Remote-access Guide

api-driven remote access

by Lewis Corwin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is remote API?

Remote APIs are designed to interact through a communications network. By remote, we mean that the resources being manipulated by the API are somewhere outside the computer making the request. Because the most widely used communications network is the internet, most APIs are designed based on web standards.

What are the different types of remote access methods?

Remote Access Control MethodsDirect (Physical) Line. The first direct remote access control that can be implemented is a direct line from a computer to the company's LAN. ... Virtual Private Network. Another method which is more common is establishing a VPN. ... Deploying Microsoft RDS.

What is a remotely accessible device?

Remote access (or remote desktop) is the ability to access a computer or device from another device, at any time, and from anywhere.

What are two types of remote access servers?

Remote Access Methods1- Remote Access Server: It's one server in organization network that it is the destination of all remote access connections.2- Remote Access Client: All computers that remote connect to network, called remote access client or remote computer.More items...•

Which technology is used in remote access?

virtual private network (VPN) technologyRemote access software is usually accomplished using a virtual private network (VPN) technology. This type of method is more available compared to others since it is a more secure remote access software that connects the user and the enterprise's networks through an internet connection.

Can someone remotely access my computer without my knowledge?

"Can someone access my computer remotely without me knowing?" The answer is "Yes!". This could happen when you are connected to the internet on your device.

Can someone remotely access my computer when IT's off?

Without appropriate security software installed, such as anti-malware tools like Auslogics Anti-Malware, it is possible for hackers to access the computer remotely even if it is turned off.

Can you tell if someone is remotely accessing your computer?

You can use the Windows Task Manager on your computer to assess whether any programs have been opened on your computer without your knowledge. If you see programs in use that you did not execute, this is a strong indication that remote access has occurred.

What are the secure methods the remote users can use to connect to the internal network to perform file operations?

Most commonly, remote workers will use a remote access VPN client to connect to their organization's VPN gateway to gain access to its internal network, but not without authenticating first. Usually, there are two choices when using VPNs: IP Security (IPsec) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What are the characteristics of various remote access security technologies?

Highly secure mobile computing - even in IPsec-hostile remote access environments. VPN tunnel without interrupting mobile computing sessions. Optimized network access control for remote access environments. Optimized network access control for remote access environments.

What is Jenkins API client?

Jenkins API Client is an object oriented ruby wrapper project that consumes Jenkins’s JSON API and aims at providing access to all remote API Jenkins provides. It is available as a Rubygem and can be useful to interact with the Job, Node, View, BuildQueue, and System related functionalities. Services currently offered include: 1 Creating jobs by sending xml file or by specifying params as options with more customization options including source control, notifications, etc. 2 Building jobs (with params), stopping builds, querying details of recent builds, obtaining build params, etc. 3 Listing jobs available in Jenkins with job name filter, job status filter. 4 Adding/removing downstream projects. 5 Chaining jobs i.e given a list of projects each project is added as a downstream project to the previous one. 6 Obtaining progressive console output. 7 Username/password based authentication. 8 Command Line Interface with a lot of options provided in the libraries. 9 Creating, listing views. 10 Adding jobs to views and removing jobs from views. 11 Adding/removing Jenkins agents, querying details of agents. 12 Obtaining the tasks in build queue, and their age, cause, reason, ETA, ID, params and much more. 13 Quiet down, cancel quiet down, safe restart, force restart, and wait till Jenkins becomes available after a restart. 14 Ability to list installed/available plugins, obtain information about plugins, install/uninstall plugins and much more with plugins.

What is Jenkins Rest?

The jenkins-rest library is an object oriented Java project that provides access to the Jenkins REST API programmatically to some remote API Jenkins provides. It is built using the jclouds toolkit and can easily be extended to support more REST endpoints. Its feature set evolves and users are invited to contribute new endpoints via pull-requests. In its current state it is possible with this library to submit a job, track its progress through the queue, and monitor its execution until its completion, and obtain the build status. Services currently offered include:

Does remote API give you enough information?

Sometimes the remote API doesn’t give you enough information in one call. For example, if you’d like to find the last successful build of a given view, you’d realize that the invocation to the remote API of the view won’t give you this, and you’d have to recursively call the remote API of each project. Depth control solves this problem. Depth control is fundamentally connected to the Jenkins data model.

Can Jenkins use HTTP authentication?

When your Jenkins is secured, you can use HTTP BASIC authentication to authenticate remote API requests. See Authenticating scripted clients for more details.

What is API driven development?

What is API-driven development? Put simply, API-driven development is the practice of designing and building APIs first, then creating the rest of an application around them. In this way, API-driven development is different from traditional development strategies.

What is the final step in implementing API-driven development?

The final major step in implementing API-driven development is to build a feedback loop into your CI/CD process that ensures that downstream information about APIs (which you can glean from pre-deployment API testing and post-deployment API monitoring) is fed back to your API designers and developers. This way, feedback related to APIs can be used to make continuous improvements to your overall API architecture and strategy.

Why is automation important for API management?

API management burdens. Managing and monitoring large numbers of APIs at scale is a daunting task, especially when you rely on a largely manual process for keeping track of API performance and responding to API problems. This is one reason why automated API management tools are helpful for enabling a practical API-driven development strategy.

What is the purpose of API testing?

Write tests to ensure that API functionality is vetted before applications are deployed, and add API monitoring tools to your software monitoring routine so that you can detect API problems in production environments.

What happens if you don't keep your APIs up to date?

If you fail to keep your APIs up-to-date, your application can still become obsolete. But by keeping APIs at the front and center of your focus, API-driven development helps to forestall this eventuality.

What are the two types of APIs?

On this point, it’s important to keep in mind that there are two different types of APIs — those that connect an application’s internal services, and those that connect the application to other services in the cloud. Having one type of API doesn’t necessarily mean you have the other. But when you embrace API-driven development, ...

What is the first step in implementing APIs?

Step one is determining which APIs you currently use — or at least have implemented, even if you don’t actively use them in your current deployments. This includes APIs for both internal communication and for integration with external resources. This step may seem overly basic, but it’s essential for ensuring that you don’t miss any APIs that you don’t often use.

Can you use WebHost to connect to Kestrel?

You can simply do the following to create your WebHost, this will allow remote connections to kestrel.

Does Kestrel listen to localhost?

You need to modify the construction of your WebHost. Unless you add the UseUrls line, Kestrel isn't going to listen outside of localhost. This makes sense, because in a normal situation Kestrel will be sitting behind a reverse proxy like IIS or NGNIX and doesn't need to bind to external URLs.

Where is the API file?

The main root of the API are the C source files, wh ich are available in the TRACE32 system directory under ~~/demo/api/capi/src. Those are written to work with several compilers and operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Solaris etc. Alternatively libraries are available, which are just a prebuilt version of the source files, and export the same function sets. The libraries are located in the TRACE32 system directory under ~~/demo/api/capi/dll. Lauterbach recommends to use the source files. This chapter describes how to build an API based application using the sources. Demo applications using the API can be found under ~~/demo/api/capi/test. Please refer to the readme.txt file for more information.

What is a trace32?

The TRACE32 Application Programming Interface for Remote Control and JTAG Access (“Remote API”) contains source code for the client interface, which is copyright by Lauterbach. These licensing terms and conditions apply to all files referred to in this document. You may: † share the original C source code of the TRACE32 Remote API with others (e.g. in a public repository) † use the original source code of the Remote API in your own software (commercial and non- commercial) † modify the original source code if necessary for compilation or integration into your product or a library used by it † port the Remote API source code to other computer languages You may not: † sell or sub-license the original source code of the TRACE32 Remote API † modify the original source code, or any derived works, in a away that changes or extends the APDUs (Application Protocol Data Units) that it produces † distribute any modified source code to others † implement the host/server part of the Lauterbach TRACE32 Remote API in your own product (if you think you need this, please contact us to negotiate different licensing terms for this) You have to: † include these Licensing Terms in any derived works † inform Lauterbach if you use the original source code, or any derived works, in a commercial product

What is an alternative to hlinknet.cso?

tcpsimple2.[ch]and t32nettcp.[ch]are alternatives to hlinknet.cso either use hlinknet.c, so either use

Is API thread safe?

The application uses the API as ordinary C functions. The API is linked to the application at the usual linking stage. The API functions are not thread safe. If the application uses threads, it has to lock the functions against reentrancy.

Is the trace32 API blocked?

The TRACE32 Remote API is blocked in “demo mode”, i.e. if you do not have a valid TRACE32 license. You will not be able to create successful connections between the API and TRACE32. If you need to evaluate the API without having a full license, contact Lauterbach for an evaluation license of your TRACE32 system. TRACE32 API Socket Interface Socket Interface Application TRACE32 display driver TRACE32 Hardware Ethernet USB localhost/ Ethernet

Need help?

If you are experiencing problems connecting, please submit a ticket to the Service Desk by calling 630-527-3346 .

Tablets and smartphones

To use All Access on a tablet or smartphone, you will need to download the Citrix Receiver from Google Play or the iTunes App Store.


What Is Api-Driven Development?

Benefits of Api-Driven Development

  • #1 - Making everything accessible via APIs
    If you take a traditional approach to APIs and design them after you’ve laid the groundwork for the rest of your application, it can be easy to overlook or ignore some components when deciding which parts of the application to serve via APIs. For example, when it comes time to build the AP…
  • #2 - Encouraging distributed and modular architectures
    API-driven development also naturally encourages application architectures that are highly distributed and modular. When you start by building an API framework that can connect together disparate parts of an application, you make it easy to break the application itself into modules, a…
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Implementing Api-Driven Development

  • Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of API-driven development, let’s take a look at how you can go about implementing an API-driven development approach to software delivery. In an ideal world, you’d be building a new software delivery pipeline from scratch, and making APIs the cornerstone from the start. In the real world, however, it’s likely that you already have a delivery p…
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Challenges of Api-Driven Development

  • Like any worthwhile innovation, API-driven development presents some challenges. The most common include: 1. Technical skill sets. API-driven development requires everyone on your team to have an understanding of APIs and how they work. This doesn’t mean that everyone has to be an API expert, but it does mean that people who don’t traditionally know much about APIs (such …
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  • API-driven development remains a relatively new idea. But as the world of software delivery becomes more and more cloud-centric, API-driven development will be important for giving organizations a leg up and ensuring maximum connectivity and flexibility for the software they deliver. Embracing API-driven development certainly takes some work, and getting there won’t h…
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