What is bearbuy UC Berkeley?
BearBuy is UC Berkeley’s web-based marketplace where we go to shop and manage most of our business-related purchases and payments. Our “Procure-to-Pay” system, BearBuy, provides staff, faculty, graduate students with active appointments and other employees with an intuitive, easy to use interface, catalog shopping and electronically-enabled workflows.
Where to send purchase orders to law.berkeley?
Send all purchase orders and change order requests to inquiries@law.berkeley.edu. Please be sure to provide the requisition number or PO number and the requested action in the subject line. If requesting closure of multiple POs, please attach an excel spreadsheet listing the purchase orders in list form.
What do you learn at BearBuy?
Basics for Shoppers: New and returning Shoppers learn about BearBuy basics, BearBuy terminology, catalogs, shopping concepts, BearBuy workflow, and other concepts. Prior knowledge of BearBuy is recommended but not required.
How to view my returned cart on Bearbuy?
If you are not using the link from the notification email to view the returned cart, in BearBUY navigate to Shop>My Carts and Orders> View Draft Shopping Carts.
What browser version does Bearbuy use?
What are the system requirements to access BearBUY? (expand) Effective October 2017, Microsoft supports only Internet Explorer browser version IE11. In keeping with SciQuest policy to support only browsers that are supported by the vendor, SciQuest supports only browser version IE11 of Internet Explorer.
What happens if you return a cart on Bearbuy?
If the cart was returned to you, the BearBUY notification email wil contain a link you can click to login and access the requisition in the system. At the bottom of the notification email, any comments added to the cart will be listed and may contain details regarding why the cart was returned to you. If the cart was submitted on your behalf then you should contact the person the cart was returned to in order to get additional details about the cart.
What is a cart authorizer in Bearbuy?
Cart Authorizer. Cart Authorizers are Shoppers who have received assigned shopping carts.
How to contact ERSO regional model?
For Departments supported by ERSO Regional Model, you can email ersopurchasing@erso.berkeley.edu (link sends e-mail) with a request for a change order.
Can you cancel a PO in Bearbuy?
No, you cannot uncancel a Purchase Order or a PO Line. Although "Uncancel PO" is an available action in BearBUY, you are unable to uncancel a cancelled Purchase Order. If you select "Uncancel PO" in BearBUY, the change will not export to BFS once you finalize the revision. If your PO is cancelled and you need to pay the vendor for services or goods you should create a new PO.
Can you cancel a Bearbuy purchase order?
a. The order has been processed and item has shipped: DO NOT cancel your BearBUY Purchase Order. Work with the supplier directly to return the item after you have received your item. Each supplier will have their own process to return items – the return process is manual and is outside of the BearBUY application.