so that it can be replaced free-of-charge under warranty.
What is Excellian EHR?
Excellian ® is one of the most comprehensive electronic health record (EHR) systems in the nation. For technical assistance, call 612-262-1900 or 1-800-315-4085.
Can I use Excellian from a remote location?
When accessing Excellian from a remote location, providers will be able to do everything in Excellian that they would do if they were using Excellian at an Allina Health facility (i.e., chart, orders, etc). Remote access does not replace a clinic's current practice management (e.g. billing) or clinical system.