Start Device Farm Go to AWS Device Farm. Enter project name alexaworkshop, select Create project. After the creation you will access to the project’s console, on the Remote access tab, select Create project.
Full Answer
What is remote access in AWS device farm?
AWS Device Farm’s Remote Access feature allows developers to swipe, gesture, and interact with a real device through their web browser to test the functionality and usability of their mobile applications.
What types of apps does device farm support?
Device Farm supports testing of native and hybrid Android and iOS apps, including those created with PhoneGap, Titanium, Xamarin, Unity, and other frameworks. It supports remote access of Android and iOS apps for interactive testing. For more information about supported test types, see Working with Test Types in AWS Device Farm .
What information does device farm collect during remote access sessions?
During a remote access session, Device Farm collects details about actions that take place as you interact with the device. Logs with these details and a video capture of the session are produced at the end of the session. Device Farm introduces the following terms that define the way information is organized:
What are the benefits of device farm?
Device Farm’s fully managed browser grid scales as needed allowing you to run multiple tests in parallel to speed up the execution of your test suite.

Does AWS device farm support iOS?
AWS Device Farm supports native and hybrid Android, iOS, and web apps, and cross-platform apps including those created with PhoneGap, Titanium, Xamarin, Unity, and other frameworks.
What is remote access in AWS device Farm?
Remote access allows you to swipe, gesture, and interact with a device through your web browser in real time to test functionality and reproduce customer issues. You interact with a specific device by creating a remote access session with that device.
How do I add a device to AWS device Farm?
Open the Device Farm console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/ .On the Device Farm navigation panel, choose Mobile Device Testing, then choose Projects.Choose an existing project from the list or create a new one. ... Choose Automated tests, and then choose Create a new run.More items...
Is AWS device FARM an emulator?
AWS Device Farm is a service that allows you to test your Android, Fire OS, and iOS apps on real devices (not emulators or simulators) in the AWS Cloud.
How do I use AWS Farm device?
Step 1: Sign up for AWS. Sign up for Amazon Web Services (AWS). ... Step 2: Create or use an IAM user in your AWS account. We recommend that you do not use your AWS root account to access Device Farm. ... Step 3: Give the IAM user permission to access Device Farm. Give the IAM user permission to access Device Farm. ... Next step.
What is BitBar?
BitBar is a flexible cloud-based mobile and web application testing platform that allows you to perform live (manual) or automated testing against desktop browsers (Windows, MacOS and Linux) and real iOS and Android devices.
How do I test AWS device Farm?
Step 1: Choose a project. You must associate your test run with a Device Farm project. ... Step 2: Choose a device pool. ... Step 3: Upload your application file. ... Step 4: Upload your test scripts package. ... Step 5: (Optional) Upload your custom test spec. ... Step 6: Schedule a test run.
How do I build a device Farm?
Create a project (console) Sign in to the Device Farm console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm . On the Device Farm navigation panel, choose Mobile Device Testing, then choose Projects. Choose New project. Enter a name for your project, then choose Submit.
What is a private device?
A private device is a physical mobile device that AWS Device Farm deploys on your behalf in an Amazon data center. This device is exclusive to your AWS account. Currently, private devices are available only in the AWS US West (Oregon) Region ( us-west-2 ).
What can be done using device Farm?
Device Farm allows you to upload your own tests or use built-in, script-free compatibility tests. Because testing is performed in parallel, tests on multiple devices begin in minutes.
How do device farms work?
Device farms give developers access to devices their apps and websites are supposed to run on. Instead of guessing at what problems may occur, QAs can just run their code on a real device and get accurate results.
Is sauce lab free?
Users with an active Free Trial account can get free customer support for the 14-day duration of the free trial. You must use an e-mail address that is tied to your company or organization and not a public email service like Gmail or Yahoo Mail.
What are remote devices?
Remote Device means any device acceptable to us from time to time that provides for the capture of images from Items and for transmission through the clearing process.
How do I take a screenshot on my AWS device Farm?
To take a screenshot, call the takeScreenshot method (for example, takeScreenshot("/sdcard/uiautomator-screenshots/home-screen-1234. png");). Note: All screenshots must be stored in the /sdcard/uiautomator-screenshots directory . You must specify the full path (including the file name) of the screenshot to be stored.
How does AWS Auto Scaling work?
AWS Auto Scaling continually monitors your applications to make sure that they are operating at your desired performance levels. When demand spikes, AWS Auto Scaling automatically increases the capacity of constrained resources so you maintain a high quality of service.
Which AWS service is serverless and lets you connect billions of devices to the AWS cloud?
AWS IoT Core lets you connect billions of IoT devices and route trillions of messages to AWS services without managing infrastructure.
Testing on real mobile devices
Test your app in parallel against a massive collection of physical devices in the AWS Cloud. Use one of our built-in frameworks, to test your applications without having to write or maintain test scripts, or use one of our supported automation testing frameworks.
Testing on desktop browsers
Run your Selenium tests in parallel on multiple versions of Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox, that are hosted in the AWS Cloud.
Benefits of real device testing on AWS Device Farm
Run tests and interact with a large selection of physical devices. Unlike emulators, physical devices give you a more accurate understanding of the way users interact with your app by taking into account factors like memory, CPU usage, location, and modifications made by manufactures and carriers to the firmware and software.
Benefits of desktop browser testing on AWS Device Farm
Device Farm’s fully managed browser grid scales as needed allowing you to run multiple tests in parallel to speed up the execution of your test suite.
Automated App Testing
Device Farm allows you to upload your own tests or use built-in, script-free compatibility tests. Because testing is performed in parallel, tests on multiple devices begin in minutes.
Remote Access Interaction
Remote access allows you to swipe, gesture, and interact with a device through your web browser in real time. There are a number of situations where real-time interaction with a device is useful. For example, customer service representatives can guide customers through the use or setup of their device.
Device Farm introduces the following terms that define the way information is organized:
Supported Devices for Remote Access
Device Farm provides support for a number of unique, popular Android and iOS devices. The list of available devices grows as new devices enter the market. The Device Farm console displays the current list of Android and iOS devices available for remote access. For more information, see Devices .
Session Files Retention
Device Farm stores your apps and files for 30 days and then deletes them from its system. You can delete your files at any time, however.
Instrumenting Apps
You do not need to instrument your apps or provide Device Farm with the source code for your apps. Android and iOS apps can be submitted unmodified.
Re-Signing Apps in Sessions
Device Farm re-signs Android and iOS apps. This can break functionality that depends on the app's signature. For example, the Google Maps API for Android depends on your app's signature. App re-signing can also trigger antipiracy or antitamper detection from products such as DexGuard for Android devices.
Obfuscated Apps in Sessions
For Android apps, if the app is obfuscated, you can still test it with Device Farm if you use ProGuard. However, if you use DexGuard with antipiracy measures, Device Farm cannot re-sign the app.
Creating an Instance Profile
To control the behavior of private devices during a test run or remote access session, you can create or modify an instance profile in Device Farm. You do not need an instance profile to start using your private devices.
Managing a Private Device Instance
If you already have one or more private devices in your fleet, you can view information about and manage certain settings for each device instance. You can also request an additional private device instance.
Creating a Test Run or Starting a Remote Access Session
After you set up a private device fleet, you can create test runs or start remote access sessions with one or more private devices in your fleet.
Creating a Private Device Pool
When you create a test run, you can create a device pool for the test run and ensure that the pool includes only your private devices.
Next Steps
After you set up your private devices, you can also manage your private devices in the following ways: