Remote-access Guide

apache remote access

by Lora Dare Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The easiest way to access a remote repository is to use the org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.JcrUtils.getRepository (String uri) method from the jackrabbit-jcr-commons component. This method takes a repository URI, connects to it and returns a local javax.jcr.Repository instance that you can use to access the repository through the standard JCR API.

Full Answer

How do I gain remote control over Apache GUI web tool?

To gain remote control over Apache GUI Web Tool from a browser, you need to add a rule on your system Firewall that opens Port 9999/TCP, which is the default port that Apache GUI Tools listens on.

How do I access Apache GUI web tool from a browser?

To gain remote control over Apache GUI Web Tool from a browser, you need to add a rule on your system Firewall that opens Port 9999/TCP, which is the default port that Apache GUI Tools listens on. Use the following commands to open port 9999 on RHEL/CentOS 7 using Firewalld utility.

What can I do with Apache access?

In Apache Access, you can view your grades, register for classes, view your student email, pay your tuition, apply for housing and scholarships and a ton of other things. Think of it as a collection of tools for your academic and work success at TJC.

How do I access Apache on my local network?

Use of your IP Address by others on your LAN should be sufficient to access Apache. BTW, local VirtualHost configurations are a godsend when you’re dealing with more than a single local domain. Use of your IP Address by others on your LAN should be sufficient to access Apache.


Is Apache a remote server?

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.

What is Apache Guacamole used for?

Apache Guacamole is a free and open-source cross-platform Remote Desktop Gateway maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It allows a user to take control of a remote computer or virtual machine via a web browser. The server runs on most Linux distributions and the client runs on any modern web browser.

Is Apache Guacamole free?

Apache Guacamole is free and open-source and supports multiple standard remote access protocols (such as SSH, VNC, and RDP) and have two main parts: Guacamole Server – must be installed manually from the source code.

How do you use Guacd?

7:5319:39Meet Guacamole, Your Remote Access Gateway - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHere you can put in the hostname of the device or the ip. Address i'm going to use ip address nextMoreHere you can put in the hostname of the device or the ip. Address i'm going to use ip address next we'll want to choose the port the default port for rdp is 3389..

Is Guacamole remote safe?

In June of 2020, security researchers at Check Point Research discovered multiple critical RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) flaws in Apache Guacamole. The nature of these vulnerabilities could enable hackers to exploit the gateway and disclose sensitive information remotely.

What is remote desktop Gateway?

Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG or RD Gateway) is a Windows Server role that provides a secure encrypted connection to the server via RDP. It enhances control by removing all remote user access to your system and replaces it with a point-to-point remote desktop connection.

How do I access Apache Guacamole?

Access Your Computer From Anywhere Via Web Browser using Apache GuacamoleInstall Packages Dependencies.Download Guacamole and MySQL Connector packages.Install Guacamole Server.Install Guacamole Client.Install MySQL Connector.Configure MariaDB or MySQL.Setting Tomcat Server.Generates a Java KeyStore for SSL Support.More items...•

How do I log into Apache Guacamole?

Logging in Enter your username and password and click "login". You will then be given a list of available remote desktop connections to choose from. If you have used Guacamole in that specific web browser before, you will also see thumbnails of the screens of recently used connections.

How do I setup a Guacamole server?

Install Guacamole ServerLog in to the Compute Instance over SSH or Lish.Install all required dependencies. ... Extract the file and navigate to its directory. ... Build the Guacamole Server using the downloaded source files. ... Update installed library cache and reload systemd sudo ldconfig sudo systemctl daemon-reload.More items...•

What is Guacamole VM?

Guacamole is a client-less remote desktop application which allows you to access your Windows Virtual Machine (VM) directly through the web browser on your local computer.

What is port for RDP?

Overview. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that enables remote connections to other computers, typically over TCP port 3389.

What is Guacamole AWS?

Guacamole is a browser based remote access tool that provides easy access to hosts in all your VPCs, across accounts and regions. Access to Windows desktops (RDP), Linux terminals (SSH) and Kubernetes Pods is supported. No client software needed, a modern browser is all you need.

What is AWS Guacamole?

Apache Guacamole is an open source remote desktop gateway that enables users to access their computers from anywhere using only a web browser. It supports standard protocols like VNC, SSH, and RDP. Linux/Unix.

How do I customize Apache Guacamole?

How-to modify the extension to customize the Apache Guacamole login screencss (folder) -> . css (file)images (folder) -> logo file as . png.translations (folder) -> en. json (file) and other language files as needed.guac-manifest. json (file) which ties all the parts together so Guacamole knows what to use.

What is Guacamole VM?

Guacamole is a client-less remote desktop application which allows you to access your Windows Virtual Machine (VM) directly through the web browser on your local computer.

How do you install Guacamole?

Install and Use Guacamole Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04Step 1: Server Preparation. ... Step 2: Install Apache Tomcat. ... Step 3: Build the Guacamole Server From Source. ... Step 4: Install the Guacamole Web Application. ... Step 5: Configure Guacamole Server. ... Step 6: Setup Guacamole Authentication Method.More items...•

Access your computers from anywhere

Because the Guacamole client is an HTML5 web application, use of your computers is not tied to any one device or location. As long as you have access to a web browser, you have access to your machines.

Keep your desktop in the cloud

Desktops accessed through Guacamole need not physically exist. With both Guacamole and a desktop operating system hosted in the cloud, you can combine the convenience of Guacamole with the resilience and flexibility of cloud computing.

Free and open source

Apache Guacamole is and will always be free and open source software. It is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and is actively maintained by a community of developers that use Guacamole to access their own development environments.

Built on a well-documented API

Apache Guacamole is built on its own stack of core APIs which are thoroughly documented, including basic tutorials and conceptual overviews in the online manual. These APIs allow Guacamole to be tightly integrated into other applications, whether they be open source or proprietary.

Commercially supported

For enterprises, dedicated commercial support is also available through third party companies.

Access control by host

If you wish to restrict access to portions of your site based on the host address of your visitors, this is most easily done using mod_authz_host .

Access control by arbitrary variables

Using the <If> , you can allow or deny access based on arbitrary environment variables or request header values. For example, to deny access based on user-agent (the browser type) you might do the following:

More information

The expression engine gives you a great deal of power to do a variety of things based on arbitrary server variables, and you should consult that document for more detail.

What is Apache access?

In Apache Access, you can view your grades, register for classes, view your student email, pay your tuition, apply for housing and scholarships and a ton of other things. Think of it as a collection of tools for your academic and work success at TJC.

What is Apache Access username?

Your Apache Access username is your student A-Number, which will look like A00123456. Your initial password will be the letters “TJC” followed by your birthdate in MMDDYY format. For example, if your birthday is July 22, 1998, your new Apache Access password will be TJC072298.

What does it mean when Apache authentication fails?

Apache Access 'Authentication Failed' Message. If an 'Authentication Failed" message occurs when logging into Apache Access, it may be related to your password. Step 1: Double-check that you are using the correct password when logging in. Step 2: Double-check that you are typing the correct password (make sure your CAPS LOCKED is off)

Does Chrome have Apache access?

Google Chrome recently released some updates that resulted in Apache Access login issues. Our vendors are aware of this issue and working to resolve it. In the meantime, students are encouraged to follow the instructions/troubleshooting suggestions below when logging into Apache Access.

Configuring Apache

Apache needs to be configured to listen to our port from all IP Address, not just our localhost.

Configuring Windows Firewall

Finally, if you have your firewall turned on, you will need to add a rule to the firewall to allow connections being made to port 80.


To verify that you can now access your web server using your external IP from a different network, visit and specify to check port 80.

What is Apache web server?

Apache Web Server is one of the most popular HTTP servers on the Internet today, due to its open-source nature, rich modules, and features and can run on almost major platforms and operating systems. While on Windows platforms there are some built in development environments that provides a Graphical Interface to manage Apache configurations, ...

How to view Apache logs?

This is the point where Apache GUI tool can come in handy. This tools is a free and open source package designed for system administrators to manage the functionality of Apache Web Server from a browser, such as: 1 Edit your web server configuration files right from your browser. 2 Edit your web documents right from your browser. 3 Download, search and visualize Apache Logs in real time. 4 Install, edit or remove Apache modules. 5 View runtime statistics or detailed graphs transactions of Apache HTTP Server. 6 Manage global server settings. 7 Manage and view all VirtualHosts in a tree view.

Can I run Apache GUI?

Before getting started with downloading and installing Apache GUI tool, you need to assure that Java JDK provided by Java-openjdk package is installed on your system, so you can run Apache GUI.

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