What's new in Atlantic Health System's Citrix portal?
Atlantic Health System has implemented new functionality for remote access to your Citrix Portal Applications. This new solution was created for Remote access only. It can be used on Atlantic and non- Atlantic devices.
What's new in AHS Citrix remote access for iOS devices?
AHS Citrix Remote Access For Apple iPhone and iPad iOS Devices Atlantic Health System has implemented new functionality for remote access to your Citrix Portal Applications. This new solution was created for Remote access only. It can be used on Atlantic and non- Atlantic devices.
Who owns this computer system/remote access solution?
This computer system/remote access solution is the property of Atlantic Health System. It is for authorized use only.
How do I access epic or Atlantic Health email remotely?
Once you are setup with Multi Factor Authentication, you can then proceed to remotely access Atlantic Health Email or Epic through our Citrix connection application using the instructions below.
The challenge
Clinicians and other medical staff associated with The Atlantic Health System need access to a variety of medical information to ensure they keep up with the latest developments in healthcare.
The Solution
When library staff from The Atlantic Health System heard about OpenAthens they were impressed by the remote access capabilities it provides.
The results
"Users at The Atlantic Health System love OpenAthens because it gives them seamless, remote access to our many resources.”