Remote-access Guide

arch linux mysql remote access

by Axel Bergnaum Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

To give access to other users’ IP addresses to your database server, navigate and open the file MySQL configuration file. $ sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf OR $ sudo vi /etc/my.cnf To allow remote access to your MySQL database server, the fields bind-address and mysqlx-bind-address need to be commented out.

Full Answer

How do I allow a remote user to access a MySQL database?

The next step is to allow access to the database to the remote user. Log in to the MySQL server as the root user by typing: sudo mysql. Copy. If you are using the old, native MySQL authentication plugin to log in as root, run the command below and enter the password when prompted: mysql -uroot -p. Copy.

What version of MySQL does Arch Linux use?

Arch Linux favors MariaDB, a community-developed fork of MySQL, aiming for drop-in compatibility. Oracle's MySQL was dropped to the AUR: mysql AUR.

How do I grant root access to another user in MySQL?

sudo mysql. Copy. If you are using the old, native MySQL authentication plugin to log in as root, run the command below and enter the password when prompted: mysql -uroot -p. Copy. From inside the MySQL shell, use the GRANT statement to grant access to the remote user.

Is it possible to Access MySQL server from a remote location?

However, in some situations, it is necessary to access the MySQL server from a remote location. For example, you may need to connect to the remote MySQL server from your local system or a multi-server deployment where the application is running on a different machine from the database server.


What address does MySQL listen to?

By default, MySQL will listen on the address, which includes all network interfaces. In order to restrict MySQL to listen only to the loopback address, add the following line in /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf :

What is the directory used by MySQL for storing temporary files?

The directory used by MySQL for storing temporary files is named tmpdir. For example, it is used to perform disk based large sorts, as well as for internal and explicit temporary tables.

What is MariaDB in Linux?

MariaDB is the default implementation of MySQL in Arch Linux, provided with the mariadb package.

What is the ProtectHome=true file?

For security reasons, the systemd service file contains ProtectHome=true, which prevents MariaDB from accessing files under the /home, /root and /run/user hierarchies . The datadir has to be in an accessible location and owned by the mysql user and group.

What is mysql_secure_installation?

The mysql_secure_installation command will interactively guide you through a number of recommended security measures, such as removing anonymous accounts and removing the test database:

Can MySQL be used on localhost?

Enable access locally only via Unix sockets. By default, MySQL is accessible via both Unix sockets and the network. If MySQL is only needed for the localhost, you can improve security by not listening on TCP port 3306, and only listening on Unix sockets instead.

Does MariaDB use IPv4?

MariaDB in its default configuration binds to and is only accessible using IPv4. If you want to connect from hosts using IPv6 exclusively you have to change the servers bind accordingly. :: will listen on IPv6 and IPv4.



  • MariaDB is the default implementation of MySQL in Arch Linux, provided with the mariadbpackage. Install mariadb, and run the following command before starting the mariadb.service: Now mariadb.service can be started and/or enabled. To simplify administration, you might want to install a front-end.
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  • Once you have started the MySQL server and added a root account, you may want to change the default configuration. To log in as rooton the MySQL server, use the following command:
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  • Improve initial security
    The mysql_secure_installationcommand will interactively guide you through a number of recommended security measures, such as removing anonymous accounts and removing the test database:
  • Listen only on the loopback address
    By default, MySQL will listen on the address, which includes all network interfaces. In order to restrict MySQL to listen only to the loopback address, add the following line in /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf: This will bind to both and ::1, and enable MariaDB to receive c…
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  • Upgrade databases on major releases
    Upon a major version release of mariadb(for example mariadb-10.1.10-1 to mariadb-10.1.18-1), it is wise to upgrade databases: To upgrade from 10.1.x to 10.3.x: 1. keep the 10.1.x database daemon running 2. upgrade the package 3. run mysql_upgrade(from the new package version) a…
  • Checking, optimizing and repairing databases
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  • There are various tools and strategiesto back up your databases. If you are using the default InnoDB storage engine, a suggested way of backing up all your bases online while provisioning for point-in-time recovery(also known as “roll-forward,” when you need to restore an old backup and replay the changes that happened since that backup) is to execute the following command: Thi…
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  • Unable to run mysql_upgrade because MySQL cannot start
    Try run MySQL in safemode: And then run:
  • Reset the root password
    1. Stop mariadb.service. 2. Start the mysqld server with safety features: # mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking & 3. Connect to it: # mysql -u root 4. Change root password: MariaDB [(none)]> use mysqlMariaDB [mysql]> flush privileges;MariaDB [mysql]> ALTER USER 'r…
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