Remote-access Guide

articles about cybersecurity and remote access

by Stephan Swift Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to secure remote work from cyber attacks?

Cloud-based cybersecurity solutions that protect the device, cloud and identity of the user—that’s the ticket for secure remote working. The new generation of cybersecurity solutions, optimized for secure remote work, are deployable in seconds, cloud-managed, silent to the user and invasive to the attacker.

Why is remote access security important for cybersecurity?

For cybersecurity leaders, it’s important to understand which remote access security technologies can enable employees to succeed, while protecting the organization from attackers.

How secure is your remote access solution?

A robust, secure remote access solution should be designed to provide highly secure access to the applications and data that employees need to be productive. Granular access can be granted to specific applications depending on role or user type, reducing risk associated with traditional VPNs that may provide more unrestricted network access.

How can remote access security enable employees to be more productive?

To be fully productive, they need secure and convenient access to all their on-premises and cloud-based applications and systems when working from home or the road. For cybersecurity leaders, it’s important to understand which remote access security technologies can enable employees to succeed, while protecting the organization from attackers.


How we can use cyber security in remote working?

Here's what to do:Use strong passwords. It's obvious, but essential. ... Use a password manager. ... Encrypt your devices. ... Use a VPN. ... Install regular updates. ... Be aware of phishing. ... Lock your device. ... Get antivirus software.

What is remote access in cyber security?

Secure Remote Access is a combination of security processes or solutions that are designed to prevent unauthorized access to an organization's digital assets and prevent the loss of sensitive data.

What are current trending topics in cybersecurity?

With AI being introduced in all market segments, this technology with a combination of machine learning has brought tremendous changes in cybersecurity. AI has been paramount in building automated security systems, natural language processing, face detection, and automatic threat detection.

What are the 3 major threats to cyber security today?

Main cybersecurity threatsRansomware – attackers encrypt an organisation's data and require payment to restore access.Cryptojacking – when cybercriminals secretly use a victim's computing power to generate cryptocurrency.Threats against data – data breaches/leaks.More items...•

Why is remote access important?

Remote access enables remote users to access files and other system resources on any devices or servers that are connected to the network at any time. This increases employee productivity and enables employees to better collaborate with colleagues around the world.

What will be the issue in remote access?

Let's look at some of the top challenges faced by users of remote access: Connection quality. If the user has a poor internet connection or a weak Wi-Fi signal, both of which are common at hotels or public hotspots for example, then the remote desktop connection will also be slow.

What are 5 biggest cyber security trends in 2022?

The Five Biggest Cyber Security Trends In 2022AI-powered cybersecurity. ... The growing threat of ransomware. ... The Internet of Vulnerable Things. ... Cyber-security risk and exposure a key factor in partnership decisions. ... Regulation starting to catch up with risk.

What are the biggest cybersecurity threats right now 2022?

Supply Chain Attacks Are on the Rise. Supply chain attacks rose to prominence in late 2020, grew through 2021, and are likely to continue to be a major threat in 2022. In December 2020, the discovery of the SolarWinds hack led this trend.

What are the top challenges to cyber security in 2022?

Cybersecurity Challenges for Businesses in 2022Lack of Cybersecurity Awareness.Geo-Targeted Phishing Attacks.Healthcare Sector Attacks.Poor Cloud Security.Increased Threats to Education.IoT Vulnerabilities.Mobile Devices as Cybersecurity Loopholes.

What is the #1 cybersecurity threat today?

1) Phishing Attacks The biggest, most damaging and most widespread threat facing small businesses are phishing attacks. Phishing accounts for 90% of all breaches that organizations face, they've grown 65% over the last year, and they account for over $12 billion in business losses.

What is the biggest cybersecurity threats right now?

Top Cyber Threats of 2021. ... Phishing Continues to Be a Problem. ... Exploitation of Remote Work. ... Cloud Adoption Outpaces Security. ... The Rise of Double-Extortion Ransomware. ... An Epidemic of Healthcare Cyberattacks. ... A New Focus on Mobile Devices. ... A More Sophisticated Cyber Threat Landscape.More items...

What are the 7 types of cyber security?

7 Types of Cyber Security ThreatsMalware. Malware is malicious software such as spyware, ransomware, viruses and worms. ... Emotet. ... Denial of Service. ... Man in the Middle. ... Phishing. ... SQL Injection. ... Password Attacks.

What are the types of remote access?

The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Remote Access Services (RAS), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

How does a remote access work?

Remote access simply works by linking the remote user to the host computer over the internet. It does not require any additional hardware to do so. Instead, it requires remote access software to be downloaded and installed on both the local and remote computers.

What are three examples of remote access locations?

What Is Remote Access?Queens College.Harvard University Extension School.

How many cybersecurity complaints are there?

The FBI is receiving 3,000 to 4,000 cybersecurity complaints daily, up from 1,000 prior to the pandemic. Hackers continue to target key industries such as health care, manufacturing, financial services, and public sector organizations like the World Health Organization.

What should teams of risk management, business, and security personnel work together to reevaluate cybersecurity budgets and prioritize?

Based on this risk assessment, teams of risk management, business, and security personnel should work together to reevaluate cybersecurity budgets and prioritize investments to improve a company’s cyber resilience in line with its risk tolerance.

Why should management teams engage in walk-throughs and simulations for new cyberattack scenarios?

By doing so, teams can identify shortcomings that must be overcome in order to respond effectively to cyberattacks.

Is there a growing number of cyber criminals?

Security agencies in both the United States and the United Kingdom have warned that a growing number of cyber criminals are targeting individuals and organizations with malware. In addition, cyber risks via business partners and third parties are increasing as well.

Why are companies reticent about remote access?

However, many in industry remain reticent about remote access due to concerns regarding cybersecurity and intellectual property theft. Even among companies who have adopted remote access, the systems being deployed and the applications for which they are used vary in scope and sophistication.

What is remote access in industry?

This high level of deployment is not very surprising when you consider that remote access is a key technology behind production monitoring, predictive maintenance, and aggregation of manufacturing intelligence across multiple sites. By granting end-users the ability to extract and aggregate data from numerous facilities, remote access can aid in optimizing production, reducing downtime, and coordinating enterprise-wide activities.

How many people are using remote access in 2021?

The 2021 remote access survey found that 67% of respondents are currently using some form of remote access technology; however, that number stood at 71.9% in 2017.

What is the most important concern for IBM?

According to José Favilla, global Industry 4.0 leader at IBM, cybersecurity remains the most prominent concern that could deter further adoption of remote access technology.

What does Favilla say about security?

Favilla also mentions that ensuring security relies not only on deployable technologies, but on employee training and education. With many hackers gaining initial access to systems via phishing, the role human error could play in even the most sophisticated system cannot be discounted.

What is the greatest challenge in cybersecurity?

When it comes to solving the cybersecurity dilemma, the greatest challenge will be maintaining the availability and cost-cutting benefits remote access allows for while also improving safety through more restrictive security measures —a potentially tricky balancing act.

How much will remote access technology be used in 2021?

Finally, the industry experts interviewed note that, although overall use of remote access technology was reported as being slightly higher in 2017 than in 2021, those who claim to have adopted the technology within the last year stood at 8% in 2021, as opposed to 3.8% in 2017. This implies that the perceived uptick in use amid the COVID-19 pandemic was not a mirage, as these results indicate that remote access growth in 2021 doubled in relation to 2017.

What is the most significant threat to cybersecurity?

The most significant threat to cybersecurity is still employee negligence. Anticipate a substantial increase in malicious cyber-targeting of remote workers. No matter the location, you must establish a culture of security, protect mobile devices, maintain computer cyber-hygiene, properly deploy and maintain firewalls, have current antivirus software, and, most importantly, plan for the unexpected. - Will Conaway, Will Conaway IT Consulting

What is the most effective cybersecurity measure?

The most effective cybersecurity measure is the implementation of an agile mobile security platform that can be installed on any device accessible by the employee —regardless of the operating system or manufacturer—and that is built around a model of data-centric security. Without those key elements, companies risk slower deployment times, lost company data and extensive overhead costs. - Jonas Gyllensvaan, SyncDog

How to strengthen cybersecurity posture?

Use a cyber-intelligence approach. To truly strengthen an organization’s cybersecurity posture, look for external signals of impending attacks. The ability to predict an attack and prioritize remediations accordingly is key.

What is Forbes Technology Council?

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only, fee-based organization comprised of leading CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Find out if you qualify at Forbes …. Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only, fee-based organization comprised of leading CIOs, CTOs and technology executives.

How to prevent cyber viruses?

1. Encourage cyber ‘social distancing.’. Encourage employees to adopt the same strategy for cyber viruses they use in the real world. Cyber “social distancing” is about recognizing risk and keeping your distance.

What is cloud based cybersecurity?

Cloud-based cybersecurity solutions that protect the device, cloud and identity of the user—that’s the ticket for secure remote working. The new generation of cybersecurity solutions, optimized for secure remote work, are deployable in seconds, cloud-managed, silent to the user and invasive to the attacker. - Tomer Weingarten, SentinelOne

Why do businesses need to secure the perimeter?

Secure the perimeter. Businesses need to secure the corporate perimeter when moving to a remote workforce. This means tying VPN to Active Directory and enabling multifactor authentication to make sure the right people are accessing networks, apps and data.

The different types of mobile security threats

When employers sent staff home to work at the beginning of the pandemic, mobile usage jumped. Unfortunately, cybercriminals took notice – there was a 37% rise in phishing attempts on mobile devices. Cyberattack attempts are much harder to identify on phones and tablets.

How hackers attack in seven different ways and what you can do about it

One huge step to combatting cybercrime is to train your employees on security risks. That may seem elementary, but an astounding 31% of companies have no cybersecurity training program. Once you’ve identified the threats to your business and have taken steps to mitigate them, employee training should be your very next stop.

Cyber liability insurance – what will you do if your security measures fail?

Cybersecurity breaches are expensive and ruinous to your business. Most small businesses shutter their companies within six months of a breach. With an average cost of $25,000 and the damage to your reputation, you can’t afford the risk.

Multi-Factor Authentication

MFA functionality helps businesses defend against credential theft and user impersonation by positively confirming a user’s identity.

Adaptive Authentication

The latest remote access security solutions support adaptive authentication to optimize user experience and satisfaction.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On functionality allows remote users to access multiple applications and systems using a common set of usernames and passwords. SSO boosts user satisfaction by preventing password fatigue and mitigates risk by eliminating unsecure user behaviors like writing passwords on sticky notes or using a single password for many applications.

Securing Remote Access by Third-Party Vendors

Many businesses rely on third-party vendors to manage their IT infrastructure and applications. These external service organizations need remote privileged access to corporate IT systems to maintain and update them.

What is secure remote access?

Secure remote access refers to any security policy, solution, strategy or process that exists to prevent unauthorized access to your network, its resources, or any confidential or sensitive data. Essentially, secure remote access is a mix of security strategies and not necessarily one specific technology like a VPN.

What technologies are used for secure remote access?

Secure remote access is comprised of a multitude of security solutions and technologies. Some of the most prominent include the following:

Secure remote access solution

Enables employees with precise access to the applications and data required to do their job from anywhere.

Why is secure remote access important?

With the work from home shift in the workforce, endpoints are accessing corporate networks from multiple locations. Today, employees’ home networks are often the originating point for network connections, multiplying the risk on both home and corporate networks.

What are the benefits of secure remote access?

While the benefits of secure remote access are numerous, there are four key advantages in which to focus on:

Can secure remote access be achieved without VPN?

Yes. A robust cloud-based, highly secure remote access solution can provide unified protection for virtually all users against web-based threats — independent of a VPN connection.

How can AT&T help organizations with secure remote access?

AT&T Cybersecurity is uniquely positioned to help organizations address these immediate challenges with an eye toward the future by helping them balance connectivity, collaboration, and cybersecurity affordably.

Why is cybersecurity important in remote work?

Bringing cybersecurity to the top-of-mind for your remote workforce is important in successfully educating employees on the new risks their work environment presents. Conducting training for security best practices, as well as discussing your organization’s cybersecurity standing and vulnerabilities with the entire workforce are both potential ways to combat network threats.

How to prevent unauthorized app use?

Making proactive decisions about your tech stack can go a long way toward preventing unauthorized app use. For example, by making a secure video chatting or collaboration tool available, you reduce the likelihood of employees going out of their way to install their own (less secure) solutions.

What is unauthorized software?

Unauthorized software is a common entrypoint for ransomware attacks. Monitoring software and integrations is very important, especially when workers are at home with others who may be installing software on their devices.

What is an unsanctioned device?

A single unauthorized device being used on your network. An unsanctioned application someone’s accessing from their non-secure home PC. A small vendor with a seemingly insignificant vulnerability.

What should be protected using multi-factor authentication?

Any machine that is capable of connecting to your network should be protected using multi-factor authentication, automatic session timeouts, and access monitoring to prevent unauthorized users from getting into the data, even if they have the device.

Is IT security playing catch up?

IT security teams are still playing catchup when it comes to securing the remote workforce. We’re committed to making their jobs easier through our BitSight Security Ratings solutions for monitoring, managing, and mitigating cyber risks. Read our research to learn more about the unique risks of work from home-remote office networks and what to do next to mitigate the latest security threats.

Can remote workers access sensitive information?

But with remote work and the physical locations of your workforce and sensitive information further apart, the chances of unauthorized users accessing sensitive data through employees’ computers, phones, and tablets increases exponentially .

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