Remote-access Guide

asav configuration for remote access vpn server in aws

by Mrs. Katherine Prosacco IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cisco ASAv Remote Access VPN Configuration
  1. Step 1: Configure Cisco Duo Authentication Proxy as AAA Server. ...
  2. Step 2: Client Pool Configuration. ...
  3. Step 3: Split ACL Configuration. ...
  4. Step 4: Enable AnyConnect on the ASAv. ...
  5. Step 5: Group Policy Configuration. ...
  6. Step 6: Tunnel-Group (Connection Profile) Configuration.
Jul 26, 2021

How do I connect to AWS client VPN?

To connect to AWS Client VPN, complete the following steps: Open AWS Client VPN application. On the Filemenu, choose Manage Profiles. Choose Add Profile. Add a display name and choose the VPN configuration file that was downloaded and modified. Choose Add Profile. Choose Done.

How do I set up AWS site-to-site VPN on a subnet?

Associate the subnet that you identified earlier with the Client VPN endpoint. To do this, perform the steps described in Associate a target network with a Client VPN endpoint and select the VPC and the subnet. Add a route that allows access to the AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection.

How do I connect to RDS in a VPC using AWS client?

When creating a DB instance in a VPC, you must choose a DB subnet group. After the connection is established, you can securely connect to the RDS instance in the subnet, which is associated to the AWS Client VPN endpoint.

How do I connect my Asav to a VPN Server?

If you have VMs in subnets that are not the inside or DMZ subnets on the ASAv, then you need to also add a static route on the ASAv on the inside interface to pointing to the management interface’s default gateway. After that, you should be able to connect your site to site VPN and be ready to go!

How to create a VPC on AWS?

Click My Account > AWS Management Console, and under Networking, click VPC > Start VPC Wizard, and create your VPC by choosing a single public subnet, and set up the following (you can use the default settings unless otherwise noted):

How many connections can an ASAv run?

License the ASAv. Until you license the ASAv, it will run in degraded mode, which allows only 100 connections and throughput of 100 Kbps. See Licensing for the ASAv .

What is day 0 in ASAv?

Expand the Advanced Details section and in the User data field you can optionally enter a Day 0 configuration, which is text input that contains the ASAv configuration applied when the ASAv is launched. For more information on how to configure the Day 0 configuration with more information, such as Smart Licensing, see Prepare the Day 0 Configuration File .

How to create an EC2 instance in AWS?

Click My Account > AWS Management Console > EC2, and then click Create an Instance .

What is AMI in AWS?

The AMI is a template that contains the software configuration needed to launch your instance.

What is the communication path for ASAv?

Communications paths: Management interface —Used to connect the ASAv to the ASDM; can’t be used for through traffic. Inside interface (required)—Used to connect the ASAv to inside hosts. Outside interface (required)—Used to connect the ASAv to the public network.

Does SSH public key authentication work after upgrading?

Upgrade impact when using SSH public key authentication—Due to updates to SSH authentication, additional configuration is required to enable SSH public key authentication; as a result, existing SSH configurations using public key authentication no longer work after upgrading. Public key authentication is the default for the ASAv on Amazon Web Services (AWS), so AWS users will see this issue. To avoid loss of SSH connectivity, you can update your configuration before you upgrade. Or you can use ASDM after you upgrade (if you enabled ASDM access) to fix the configuration.

What part of the instance configuration will choose the VPC, subnet, and then the interface that we created?

On the first part of the instance configuration, we will choose the VPC, subnet, and then the interface that we created.

Can you set static IP address in AWS?

You can set static IP addresses in the Network Interfaces when you create them in AWS, and then you will just use that IP address, but will still need to set it again in the ASAv

How it works

AWS Site-to-Site VPN creates encrypted connections between your locations (such as data centers and remote offices) and your AWS cloud resources.


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The following diagram, shows the high-level architecture of an example scenario of using AWS Client VPN and connecting to an RDS instance.

Generating a certificate

For instructions on creating a server certificate using OpenVPN easy-rsa tool, see Mutual authentication.

Creating a VPC and subnets

Create a VPC to host the subnets and the subnet group for the RDS instance with the following code:

Creating a security group

Create a security group to be used by the AWS Client VPN endpoint and the RDS instance with the following code:

Creating an AWS Client VPN endpoint

Create an AWS Client VPN endpoint and attach it to the VPC with the following code. You use the client IP4 CIDR to assign IP addresses to the client connections. Use your own server certificate arn generated in the previous step.

Creating an Active directory

Because the SQL Server RDS instance also uses Windows authentication, create an Active Directory to be associated to the RDS instance:

Creating the SQL Server RDS instance

To create an RDS instance, you need to create a subnet group and a directory service AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. This IAM role uses the managed IAM policy AmazonRDSDirectoryServiceAccess and allows Amazon RDS to make calls to the active directory.

Private network

This tutorial assumes you've chosen the Private network access mode for your Apache Airflow Web server .

Use cases

You can use this tutorial before or after you've created an Amazon MWAA environment. You must use the same Amazon VPC, VPC security group (s), and private subnets as your environment.

Before you begin

Check for user permissions. Be sure that your account in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) has sufficient permissions to create and manage VPC resources.

Step two: Create the server and client certificates

A Client VPN endpoint supports 1024-bit and 2048-bit RSA key sizes only. The following section shows how to use OpenVPN easy-rsa to generate the server and client certificates and keys, and then upload the certificates to ACM using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Step three: Save the AWS CloudFormation template locally

The following section contains the AWS CloudFormation template to create the Client VPN. You must specify the same Amazon VPC, VPC security group (s), and private subnets as your Amazon MWAA environment.

Step six: Add an authorization ingress rule to your Client VPN

You need to add an authorization ingress rule using the CIDR rule for your VPC to your Client VPN. If you want to authorize specific users or groups from your Active Directory Group or SAML-based Identity Provider (IdP), see the Authorization rules in the Client VPN guide .

Step seven: Download the Client VPN endpoint configuration file

Follow these quick steps to download the Client VPN configuration file at Download the Client VPN endpoint configuration file .

Step 1: Generate server and client certificates and keys

This tutorial uses mutual authentication. With mutual authentication, Client VPN uses certificates to perform authentication between the client and the server.

Step 2: Create a Client VPN endpoint

When you create a Client VPN endpoint, you create the VPN construct to which clients can connect in order to establish a VPN connection.

Step 3: Enable VPN connectivity for clients

To enable clients to establish a VPN session, you must associate a target network with the Client VPN endpoint. A target network is a subnet in a VPC.

Step 4: Authorize clients to access a network

To authorize clients to access the VPC in which the associated subnet is located, you must create an authorization rule. The authorization rule specifies which clients have access to the VPC. In this tutorial, you grant access to all users.

Step 5: (Optional) Enable access to additional networks

You can enable access to additional networks connected to the VPC, such as AWS services, peered VPCs, and on-premises networks. For each additional network, you must add a route to the network and configure an authorization rule to give clients access.

Step 6: Download the Client VPN endpoint configuration file

The final step is to download and prepare the Client VPN endpoint configuration file. The configuration file includes the Client VPN endpoint and certificate information required to establish a VPN connection. You must provide this file to the clients who need to connect to the Client VPN endpoint to establish a VPN connection.

Step 7: Connect to the Client VPN endpoint

You can connect to the Client VPN endpoint using the AWS provided client or another OpenVPN-based client application. For more information, see the AWS Client VPN User Guide .

Solution Overview

  • The overall solution architecture is summarized below. The numbers 1-9 denote the steps in the authentication flow and are explained in detail. Figure 1 – Overall solution architecture. 1. AnyConnect user types in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). In our case,…
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  • Cisco ASAv Remote Access VPN Configuration
    This section provides the Cisco ASAv1CLI configuration for Remote Access VPN, allowing Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to establish connection and access resources successfully. The following steps allow an administrator to configure AnyConnect on an ASAv (including relev…
  • Cisco Duo Authentication Proxy Configuration
    This section provides the configuration required for Duo authentication proxy servers to communicate to AWS Managed Microsoft AD to perform primary authentication, and then reach out to Duo Security for secondary authentication. This configuration allows an AnyConnect user …
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  • Now that the ASAvs and Duo authentication proxy servers are configured, let’s verify that end-to-end functionality is correct: 1. Open AnyConnect client, type in the FQDN (in this example, we use, and click Connect. Figure 2 – Cisco AnyConnect login. 1. Click on Connect Anywayto accept the certificate warning. Note that to prevent the certificate warning from being …
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  • On ASAv, confirm the status of AnyConnect client and its statistics using the following command: On the Duo Admin portal, navigate to Reports > Authenticationto verify the authentication status of the AnyConnect user. Figure 6 – Duo Admin portal authentication log. On the Duo authentication proxy, navigate to opt/duoauthproxy/log/ and within authproxy.logenter the follow…
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Cleaning Up

  • To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources associated with the solution, such as ASAv, Duo Proxy Servers, and AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
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  • In this post, you learned how to configure ASAv hosted on an AWS Cloud and Cisco Duo Proxy server for Remote Access VPN. Primary authentication is achieved by the virtue of Duo Proxy server communicating to AWS Managed Microsoft AD, and secondary authentication is achieved by Duo Cloud Security. Once authenticated, secure remote worker can access resources off the …
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Cisco Systems – AWS Partner Spotlight

  • Cisco is an AWS ISV Partnerproviding a range of products for transporting data, voice, and video within buildings, across campuses, and around the world. Contact Cisco | Partner Overview | AWS Marketplace *Already worked with Cisco? Rate the Partner *To review an AWS Partner, you must be a customer that has worked with them directly on a project.
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