Is at an noun?
At can be a preposition or a noun.
What is the number for AT&T customer service?
When you have questions about any of your U-verse services or programming, either log on to uversecentral.att.com, or call us at 1-800-288-2020 for assistance, including 24 x 7 technical support. When prompted, say: Order U-verse Service, Billing, or U-verse Technical Support.
What the mean of at?
atnoun. the @ symbol. atpreposition. In or very near a particular place. atpreposition.
What means AT and T?
(also AT & T) US. American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
How do I speak to AT&T customer service?
Talk to a real person at AT&TCall AT&T's service number at 1-800-331-0500.When the automated system alerts you that your call may be recorded, press zero. ... You'll be asked if you're calling from the phone number associated with your account. ... The automated system will ask what service you're calling about.More items...•
How do I contact AT&T from my cell phone?
Contact UsWireless Device, Service, and Billing Questions. Dial 611 from your wireless phone, or visit AT&T Business Mobility Support. ... AT&T Business Forum. Discuss AT&T products with other. professionals on our business. forums. ... More Ways to Contact Us. Visit an AT&T retail store. Schedule retail appointment.
What is at in a sentence?
The Preposition 'At' A preposition is a relationship word, or "connector." It's the sort of word that can explain the place, time, or relationship of a sentence and link the words together. In the case of the preposition at, it expresses a specific location, time or position. For example: Joe is waiting at home.
How do you use the word at?
We use at when we refer to an address: The restaurant used to be at number 72 Henry Street. We use at the to refer to public places where we get treatments, such as a dentist's or doctor's surgery, hairdresser's or spa: While Liz was at the dentist, I went shopping.
Where is this at meaning?
This slang expression gained widespread currency in the sixties as a hip way of stating that the speaker understood the essential truth of a situation: “I know where it's at.” Or more commonly: “You don't know where it's at.” It is still heard from time to time with that meaning, but the user risks being labeled as a ...
What is full form of t?
All Full Forms of T:TermFull FormCategoryTTransformerElectricalTTuberculosisDiseases & ConditionsTTrainingMilitarytTestosteroneBiochemistry31 more rows
Is ATT a word?
Yes, att is a valid Scrabble word.
How do you spell ATT?
att1 attached.2 attention.3 attorney.
What phone number is 611?
611 – Reserved (local telephone company repair) Similar to 411 services, 611 has been reserved in the NANP but not specifically assigned to a particular use. In some areas, 611 was used as a test code for linemen on the street or was used to report troubles to the central office from a subscriber.
Is 611 a customer service?
Call us. Simply dial 611 from your T-Mobile phone or use the T-Mobile app to give us a call.
What happens when you call 611?
Dial *611 from your Verizon mobile phone and press Send to be directly connected with a Verizon customer service representative. The normal customer service contact number for a wireless account is (800) 922-0204. There is no difference in these two numbers, they both call Verizon Customer Service.
Idioms about at
be at (someone), to be sexually aggressive toward (a person): She's pregnant again because he's at her morning, noon, and night.
How to use at in a sentence
I spoke first with Scott Ellman, a student at Wesleyan University and now the Huffington Post editor- at -large for his campus.
Medical definitions for at (2 of 2)
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
at preposition (EMAIL ADDRESS)
"What's your email address ?" "It's dictionary at cambridge dot org ."
At is a preposition. We use at to refer to time or place. We also use it to refer to activities. …
Modern use
In contemporary English usage, @ is a commercial symbol, meaning at and at the rate of or at the price of. It has rarely been used in financial ledgers, and is not used in standard typography.
Names in other languages
In many languages other than English, although most typewriters included the symbol, the use of @ was less common before email became widespread in the mid-1990s. Consequently, it is often perceived in those languages as denoting "the Internet", computerization, or modernization in general. Naming the symbol after animals is also common.
In Unicode, the at sign is encoded as U+0040 @ COMMERCIAL AT (HTML @ · @ ). The named entity @ was introduced in HTML5.

The at sign, @, is normally read aloud as "at"; it is also commonly called the at symbol, commercial at, or address sign. It is used as an accounting and invoice abbreviation meaning "at a rate of" (e.g. 7 widgets @ £2 per widget = £14), but it is now seen more widely in email addresses and social media platform handles.
The absence of a single English word for the symbol has prompted some writers to use the Fren…
The earliest yet discovered symbol in this shape is found in a Bulgarian translation of a Greek chronicle written by Constantinos Manasses in 1345. Held today in the Vatican Apostolic Library, it features the @ symbol in place of the capital letter alpha "Α" as an initial in the word Amen; however, the reason behind it being used in this context is still unknown. The evolution of the symbol as use…
Modern use
In contemporary English usage, @ is a commercial symbol, meaning at and at the rate of or at the price of. It has rarely been used in financial ledgers, and is not used in standard typography.
In 2012, "@" was registered as a trademark with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. A cancellation request was filed in 2013, and the cancellation wa…
Names in other languages
In many languages other than English, although most typewriters included the symbol, the use of @ was less common before email became widespread in the mid-1990s. Consequently, it is often perceived in those languages as denoting "the Internet", computerization, or modernization in general. Naming the symbol after animals is also common.
See also
• Circle-A
• Enclosed A (Ⓐ, ⓐ)
• Unicode
External links
• commercial-at at the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
• "The Accidental History of the @ Symbol ", Smithsonian magazine, September 2012, Retrieved October 2021.
• The @-symbol, part 1, intermission, part 2, addenda, Shady Characters ⌂ The secret life of punctuation August 2011, Retrieved June 2013.