Remote-access Guide

arp rat address resolution protocol remote access trojan

by Blanca White Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is a remote access trojan (RAT)?

Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response. How Does a Remote Access Trojan Work?

What is ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)?

The acronym ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is one of the most important protocols of the Network layer in the OSI model. Note: ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. Let’s look at how ARP works.

What is Arp in gate CS?

Learn all GATE CS concepts with Free Live Classes on our youtube channel. The acronym ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is one of the most important protocols of the Network layer in the OSI model. Note: ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address.

How does ARP find the hardware address of a host?

Note: ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. Let’s look at how ARP works.

What is ARP protocol?

What is Address Resolution Protocol with Fortinet?

What is address resolution protocol's relationship with DHCP and DNS? How do they differ?

What Are the Types of ARP?

What is ARP in Networking Useful For?

Why is ARP cached?

Why is ARP mapping important?

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What does the ARP Address Resolution Protocol do?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing Internet Protocol (IP) address to a fixed physical machine address, also known as a media access control (MAC) address, in a local-area network (LAN).

Is the ARP protocol secure?

The ARP protocol was not designed for security, so it does not verify that a response to an ARP request really comes from an authorized party. It also lets hosts accept ARP responses even if they never sent out a request. This is a weak point in the ARP protocol, which opens the door to ARP spoofing attacks.

How does ARP help to reduce traffic on network?

Its job is quite simple: ARP inspects incoming packets to discover the IP addresses of their destinations and then maps those addresses to the MAC (or Media Access Control) addresses specific to the correct physical devices (e.g. PC or Server) that exist within that same physical network.

What is ARP explain security problems related to ARP?

Address Resolution Protocol Poisoning. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning is when an attacker sends falsified ARP messages over a local area network (LAN) to link an attacker's MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate computer or server on the network.

What is the major vulnerability for an ARP request?

1.13 What is the major vulnerability for an ARP request? d. the arp request does not authenticate with the requested host; therefore, it is possible that the attacker can spoof the address of the victim with its own mac address.

What happens in ARP spoofing?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing or ARP poisoning is a form of spoofing attack that hackers use to intercept data. A hacker commits an ARP spoofing attack by tricking one device into sending messages to the hacker instead of the intended recipient.

Why ARP is needed?

It's used at the network layer to communicate with devices both in and outside of the local network. While IP addresses are unique within a local network, they're assigned logically, rather than physically, so a device's IP address can change over time. This is why ARP is needed!

What are two features of ARP?

An ARP request is sent to all devices on the Ethernet LAN and contains the IP address of the destination host and its multicast MAC address. If a host is ready to send a packet to a local destination device and it has the IP address but not the MAC address of the destination, it generates an ARP broadcast.

What are two problems that can be caused by a large number of ARP?

A large number of ARP request and reply messages may slow down the switching process, leading the switch to make many changes in its MAC table. The ARP request is sent as a broadcast, and will flood the entire subnet. Switches become overloaded because they concentrate all the traffic from the attached subnets.

Why is ARP not secure?

Since it is a Stateless protocol hence, it is vulnerable for ARP Spoofing, which is a method of exploiting the interaction of IP and Ethernet protocols. It involves making fake ARP Request and Reply packets. It is only applicable to Ethernet networks running IP.

What problem does ARP protocol solve?

The ARP's main task is to convert the 32-bit IP address (for IPv4) to a 48-bit MAC address. This protocol is mostly used to determine the hardware (MAC) address of a device from an IP address. It is also used when one device wants to communicate with some other device on a local network.

What are the types of ARP?

There are four types of ARP.Proxy ARP.Reverse ARP (RARP)Gratuitous ARP.Inverse ARP.

What problems can occur with ARP?

In some cases, the use of ARP can lead to a potential security risk. ARP spoofing, or ARP poisoning, is a technique used by an attacker to inject the wrong MAC address association into a network by issuing fake ARP requests.

What problem does ARP protocol solve?

The ARP's main task is to convert the 32-bit IP address (for IPv4) to a 48-bit MAC address. This protocol is mostly used to determine the hardware (MAC) address of a device from an IP address. It is also used when one device wants to communicate with some other device on a local network.

Is ARP protocol encapsulated in IP?

No, the messages do not contain an IP header. The ARP request uses a unicast address for the source and a broadcast address for the destination. The ARP reply uses a unicast address for the source and a unicast address for the destination.

Why is ARP necessary?

ARP is necessary because the underlying ethernet hardware communicates using ethernet addresses, not IP addresses. Suppose that one machine, with IP address 2 on an ethernet network, wants to speak to another machine on the same network with IP address 8.

What is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a network-specific standard protocol. The Address Resolution Protocol is important for changing the higher-level protocol address (IP addresses) to physical network addresses.

What is ARP protocol?

What is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)? Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing Internet Protocol (IP) address to a fixed physical machine address, also known as a media access control (MAC) address, in a local-area network (LAN). This mapping procedure is important because the lengths ...

What is Address Resolution Protocol with Fortinet?

The Fortinet network access control (NAC) solution provides enhanced visibility across all devices in a network to keep up with the ever-evolving threat landscape. NAC is part of the zero-trust network access model for security, in which trust is not a given for users, applications, or devices, whether connected to the network or not, but has to be established.

What is address resolution protocol's relationship with DHCP and DNS? How do they differ?

ARP is the process of connecting a dynamic IP address to a physical machine's MAC address. As such, it is important to have a look at a few technologies related to IP.

What Are the Types of ARP?

There are different versions and use cases of ARP. Let us take a look at a few.

What is ARP in Networking Useful For?

ARP is necessary because the software address (IP address) of the host or computer connected to the network needs to be translated to a hardware address (MAC address). Without ARP, a host would not be able to figure out the hardware address of another host. The LAN keeps a table or directory that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses of the different devices, including both endpoints and routers on that network.

Why is ARP cached?

This design is also intended for privacy and security to prevent IP addresses from being stolen or spoofed by cyberattackers. While MAC addresses are fixed, IP addresses are constantly updated.

Why is ARP mapping important?

This mapping procedure is important because the lengths of the IP and MAC addresses differ, and a translation is needed so that the systems can recognize one another. The most used IP today is IP version 4 (IPv4). An IP address is 32 bits long. However, MAC addresses are 48 bits long. ARP translates the 32-bit address to 48 and vice versa.

How to reduce the risk of RATs?

Focus on Infection Vectors: RATs, like any malware, are only a danger if they are installed and executed on a target computer. Deploying anti-phishing and secure browsing solutions and regularly patching systems can reduce the risk of RATs by making it more difficult for them to infect a computer in the first place.

How does Harmony Endpoint protect against RATs?

Check Point Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive protection against RATs by preventing common infection vectors, monitoring applications for suspicious behavior, and analyzing network traffic for signs of C2 communications. To learn more about Harmony Endpoint and the complete suite of Harmony solutions, request a free demo today.

Why is a RAT dangerous?

A RAT is dangerous because it provides an attacker with a very high level of access and control over a compromised system. Most RATs are designed to provide the same level of functionality as legitimate remote system administration tools, meaning that an attacker can see and do whatever they want on an infected machine. RATs also lack the same limitations of system administration tools and may include the ability to exploit vulnerabilities and gain additional privileges on an infected system to help achieve the attacker’s goals.

Why is it important for an attacker to have a high level of control over the infected computer?

Due to the fact that an attacker has a high level of control over the infected computer and its activities, this allows them to achieve almost any objective on the infected system and to download and deploy additional functionality as needed to achieve their goals.

Can RATs be used to infect a computer?

RATS can infect computers like any other type of malware. They might be attached to an email, be hosted on a malicious website, or exploit a vulnerability in an unpatched machine.

How are Remote Access Trojans Useful to Hackers?

Attackers using remote control malware cut power to 80,000 people by remotely accessing a computer authenticated into SCADA (supervisor y control and data acquisition) machines that controlled the country’s utility infrastructure. RAT software made it possible for the attacker to access sensitive resources through bypassing the authenticated user's elevated privileges on the network. Having access to critical machines that control city resources and infrastructure is one of the biggest dangers of RAT malware.

How to install a RAT?

An attacker must convince the user to install a RAT either by downloading malicious software from the web or running an executable from a malicious email attachment or message. RATs can also be installed using macros in Microsoft Word or Excel documents. When a user allows the macro to run on a device, the macro silently downloads RAT malware and installs it. With the RAT installed, an attacker can now remotely control the desktop, including mouse movement, mouse clicks, camera controls, keyboard actions, and any configured peripherals.

Why do attackers use RATs?

RATs have the same remote-control functionality as RDPs, but are used for malicious purposes. Attackers always code software to avoid detection, but attackers who use a RAT risk being caught when the user is in front of the device and the mouse moves across the screen. Therefore, RAT authors must create a hidden program and use it when the user is not in front of the device. To avoid detection, a RAT author will hide the program from view in Task Manager, a Windows tool that lists all the programs and processes running in memory. Attackers aim to stay hidden from detection because it gives them more time to extract data and explore network resources for critical components that could be used in future attacks.

How do RATs work?

To discover the way RATs work, users can remotely access a device in their home or on a work-related network. RATs work just like standard remote-control software, but a RAT is programmed to stay hidden to avoid detection either from anti-malware software or the device owner.

Why do attackers use remote devices?

Instead of storing the content on their own servers and cloud devices, attackers use targeted stolen devices so that they can avoid having accounts and servers shut down for illegal content.

What is remote control software?

Legitimate remote-control software exists to enable an administrator to control a device remotely. For example, administrators use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configured on a Windows server to remotely manage a system physically located at another site such as a data center. Physical access to the data center isn’t available to administrators, so RDP gives them access to configure the server and manage it for corporate productivity.

Can malware writers name processes?

For most applications and processes, you can identify any suspicious content in this window, but malware writers name processes to make them look official. If you find any suspicious executables and processes, search online to determine if the process could be a RAT or other type of malware.

What is remote access trojan?

Remote Access Trojans are programs that provide the capability to allow covert surveillance or the ability to gain unauthorized access to a victim PC. Remote Access Trojans often mimic similar behaviors of keylogger applications by allowing the automated collection of keystrokes, usernames, passwords, screenshots, browser history, emails, chat lots, etc. Remote Access Trojans differ from keyloggers in that they provide the capability for an attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim machine via specially configured communication protocols which are set up upon initial infection of the victim computer. This backdoor into the victim machine can allow an attacker unfettered access, including the ability to monitor user behavior, change computer settings, browse and copy files, utilize the bandwidth (Internet connection) for possible criminal activity, access connected systems, and more.

How can remote access Trojans be installed?

Specially crafted email attachments, web-links, download packages, or .torrent files could be used as a mechanism for installation of the software. Targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing such software via social engineering tactics, or even via temporary physical access of the desired computer.

What is a rogue scanner?

Rogue scanners, also known as fake scanners, fake AV, or rogueware, are pieces of code injected into legitimate sites or housed in fake sites. Their social engineering tactic normally involve displaying fictitious security scan results, threat notices, and other deceptive tactics in an effort to manipulate users into purchasing fake security software or licenses in order to remove potential threats that have supposedly infected their systems. Their warnings were deliberately crafted to closely resemble interfaces of legitimate AV or anti-malware software, further increasing the likelihood that users who see them will fall for the ploy. These malware can target and affect PCs and Mac systems alike. In 2011, known names in the security industry have noted the dramatic decline of rogue scanners, both in detection of new variants and search engine results for their solutions.

What are the different types of POS malware?

POS malware may come in three types: keyloggers, memory dumpers, and network sniffers.

What is POS malware?

Point-of-sale (POS) malware is software specifically created to steal customer data, particularly from electronic payment cards like debit and credit cards and from POS machines in retail stores. It does this by scraping the temporarily unencrypted card data from the POS’s memory (RAM), writing it to a text file, and then either sending it to an off-site server at a later date or retrieving it remotely. It is believed that criminals behind the proliferation of this type of malware are mainly after data they can sell, not for their own personal use. Although deemed as less sophisticated than your average PC banking Trojan, POS malware can still greatly affect not just card users but also merchants that unknowingly use affected terminals, as they may find themselves caught in a legal mess that could damage their reputation.

What is a DDOS attack?

DDOS, or Distributed Denial of Service tools, are malicious applications designed to mount an attack against a service or website with the intention overwhelming it with false traffic and/or fake requests. This has the desired effect of tying up all available resources dealing with these requests, effectively denying access to legitimate users.

When do you use rootkits?

Rootkits are used when the attackers need to backdoor a system and preserve unnoticed access as long as possible. In addition, they may register system activity and alter typical behavior in any way desired by the attacker.

What is a RAT trojan?

RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload. For example, it is usually downloaded invisibly with an email attachment, torrent files, weblinks, or a user-desired program like a game. While targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing RAT ...

How to protect yourself from remote access trojans?

Just like protecting yourself from other network malware threats, for remote access trojan protection, in general, you need to avoid downloading unknown items; keep antimalware and firewall up to date, change your usernames and passwords regularly; (for administrative perspective) block unused ports, turn off unused services, and monitor outgoing traffic.

What Does a RAT Virus Do?

Since a remote access trojan enables administrative control , it is able to do almost everything on the victim machine.

How does RAT malware work?

Once get into the victim’s machine, RAT malware will hide its harmful operations from either the victim or the antivirus or firewall and use the infected host to spread itself to other vulnerable computers to build a botnet.

What is a RAT?

A remote access trojan (RAT), also called cree pware, is a kind of malware that controls a system via a remote network connection. It infects the target computer through specially configured communication protocols and enables the attacker to gain unauthorized remote access to the victim. RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its ...

Why is Darkcomet no longer available?

The reason is due to its usage in the Syrian civil war to monitor activists as well as its author’s fear of being arrested for unnamed reasons.

What does RAT stand for?

RAT can also stand for remote administration tool, which is software giving a user full control of a tech device remotely. With it, the user can access your system just like he has physical access to your device. So, the user can access your files, use your camera, and even turn off or turn on your machine.

What does ARP stand for in OSI?

The acronym ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is one of the most important protocols of the Network layer in the OSI model. Note: ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. Let’s look at how ARP works. Imagine a device wants to communicate with ...

What is the purpose of ARP?

So our mission is to get the destination MAC address which helps in communicating with other devices. This is where ARP comes into the picture, its functionality is to translate IP address to physical addresses.

What is ARP cache timeout?

ARP Cache Timeout: It indicates the time for which the MAC address in the ARP cache can reside

What is ARP cache?

The important terms associated with ARP are : ARP Cache: After resolving MAC address, the ARP sends it to the source where it stores in a table for future reference. The subsequent communications can use the MAC address from the table.

What is the physical address of a receiver?

The physical address of the receiver is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or 1’s.

How do remote access Trojans work?

The Remote Access Trojans get themselves downloaded on a device if the victims click on any attachment in an email or from a game. It enables the attacker to get control over the device and monitor the activities or gaining remote access. This RAT makes itself undetected on the device, and they remain in the device for a longer period of time for getting data that may be confidential.

What is the advantage of remote access?

Advantage of Remote Access Trojans : It can be used to capture screenshots. The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video. The RAT can be used to delete the files or alter files in the system. It can also be used to capture screenshots.

What is the most powerful Trojan?

One of the most powerful Trojans that are popularly used by the attacker or hacker is Remote Access Trojan. This is mostly used for malicious purposes. This Trojan ensures the stealthy way of accumulating data by making itself undetected. Now, these Trojans have the capacity to perform various functions that damages the victim.

Can an attacker record video?

The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video.

What is ARP protocol?

What is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)? Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing Internet Protocol (IP) address to a fixed physical machine address, also known as a media access control (MAC) address, in a local-area network (LAN). This mapping procedure is important because the lengths ...

What is Address Resolution Protocol with Fortinet?

The Fortinet network access control (NAC) solution provides enhanced visibility across all devices in a network to keep up with the ever-evolving threat landscape. NAC is part of the zero-trust network access model for security, in which trust is not a given for users, applications, or devices, whether connected to the network or not, but has to be established.

What is address resolution protocol's relationship with DHCP and DNS? How do they differ?

ARP is the process of connecting a dynamic IP address to a physical machine's MAC address. As such, it is important to have a look at a few technologies related to IP.

What Are the Types of ARP?

There are different versions and use cases of ARP. Let us take a look at a few.

What is ARP in Networking Useful For?

ARP is necessary because the software address (IP address) of the host or computer connected to the network needs to be translated to a hardware address (MAC address). Without ARP, a host would not be able to figure out the hardware address of another host. The LAN keeps a table or directory that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses of the different devices, including both endpoints and routers on that network.

Why is ARP cached?

This design is also intended for privacy and security to prevent IP addresses from being stolen or spoofed by cyberattackers. While MAC addresses are fixed, IP addresses are constantly updated.

Why is ARP mapping important?

This mapping procedure is important because the lengths of the IP and MAC addresses differ, and a translation is needed so that the systems can recognize one another. The most used IP today is IP version 4 (IPv4). An IP address is 32 bits long. However, MAC addresses are 48 bits long. ARP translates the 32-bit address to 48 and vice versa.

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