Remote-access Guide

atlas.ti uic remote access

by Jess Jakubowski Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is Atlas Ti used for?

All-in-one Research Software. With over three decades of experience, ATLAS.ti is the only software that gives you all-in-one access to the entire range of platforms. Use it for qualitative data analysis and mixed methods research in academic, market and user experience research.

What is the UIC netid?

TagspasswordnetID my.UIC is a University of Illinois at Chicago portal for incoming students which serves student administrative needs. To access my.UIC use your UIC NetID and password. Activate your UIC NetID if you haven't already, or change your password, if you have forgotten it.

How do I login to my UIC account?

To access my.UIC use your UIC NetID and password. Activate your UIC NetID if you haven't already, or change your password, if you have forgotten it. If you need further assistance, please use the Connect Help webform.

Can software obtained under an Atlas license be used outside of study?

Under no circumstances must software obtained under an ATLAS.ti student or semester license be used in a context outside of the licensee’s personal academic studies.


What is Atlas.ti?

It is a software that allows you to organize, classify, relate, and analyze all types of information that are recollected in a research study

What are the advantages of Atlas.ti?

In contrast to other commercially available packages, two advantages of ATLAS.ti are its handling of graphics and digital audio recordings as primary data, and its features for generating conceptual diagrams. Its flexible structure allows users to choose their individual approach.

Who wrote the Atlas trainer case study?

This Certified Trainer Case Study was written by Lorenza Entilli (Independent Certified ATLAS.ti Professional Junior Trainer). We publish these articles to share the diversity of approaches to qualitative research. Although… read more

Is Atlas.ti used in LSE?

Being the member of the IT Services department at LSE who supports ATLAS.ti and is involved with giving training in it to staff and students, I can certainly say that ATLAS.ti is well liked here at the London School of Economics and Political Science and is heavily used.

Is Atlas.ti webinar good?

The practice of the ATLAS.ti webinar was very helpful for me , both instrumentally and conceptually, it is at an excellent level and the help is extremely accessible.

How to access VPN

Set up 2-Factor Authentication with DUO app The use of UIC VPN solution requires you to enroll in the university’s 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) solution. 2FA provides an additional level of security to protect your resources. Learn about 2FA and getting started with Duo.


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