What is the IP address of the time capsule?
My routers control panel home page shows the Time Capsule's IP address as I just can't figure out how to access it, is that even possible? It sounds like the PC is not on the same IP range as the TC and in that case it cannot connect to it, whereas perhaps the Mac could.
Can't access time capsule on Windows 10?
If Windows 10 can ping the Time Capsule, then check if Windows 10 can access the Time Capsule via \ he IP address of the Time Capsule. If can't, please post the error message.
Can I use time capsule to back up my MacBook Pro?
Plus my Macbook Pro was using the Time Capsule for backing up work files manually (drag and drop), not via Time Machine. My Macbook Pro died recently and is out for repairs. In the mean time I am trying to access my work files on the Time Capsule from my Windows 7 PC.
How do I connect to my time capsule or AEBS?
Start the Airport Utility. Select your Time Capsule or AEBS. Make a note of the IP Address shown on the right -- you will need it later. Click Manual Setup. Check your "Connection Sharing" setting under the Internet Tab.

Can Apple Time Capsule be accessed remotely?
It is helpful to open setup over WAN in the TC. This is not actually necessary for file access and should be turned off. But to ensure your are actually able to get access remotely to your TC simply open the Airport Utility on the Mac you are using for remote access and use Configure Other.
How can I access my Time Capsule from anywhere?
6 AnswersStart the Airport Utility.Select your Time Capsule or AEBS. ... Click Manual Setup.Check your "Connection Sharing" setting under the Internet Tab. ... Click Disks (at the top of the dialog box), and then click File Sharing.More items...•
Can I connect my Time Capsule directly to my computer?
Computers using AirPort or other compatible wireless cards or adapters can connect to the Internet through your Time Capsule. Computers connected to the Time Capsule Ethernet ports can also access the network and connect to the Internet.
Can you remotely connect to a Mac from Windows?
Sharing your screen remotely is a convenient way to access another computer as if you're sitting in front of it. OS X and Windows have this ability built right into them, meaning you can easily share your Mac's screen with Windows PCs, and vice versa.
How do I use my Time Capsule as an external hard drive?
Time Machine can back up to an external USB drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule.Connect the drive directly to your Mac, then use Disk Utility to erase it.Connect the drive to a USB port on your AirPort base station, then turn it on.More items...•
Can I access Time Capsule from Windows?
Apple's Time Capsule is backup device that includes a Router, Wireless Access Point (WAP), Printer sharing, and Disk Sharing so that backups can occur from your computers directly to this device. Although built for Macs, it can be used just as effectively with Windows based laptops and computers.
Can I connect my Time Capsule directly to my computer via USB?
Compatible computers on the AirPort network, both wireless and wired, can access information on the hard disk. Â Connect a USB hub to your Time Capsule, and then connect multiple USB devices, such as printers or hard disks. All computers on the network have access to those devices.
Can I use Time Capsule as a wireless hard drive?
Yes, it is possible to just use the Time Capsule as a network drive to store files. You don't have to use it for Time Machine backups. However, if you haven't already purchased it, I would highly recommend against doing so for just using it for this purpose.
Can TeamViewer Windows Connect to Mac?
TeamViewer is designed to let you seamlessly access a Mac remotely from all kinds of devices including Linux, Windows and OS X remote desktops, so you can enjoy uninterrupted working.
How do I share files between Mac and Windows?
To let users connect to your Mac from a Windows computer, turn on file sharing and enable SMB sharing....Share Mac files with Windows usersOn your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Sharing . ... Select the File Sharing checkbox, then click Options.Select “Share files and folders using SMB.”More items...
How can I access my Mac remotely?
Allow a remote computer to access your MacOn your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Sharing , then select Remote Login. ... Select the Remote Login checkbox.If needed, select the “Allow full disk access for remote users” checkbox.Specify which users can log in:
How do I access my AirPort Extreme remotely?
Start the AirPort Utility > Select the AEBS or TC, and then, select Edit.Disks tab: Verify "Enable file sharing" & "Share disks over WAN" are checked.Network tab: Verify Router Mode = DHCP and NAT. Port Settings: Click the plus sign below the Port Settings window to add a new port mapping. ... Click Save.Click on Update.
How do I access photos on my Time Capsule?
Click the Time Machine icon in the menu bar and choose Enter Time Machine, or choose the Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Time Machine . Time Machine opens and shows your available backups. Click the date of your last backup, navigate to the backup of your photo library, then click to select it.
How do you access Time Capsule?
1 Open AirPort Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities/ on a computer using Mac OS X, and in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows), select your Time Capsule, and then click Continue. 2 Follow the onscreen instructions to join your current wireless network.
How do I find my Time Capsule?
Time capsules may spawn on the seafloor, most often in grassy areas, in the following biomes:Blood Kelp Zone.Bulb Zone.Crash Zone.Dunes.Grand Reef.Grassy Plateaus.Mountains.Mushroom Forest.More items...
How to connect TC to PC?
Connect TC directly to the PC by ethernet.. No other network connections on computer or TC. press reset and hold it for 10sec until the front LED flashes rapidly. This will not affect the backup only the TC setup. And you will have opportunity to save the previous profile, but that is not essential.
Can a PC connect to a TC?
It sounds like the PC is not on the same IP range as the TC and in that case it cannot connect to it, whereas perhaps the Mac could.
Can airport utility find IP address of TC?
The airport utility should still be able to discover the IP of the TC once bridged if you don't know where it is .. You may have double NAT at the moment which prevents you finding it.
Do you have to port forward on a time capsule?
You have to set up port forwarding or a NAT on your home internet router mapping the port to the internal ip address of your time capsule.
Can you share a time capsule with an AEBS?
If you have either a Time Capsule (which is basically an AirPort Extreme Base Station with a built-in 500 GB or 1 TB hard drive) or an AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS) with an attached USB hard drive, you can share out the Time Capsule/AEBS hard drive ...