Remote-access Guide

articles on remote access

by Milan Champlin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is remote access technology and how does it work?

To begin, its important that we define what remote access technology means in the context of this article. Remote access technology refers to any IT toolset used to connect to, access, and control devices, resources, and data stored on a local network from a remote geographic location.

Is your remote access secure?

If businesses can establish secure remote access, remote work can be just as secure as if employees are working onsite. In the following sections, we’ll elaborate more about remote access security concerns and how you can address them. Before we define what secure remote access is, we need to define remote access first.

Why should I allow remote connections to my PC?

When you allow remote connections to your PC, you can use another device to connect to your PC and have access to all of your apps, files, and network resources as if you were sitting at your desk.

How do I enable remote access to my computer?

Click Show settings to enable. As needed, add users who can connect remotely by clicking Select users that can remotely access this PC . Members of the Administrators group automatically have access. Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC. You'll need this to configure the clients.

What Are the Other Types of Remote Access?

How Does Remote Computer Access Work?

How To Gain Remote Access To Another Computer and What Are the Protocols?

What is remote desktop access?

What is RDP software?

How does Remote Access Connection Manager work?

Why is it important to remember that your computer will be exposed to at least one other user?

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Why is remote access important?

Remote access enables remote users to access files and other system resources on any devices or servers that are connected to the network at any time. This increases employee productivity and enables employees to better collaborate with colleagues around the world.

What are some dangers of remote access?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

What is example of remote access?

Accessing, writing to and reading from, files that are not local to a computer can be considered remote access. For example, storing and access files in the cloud grants remote access to a network that stores those files. Examples of include services such as Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and Google Drive.

Is remote access secure?

Remote access solutions could leave you vulnerable. If you don't have proper security solutions in place, remote connections could act as a gateway for cybercriminals to access your devices and data. Hackers could use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to remotely access Windows computers in particular.

Can someone remotely access my computer without my knowledge?

"Can someone access my computer remotely without me knowing?" The answer is "Yes!". This could happen when you are connected to the internet on your device.

How do you secure remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

What are types of remote access?

The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Remote Access Services (RAS), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

What is remote access called?

Remote access is also known as remote login.

What is meant by remote access?

Remote access is the act of connecting to IT services, applications, or data from a location other than headquarters. This connection allows users to access a network or computer remotely via the internet.

What is the greatest risk that remote access poses to an organization?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

What are the examples of security considerations for remote users?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What is unauthorized remote access?

Unauthorized access is when a person gains entry to a computer network, system, application software, data, or other resources without permission. Any access to an information system or network that violates the owner or operator's stated security policy is considered unauthorized access.

4 Remote Access Risks and How to Solve Them - Solid State Systems LLC

All-in-One Solution to Remote Access Risks. We’ll perform a full analysis of your existing security systems to find and patch the holes, fine-tune and update your software, and improve or upgrade your hardware.

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against Them

COVID-19 has upended our way of life, and in doing so, has unleashed a Pandora’s box of new cyber threats. Security teams not only face the universal challenges imposed by this crisis, but must also overcome unique obstacles such as protecting a newly remote workforce and stopping pernicious attacks targeting remote users.

What Is Remote Access for Computer Networks? - Lifewire

Microsoft. The most sophisticated form of remote access enables users on one computer to see and interact with the desktop user interface of another computer. Setting up remote desktop support involves configuring software on both the host (the local computer controlling the connection) and the client (the remote computer being accessed).

What is Remote Access? - Citrix

Remote access can bring many benefits to a business, from lowering costs to increasing worker satisfaction and productivity. Better work productivity and flexibility: Employees need to be untethered from the physical office to stay productive as they balance the demands of work and home.As the boundaries between the two become less defined, employees increasingly need safe and secure access to ...

How to Log into Citrix from home - Fenway Health

5. You will be brought to a screen similar to the one below called the Citrix StoreFront. Here is where all of Fenway Health’s remote applications are stored.

What is remote access?

Remote access allows staff to work from any location without being tied to a specific physical location. But how do you get started choosing and implementing a remote access solution? This article will introduce you to the terminology and concepts of remote access and help you begin your evaluation.

What is remote desktop?

Remote desktop services allow you to host an application on a remote server and transfer what amounts to screen shots back to the client. Keyboard and mouse inputs are forwarded to the server and the results are shown on the subsequent screen shots that come back. Think of it like using your computer as a virtual window into the server where the application is installed.

What is web based architecture?

A web-based architecture uses a web browser as the client and requires minimal software to be installed on the user's computer . This architecture doesn't require a large footprint application to access the database as it uses a standard web browser instead. The web browser works with a web server to deliver a browser-based user interface (UI) to the end user. The web server may interact with other application servers to run business logic and return results to the user by way of the browser user interface. The database is usually installed on a different server than the web server. Web-based email is perhaps the most ubiquitous example of web-based computing today.

What is client server architecture?

The client-server architecture is similar to the client-database model. It also consists of a larger footprint application installed on each user's desktop, but this "fat client" connects to a version of the software installed on the server. The server application then applies business logic before interacting directly with the database. An example of an application set up in this fashion is an email client, such as Microsoft Outlook. The client software must be installed on the workstation and must be configured to connect to a server to get data.

How does RDC work?

RDC can be managed internally by your own IT staff, but many small- to mid-sized organizations choose to partner with specialized technology and hosting providers. While the level of service varies with cost, hosting relieves considerable and possibly all IT burden from your staff. For example, an Application Service Provider (ASP) takes an application, puts it into a hosting infrastructure, and sells the use of the software directly to customers. The application is typically one built to be installed directly on a client machines, but the ASP uses Terminal Services, Citrix XenApp, or another technology to take the administrative burden off of the end consumer. Later, we'll discuss how to evaluate the right partner for your needs.

Does a web application need RDC?

A web-based application does not need RDC to be set up on a client machine. Data passes over the Internet as encrypted web traffic. Often, it is specifically built as a software as a service (SaaS, also called "cloud computing") offering and requires no IT department interaction to sign up for it and begin use right away. Normally only the software vendor can offer SaaS to customers.

Why do organizations use remote access?

Now more than ever, organizations of all sizes are turning to remote access technology to ensure business operations can continue , even when access to a physical office is limited or impossible. Increasing access to your network to your employees comes with the risk of unauthorized access by cyber-miscreants who may use this as an opportunity to gain access or infect you with ransomware. However, by taking the correct precautions and selecting the right remote access solutions for their specific needs, organizations can minimize their risk while maximizing their ability to work effectively in remote-only or remote-first conditions.

Why is remote access important?

For organizations whose employees do require remote access to the network, it is crucial to ensure that all access permissions are properly evaluated before being assigned and properly documented once given. It's as simple and logging those permitted to access remotely, using what method, and for how long.

What is Remote Access Technology?

Remote access technology refers to any IT toolset used to connect to, access, and control devices, resources, and data stored on a local network from a remote geographic location. This is different from using a cloud solution, as it provides access to an on-premises environment rather than being hosted offsite in a shared environment and available via the internet. This makes remote access crucial for businesses of all sizes which have not moved to a cloud-first model, or which require access to on-premises machines or resources. Three of the most common remote access technologies – Remote Desktop Services, Remote Access Software, and Virtual Private Networks – are examined in detail in this article.

What Is Remote Access Software?

Remote Access Software offers an alternative to RDS and leverages a dedicated software to remotely connect users to an endpoint device from anywhere in the world via the internet. This method of remote access is typically the easiest to implement, as it only requires the user to install the software on the computer to be accessed. This type of remote access is especially useful when most of the organization’s endpoint devices are desktops.

What Is a Virtual Private Network?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology which creates a smaller, private network on top of a larger public network – most commonly the internet. By logging into the VPN, users can gain internet-based access to applications that would otherwise only work on local networks. The goal of any client-based VPN solution is to provide remote employees with the same level of access as onsite. However, this is functionally different from an RDS session, as it does not allow full access to an entire desktop, but only specific applications, software, and other resources which the user has been given access to.

What is remote desktop service?

Remote Desktop Services (RDS), also known as Terminal Services, is one of the most common methods used by SMBs to enable remote work. By using RDS, individuals can remotely connect to an endpoint device or server which supports Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) via a Terminal Server. The connection can be made over a local network or internet connection and gives the user full access to the tools and software installed on the machine they connect to. This method is frequently used by IT departments to remotely access servers, or to provide easy local software access to multiple employees.

Why do organizations use VPN?

Organizations of all sizes frequently use VPN technology to securely access remote resources from multiple locations. Unlike RDS, VPN connectivity does not require additional dedicated hardware to function securely over the internet and is designed to be particularly secure. Most VPN connections are encrypted using either Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TSL) to ensure that the data cannot be read by malicious third parties.

Top 25 Insightful Remote Work Articles

We’ve compiled this list of some of the best remote work articles to help business leaders navigate the telecommuting work model with ease.

5 Other Useful Articles on Remote Work Trends

We’ve picked out resourceful remote work articles from some of the most reliable sources on the internet.

Wrapping Up

Remote work is quickly becoming the new normal across businesses worldwide.

How to allow remote access to PC?

The simplest way to allow access to your PC from a remote device is using the Remote Desktop options under Settings. Since this functionality was added in the Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709), a separate downloadable app is also available that provides similar functionality for earlier versions of Windows. You can also use the legacy way of enabling Remote Desktop, however this method provides less functionality and validation.

How to connect to a remote computer?

To connect to a remote PC, that computer must be turned on, it must have a network connection, Remote Desktop must be enabled, you must have network access to the remote computer (this could be through the Internet), and you must have permission to connect. For permission to connect, you must be on the list of users. Before you start a connection, it's a good idea to look up the name of the computer you're connecting to and to make sure Remote Desktop connections are allowed through its firewall.

How to remotely connect to Windows 10?

Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) or later 1 On the device you want to connect to, select Start and then click the Settings icon on the left. 2 Select the System group followed by the Remote Desktop item. 3 Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop. 4 It is also recommended to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections. Click Show settings to enable. 5 As needed, add users who can connect remotely by clicking Select users that can remotely access this PC .#N#Members of the Administrators group automatically have access. 6 Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC. You'll need this to configure the clients.

Should I enable Remote Desktop?

If you only want to access your PC when you are physically using it, you don't need to enable Remote Desktop. Enabling Remote Desktop opens a port on your PC that is visible to your local network. You should only enable Remote Desktop in trusted networks, such as your home. You also don't want to enable Remote Desktop on any PC where access is tightly controlled.

What is remote access policy?

Remote access policies are an ordered set of rules that define how connections are either authorized or rejected. For each rule, there are one or more conditions, a set of profile settings, and a remote access permission setting. If a connection is authorized, the remote access policy profile specifies a set of connection restrictions. The dial-in properties of the user account also provide a set of restrictions. Where applicable, user account connection restrictions override the remote access policy profile connection restrictions.

How to verify remote access server?

1. Either use the Rqc.exe notification component or create a notification component that provides verification to the remote access server that the remote access client computer complies with network policy requirements. 2. Create a validation script that authorizes the client configuration.

How to enable EAP authentication?

Follow these steps to enable EAP authentication:#N#1.#N#Select Start | Administrative Tools | Internet Authentication Service.#N#2.#N#The IAS management console is displayed. Click to highlight Remote Access Policies in the left column.#N#3.#N#In the right column, select Connections to Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Server .#N#4.#N#Select Action | Properties from the menu, or right-click and select Properties from the context menu. #N#5.#N#The Properties dialog box is displayed. Click the Edit Profile button .#N#6.#N#The Edit Dial-in Profile dialog box is displayed. Select the Authentication tab.#N#7.#N#The authentication methods supported by IAS are displayed, as shown in Figure 5.14. You can enable or disable the non-EAP authentication methods here. You can also change the order in which the selected EAP types are negotiated by moving them up or down in the list, using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.#N#Sign in to download full-size image#N#Figure 5.14. Authentication Methods#N#8.#N#Click the EAP Methods button. A list of the currently enabled EAP types is displayed.#N#9.#N#Click Add and select MD5-Challenge from the list.#N#10.#N#Click OK, then click OK in the EAP types list.#N#11.#N#Click OK to exit the Edit Profile dialog box.#N#12.#N#Click OK to exit the Properties dialog box.

How to enable EAP on IAS?

To enable EAP authentication on an IAS server, you create a Remote Access Policy that allows EAP authentication, or you modify an existing policy. Exercise 5.07 demonstrates how to modify a policy to allow the use of MD5 CHAP authentication through EAP.

How to enable PPP multilink?

The nature of multilink requires dialing to multiple devices or endpoints. To enable Multilink on a remote access client, you must enable multiple device dialing on the client system through the Network and Dial-up Connections folder. Again, if unlimited connectivity is not available, the nature of Multilink presents cost prohibitive problems due to the lack of provisions to link and unlink extra physical connections on an as-needed basis.

What is network access quarantine?

Network Access Quarantine Control controls client access after initial authentication has been completed. The client uses an installed notification component (Rqc.exe) to communicate system compliance information to the Remote Access Server’s listening component (Rqs.exe) after testing the client with a specially configured script known as the Connection Manager profile. Two attributes (MS-Quarantine-IP Filter and MS-Quarantine-Session-Timeout) filter IP traffic between the remote access client and the remote access server until the dient system passes the configuration requirements or the timeout period is reached.

Can you configure remote access policies?

You can also configure one or more Remote Access Policies for precise control of which users can reach the network through remote access. Whether a user is affected by policies depends on the setting you choose in the Dial-in tab of the user’s Properties dialog box:

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What Are the Other Types of Remote Access?

There are other ways to access the information of another person’s computer, and each allows for different levels of control and data sharing.

How Does Remote Computer Access Work?

A remote access connection gives users the power to connect to a private network from a different location. Both users have to connect to the same network.

How To Gain Remote Access To Another Computer and What Are the Protocols?

Although there are different remote access protocols, three of the most often used are:

What is remote desktop access?

Remote desktop access describes software that allows access to someone’s personal computer desktop by another user. During the interaction, the other user can see the target desktop on their own device.

What is RDP software?

RDP is a program by Microsoft that provides a user with a graphical interface to connect with another computer via a network connection. The user utilizes the RDP client software while the other person’s computer runs the RDP software.

How does Remote Access Connection Manager work?

The Remote Access Connection Manager works by giving users the ability to organize RDP connections in groups. To make the group, the user initiates a “New” command from the File menu and is then guided through the creation of a group file.

Why is it important to remember that your computer will be exposed to at least one other user?

When engaging in remote access, regardless of the protocol, it is important to remember that your computer will be exposed to at least one other user. Because files can be transferred from one computer to another, the possibilities for the transfer of malware exist, as well as unacceptable access by an intruder.


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