How do I access ASIC miner remotely?
There are two ways of adding ASIC miners to the Remote Proxy.Configure the Managed Host for automatic network discovery. This will let the Remote Proxy automatically scan for miners on the network and add then. ... Use the Network Scan via the New miner button in the Awesome Miner main toolbar.
What is remote host in awesome miner?
Remote host: The IP address or hostname of the computer where the miner is running. In this case the IP address of the Antminer ASIC. The default port for Cgminer is 4028. If the port isn't default, it must be specified explicitly e.g. MINERHOST:4044.
How do I monitor a miner remotely?
If the miners are located on a remote site, the preferred solution is to setup a VPN network. Although it's possible to not use VPN and simply configure a router for port forwarding, it's not considered a good solution from a security point of view.
How do I allow awesome miners?
Open the Windows Defender configuration, for example by searching for "Defender" in the start menu. On the page for Exclusions, click on Add an exclusion and select Folder. This will open the dialog for selecting a folder. When mining on the computer running Awesome Miner, type %localappdata%\AwesomeMiner as path.
How do I connect my awesome miner remote agent?
Awesome Miner must be configured to be able to communicate with Remote Agents connected via Cloud Services.Click on the Cloud Services button in the Awesome Miner status bar.Check the box for Enable Remote Agent connections via cloud.Save the changes.
Can I mine remotely?
By remotely managing your mining, you can stay ahead of the competition. There are a number of both hardware and software options that enable remote mining – each varies depending on the capacity of your mining operations and the level of remote control you require.
Are Awesome miners good?
The short answer is yes. Judging by the user reports, Awesome Miner is doing a good job providing a safe and smooth service. The years have proved that Awesome Miner is not a scam. It is considered that Awesome Miner is one of the best known solutions for remote mining management.
What is remote mining?
Remote control mining equipment usually refers to mining vehicles such as excavators or bulldozers that are controlled with a handheld remote control. An operator stands in line-of-sight and uses the remote control to perform the normal vehicle functions.
Can you mine Bitcoin remotely?
The process of cloud mining allows users to mine cryptocurrencies remotely using shared processing power. It is done by using a remote data center. This kind of mining helps users mine Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies without managing the hardware. The mining rigs are housed in a facility owned by the mining company.
Is awesome miner a Trojan?
Awesome Miner doesn't contain any virus, trojan or spyware. The software has been on the market since 2014 and has a very good reputation. All Awesome Miner executables are digitally signed with a certificate and passes the Microsoft SmartScreen filters thanks to the good reputation.
How do I allow miner through firewall?
Navigate to Firewall & network protection. Scroll down to Allow an app through firewall. Scroll down until you find the affected miner. Click Change settings at the top right, and click all the check boxes on the right side, as well as left side, of the affected miner.
How do I find my miner IP address?
If users do not know router's IP address, you can download an IP scanner to figure out the miner's IP address.Connect your computer and miners to the same router.Click Windows+R together and enter "cmd", then type "ipconfig/all" (without quotation mark) and click enter.More items...•
How do I find my miner IP address?
If users do not know router's IP address, you can download an IP scanner to figure out the miner's IP address.Connect your computer and miners to the same router.Click Windows+R together and enter "cmd", then type "ipconfig/all" (without quotation mark) and click enter.More items...•
Are Awesome miners good?
The short answer is yes. Judging by the user reports, Awesome Miner is doing a good job providing a safe and smooth service. The years have proved that Awesome Miner is not a scam. It is considered that Awesome Miner is one of the best known solutions for remote mining management.
How do I run a miner as an administrator?
Right click on a miner and select Properties. Go to the Environment section and enable "Run mining process with Administrator privileges".
How do you connect a router to a miner?
12:2317:17[Deeper Network] Mining Setup with AIO Modem & Router - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo look for a port that's blue in my case or somewhere says internet or wa. End if you see any oneMoreSo look for a port that's blue in my case or somewhere says internet or wa. End if you see any one of these words you're going to connect the ethernet cable to this port.
What is Awesome Miner used for?
The Awesome Miner main application is always used to setup miners, pools and all other configuration. Remote Agent should not be installed on the computer where the Awesome Miner main application is installed.
What is a managed miner?
In Awesome Miner a Managed Miner can be defined to either run locally on the same computer as the Awesome Miner application, or run on a remote computer that runs Remote Agent.
What is remote agent?
Remote Agent - Control mining on a remote computer. Remote Agent is only required when using the Managed Miner concept to connect to remote mining computers. It's for CPU and GPU mining only, not for ASIC mining*. When Remote Agent is used, it must be installed on the remote Windows computers that will perform the mining.
What does "enable connection" mean in Awesome Miner?
Enable connection: If set, Awesome Miner will request status updates from the miner.
How to add external miners?
External Miners can be added and modified using the Properties dialog. To add or modify a miner, go to the Options dialog, External Miners section. To modify a miner from the main list of miners, right click on the miner and select Properties.
Why does Awesome Miner require network access?
Awesome Miner requires network access to miners in order to make a connection and request information. Remote networks are often protected by a firewall or router while the miners on the remote network only have local IP addresses.
How does Awesome Miner work?
In a typical setup, Awesome Miner connects to ASIC miners on a local network in order to manage and monitor the mining. For ASIC miners on a remote location, this typically requires a VPN connection. Instead of communication over VPN, a small computer running Remote Agent can be deployed at each remote network to enable communication with Awesome Miner via the Awesome Miner Cloud Services.
How to use ASIC miners as remote proxy?
For each added Remote Agent to be used to control ASIC miners on a remote network, edit the Managed Host entry in the Awesome Miner Options dialog and check the box for Use as Remote Proxy.
Can Awesome Miner and Remote Agent connect to the cloud?
Awesome Miner and Remote Agent will both connect to the cloud and setup a communication channel without having any direct connections between each other. Each Remote Agent can then connect to and manage all ASIC miners on the remote network.
Do you need an account for Awesome Miner?
You need to create an account for Awesome Miner Cloud Services
Does Awesome Miner have a VPN?
Awesome Miner is not aware of any VPN network existence, but if available it will be used. From an Awesome Miner point of view, a network connection must be possible to establish to the miners, and it's up to the network configuration to make this possible.
Can Awesome Miner communicate with Cloud Services?
Awesome Miner must be configured to be able to communicate with Remote Agents connected via Cloud Services.
How to get started with Awesome Miner?
The easiest way to get started is to use the Profit Switcher, where Awesome Miner automatically select what to mine based on what is most profitable. Please see the guide Add Managed Profit Miners and profit switching using the Wizard.
What is Awesome Miner?
Awesome Miner is connecting to the ASIC miners to request mining information on a regular interval. If the ASIC miner fails to respond within a few seconds, Awesome Miner will mark the miner as Disconnected in the user interface.
Why does Antminer restart?
The firmware will automatically tune each ASIC chip of the Antminer to optimize the performance and power usage. As part of this process, it's expected to experience a few restarts of the Antminer a little while after selecting a Mining Profile. The restarts are not a sign of instability - it's an expected part of the ASIC chip tuning process.
Why is my ASIC miner showing up as disconnected?
If an ASIC miner is showing up as Disconnected frequently, it's an indication that it doesn't respond correctly. One reason can be that the miners are located on a remote network, where the request time is much longer than on a local network.
How to change profit profile in miner?
Right click on a miner and select Edit profit profile to open the properties for the profile. To get insight why the profit switcher selects a specific algorithm, right click on the miner and select View Details and go to the Profit switching tab.
Where is Awesome Miner stored?
Awesome Miner stores all configuration in the file ConfigData.xml located in the folder %appdata%AwesomeMiner.
How to display profit information in a mining computer?
To display profit information for a complete mining computer, use the Group profiles in Options dialog, Profit profile section. A Group profile can define how many of each GPU (represented by a Profit profile) the system has. See Benchmark of algorithm hashrates for more details.
Environment setup: Remote Proxy for distributing load
Remote Proxy is a feature only intended for large scale mining operations. Remote Proxy is when a dedicated computer runs the Remote Agent application, but instead of controlling the mining on only the local computer, it will connect to a large number of miners and report the status back to Awesome Miner.
To configure a Managed Host to be used as a Remote Proxy, open the Properties dialog of the host via the Options dialog, Managed Hosts section, and enable Use as Remote Proxy as illustrated below.
Automatic miner discovery
When a Managed Host is configured to be a Remote Proxy, a new configuration section will be made available - Automatic miner discovery. The discovery feature is similar to the network scan feature in Awesome Miner, but the process is automatic.
When is Awesome Miner Remote Agent required?
Awesome Miner Remote Agent is only required when using the Managed Miner feature on remote computers.
What is Awesome Miner?
Awesome Miner is a Windows application for managing and monitoring mining of Bitcoin and many other crypto currencies.
What version of Windows is required for GPU mining?
GPU mining software typically requires a 64-bit edition of Windows and the following packages to be installed on all GPU mining computers: Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft. Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015 - 2019 from Microsoft.
What is Awesome Miner?
Awesome Miner is a well known solution in the mining industry and has a large and active user community, making it possible to discuss and share ideas with many experienced users .
What is Awesome Miner benchmark?
Use the benchmark to let Awesome Miner test multiple mining algorithms and mining software and measure the hashrate and power usage for each of them to optimize the profit switching decisions.
How to automate mining operations?
Automate the mining operations by defining triggers and macros where the ASIC miner can be instructed to perform operations like changing mining pool or rebooting the ASIC miner. Any SSH command can be sent to an ASIC miner, for example to force a reboot or shudown.
What is Native Overclocking?
Use the Native overclocking to control the clock speed, voltage, power and fan properties of your GPU's. Awesome Miner provides the unique feature of performing overclocking operations for both AMD and nVidia GPU's without using any external applications.
Why assign tags to miners?
Define and assign tags to miners to filter and make it easier to identify properties of a miner.
Does Awesome Miner depend on external services?
Awesome Miner runs on your infrastructure and on your network. Your important mining operations will not depend on any external services.
Can overclocking be applied to mining?
The overclocking can automatically be applied at a large scale across an entire mining farm based on the current mining algorithm.