How do I access my Beaumont Health email?
Remote access to email though mail.beaumont.org is restricted. Contact the IT Service Desk at 888-481-2448 or via the web . Manage your account. Your Beaumont Health ID is used to log into Outlook email and computer workstations. Here, you can access your oneChart from anywhere.
How do I know if my Beaumont username and password has been compromised?
If you receive a notification on your smartphone to “Approve or Deny” access and you are not trying to access your Beaumont account, click “Deny.” This is a sign that your Beaumont username and password has been compromised. Then change your password at pss.beaumont.org and contact the Service Desk at 888-481-2448 for further assistance.
Why do I need to enroll in duo to access Beaumont email?
If you remotely access Beaumont email or bhapps when not at a Beaumont owned or affiliated location, you will be required to enroll in and use Duo to confirm your identity. You may have used Imprivata for this remote access in the past. This will now be changing to Duo Security application.
How do I add additional devices to my Beaumont account?
You can add additional devices at the Duo Prompt. Click My Settings & Devices hyperlink below the Beaumont logo on the upper left corner of the window. Next, to add additional devices within My Settings & Devices, you must 2nd factor authentication to protect your individual account.

What is the email app for Beaumont?
The required email app on mobile devices to receive Beaumont email on personal devices is the Microsoft Outlook email application.
When will Beaumont Health switch to Duo?
To continue minimizing the risk of disruption to patient care and ensure the security of protected health information against phishing attacks, Beaumont Health has transitioning to Duo Security, Cisco’s proven two-factor authentication solution for all Beaumont Resources accessed remotely on Wednesday, October 27th, 2021.
How to authenticate with text message?
Authenticating with a text message requires waiting to receive the text, reading a pass-code, and then typing it in.
Does Beaumont use Duo?
If you remotely access any Beaumont Resources {Office 365 (including email), BH-Apps, myBenefits, etc...} when not at a Beaumont owned or affiliated location, you will be required to use Duo to confirm your identity.
Is Beaumont responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of assets and data?
All users of Beaumont information and computing assets are responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Beaumont assets and data according to Acceptable Use Policy. Sharing username and passwords, and using the identity credentials of others is not permitted.
Web Mail
Remote access to email though mail.beaumont.org is restricted. Contact the IT Service Desk at 888-481-2448 or via the web .
Password Self-Service
Manage your account. Your Beaumont Health ID is used to log into Outlook email and computer workstations.
What is Beaumont Health and Spectrum Health?
Beaumont Health and Spectrum Health have signed a Letter of Intent to explore how we can best serve our communities together by creating a new high-quality health care system that is For Michigan, By Michigan.
Who is the president of Beaumont Medical Group?
Daniel Frattarelli, president of Operations for the Beaumont Medical Group, will report directly to John Fox, and Dr. Barbara Ducatman, CMO of Beaumont, Royal Oak will primarily be responsible for overseeing the ongoing research enterprise with Dr. Richard Kennedy.