Remote-access Guide

benefits of remote access for employees

by Sarai Wilkinson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

8 Benefits of Allowing Employees to Work Remotely

  1. Less time spent commuting. A reduction in the amount of time spent on a stressful and unpleasant commute is undoubtedly a benefit for employees, but it could also give ...
  2. Improved employee retention. One of the biggest headaches for small businesses is losing the employees that make them tick. ...
  3. Access to a wider pool of applicants. One of the key drivers behind the rise in remote working is the ‘millennial effect’. ...
  4. More autonomous employees. Giving your employees the ability to work from home allows them to operate in a way that suits them.
  5. Lower costs. We’re probably preaching to the converted here but office space is expensive. ...
  6. Make better use of technology. Working from home would be impossible without the fantastic technology we have today. ...
  7. Reduced salaries. We’re not suggesting that your employees will be happy to take a pay cut in return for more flexible workplace practices, however research has shown that 36 ...
  8. Increased productivity. Business owners need to have a certain amount of trust in their employees to let them work from home, but those that do can benefit from an ...

Here, we discuss the most common flexible working benefits that can be supported by your remote access strategy.
  • A more productive workforce. ...
  • Better talent acquisition. ...
  • IT support from anywhere. ...
  • Improved security for remote workers. ...
  • Lower overhead cost. ...
  • Business continuity planning.
Jul 5, 2018

What are the advantages of remote access?

Advantages of Remote Access. 1. Respond well in emergency situations that require immediate access to health information. 2. Documentation can be done on the spot without needing to go back to the work site. 3. Full/pertinent access of information available during visits, which can result in improved care i.e. can view all medication history ...

How can small businesses benefit from remote access?

Ways 5G Can Benefit Small Businesses

  • Encourage Better Business Communications. ...
  • Get Things Done Quicker. ...
  • Expand Capabilities with Internet of Things. ...
  • Encourage Small Business Innovation. ...
  • Improve Recruiting Processes and Bridge Skill Gaps. ...

What can remote access do for your business?

Remote access can mean different things to different companies. It could mean accessing a client database hosted on a server outside of your company’s network. It could mean accessing an application that’s critical to your business from anywhere at any time via a web browser. It could also mean having the ability to do your entire day’s ...

Can someone help me with remote access?

Windows Remote Assistance lets someone you trust take over your PC and fix a problem from wherever they are. Before you can use it, you'll need to enable access. In the search box on the taskbar, type remote assistance, and then select Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer from the list of results.


What is the greatest benefit of remote access to an organization?

Flexibility. By allowing your staff to perform tasks outside the office using remote access, you can facilitate more flexible work arrangements and help employees create a better work/life balance.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote access?

Advantages of Remote Access1) Flexible Access. ... 2) Flexible Set-Up and Costs. ... 3) Full Control on Authorization and Access. ... 4) Centralized Storage and Backups. ... 5) Shared Resources; Greater Efficiency and Collaboration. ... 1) Security Issues. ... 2) Version Problems and Data Liabilities. ... 3) Hardware Issues Still Need On-Site Work.More items...•

How is remote access critical for a company?

Remote access will allow your employees to safely work from any platform, device, or network whether at their home office, at an internet cafe, or abroad. They can access, edit, and share important files with colleagues, which makes collaboration easy and helps to streamline work for all employees concerned.

What are the benefits of remote assistance?

Check out these 7 ways remote IT support can benefit your business:On-Demand IT Service. Remote IT support is always available whenever an IT issue arises. ... Reduce Cost. ... Stay Business Focused. ... Increase Company Productivity. ... Access to Experienced IT Professionals. ... Cutting-Edge Technology. ... Regularly Scheduled Maintenance.

What is the benefit of remote control?

An industrial remote control allows you to operate the device or machine without interfering with cables. This means more freedom of movement and you are not limited to the maximum length of a cable. Cable controls usually require more maintenance because cables tend to wear out more quickly in industrial environments.

Why do I need remote access?

Remote access enables remote users to access files and other system resources on any devices or servers that are connected to the network at any time. This increases employee productivity and enables employees to better collaborate with colleagues around the world.

How do you secure remote access to employees?

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for EmployeesDevelop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ... Choose a Remote Access Software. ... Use Encryption. ... Implement a Password Management Software. ... Apply Two-factor Authentication. ... Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ... Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What is the difference between remote Access & Telecommuting?

Restrictions: Remote work allows you to work from anywhere in the world without any restrictions or demands from your employer to come into the office for face-time but with telecommuting, you are required to come into the office on specific days and maybe also be required to be in a certain location for purposes like ...

Is there any potential downside to the use of remote control software?

While this system can certainly streamline working practices, there are some disadvantages including downtime. When the network is down the entire system is inaccessible so it's imperative that your system has a consistency of performance.

Why is remote work important?

In some cases, remote work, especially when completed in a timely and effective manner, can help increase collaboration and enhance job satisfaction for employees. But, on the flip side, when work submitted does not make the grade and shows signs of employee distraction amid remote working challenges, trust falters and employers might consider ...

How many hours does remote work?

As it happens, on average, remote employees in the pandemic are working 26 extra hours every month, amounting to almost one extra day every week, ...

What are the benefits of working from home?

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of working from home, as well as how employers can improve the issues surrounding remote work for their employees. 1. Connecting. Remote work makes some employees worry about career progression, and nearly 60% of managers feel remote work is robbing them of opportunities for informal leadership development, ...

What did Bill Gates say about virtual meetings?

In a podcast, business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates recently said that in the pre-pandemic business world, people worried that a client would be offended by a virtual meeting. But, in a post-pandemic world, people will have second thoughts about the necessity of physical meetings.

Is it possible to work remotely?

The fact is, being able to work remotely depends significantly on a blend of sectors of employment, occupation and activity. According to a McKinsey & Company study, the U.K. has the most capabilities for remote work. It also found that developed economies are able to have their workforce committing 28%-30% of their working hours to remote work, without any loss of productivity. And so, the hassle of dealing with unreliable public transit is comfortably replaced by videoconference calls, and instead of camaraderie in the office, there is a quiet time for reflection and quality output at home.

Will virtual meetings improve?

As virtual meetings become a normal business event, the technology will also improve. While there are those who believe the pandemic has caused nothing but chaos and destruction, I believe that from within chaos and destruction, the strong will persevere and create a better tomorrow.

Is it hard to reconceptualize work?

It is increasingly hard for people to reconceptualize the idea of work when you're doing it in the comfort of your own home. However, as the dangers of gathering in enclosed spaces became increasingly apparent, employees gradually understood the merits of working from the relative safety of home. Employers now understand the benefits ...

Why is remote work important?

For businesses that want to promote environmental health, combat climate change, and present themselves as forward-thinking, remote/virtual work is hugely beneficial to the environment. Sure, the impact of your staff might be minimal compared to those of a logistics and transportation company, but every little bit helps during the current climate crisis.

Why is working remotely important?

It’s the cost of losing the chance to eat dinner as a family. It’s the time missed in raising a child and being there for them during formative moments. When employees can work remotely, they can build a better balance.

How many employees would take the ability to work remotely?

Historically, 30% of employees say they would take the ability to work remotely in lieu of a pay raise. That number has likely only risen in recent years, particularly as more employees experience the ability to work from home due to the pandemic.

Why is it important to hire people across the country?

One excellent benefit of hiring people across the country or around the world is coverage throughout a greater range of time zones. This is particularly useful for companies that want to offer around-the-clock customer support or sales. You can hire people in the relevant time zones rather than forcing local employees to work odd hours. This also helps sales in regions in those time zones, as they can talk to people who are more likely to be local to them.

What is the best thing a business can do?

One of the best things any modern business can do is increase diversity within its staff. Whether it’s more female employees, more BIPOC employees, or employees from diverse geographic regions, all diversity helps.

Why is it important to not commute?

In the time saved by not needing to commute and not needing to fill time in an office, your employees are free to pursue personal development. They might work on their health, they might develop their skills or work on side projects, or they might be able to pursue certifications that make them better at their job. All of this makes them better employees for you.

Why is flexible timing important?

Flexible timing allows employees to work to their strengths.

1. Technology, Furniture and Supplies for Home Offices

Setting up a home office can be an expensive requirement for remote workers, and many companies provide technology and financial assistance to enable their employees to do their best work. Company-issued laptops and stipends for office supplies are just the first steps to equip your remote workers.

2. Monthly Internet Stipend

An easy factor to overlook: Your employees need high-speed internet service to work from home efficiently, but the expectation that everyone pays for sufficient speed on their own is inequitable. Offer employees a stipend to cover this monthly expense.

3. Ergonomic Guidance

It’s one thing to provide a stipend for your employees to upgrade their home office furniture – an excellent benefit. Step up a level with this perk by also providing the ergonomic expertise to buy and set up furniture properly to alleviate physical discomfort and the associated loss of productivity.

4. Reimbursement for Getting Out of the Home Office

Not every remote worker finds home to be the most suitable place to work. Remote-first companies have long been aware that some employees work best in more social environments — even if only occasionally.

5. Fitness and Wellness Classes and Coaching

Mental and physical wellness perks for employees have become more common in recent years. Subscriptions to mental health apps such as Calm, Headspace and Ginger allow employees to tap into a meditation session or connect with a behavioral health coach on demand.

6. Free Lunches

At the office, there really is such a thing as a free lunch, and savvy workers rarely miss out on such events. (Savvy leaders, likewise, know free food is a terrific way to lure staff into the same room for team-building or coaching activities.)

7. Book Allowances

The employee book club at Drift, a remote-first company that offers a revenue acceleration platform, doesn’t actually meet to discuss the same titles. Launched in 2016, it instead allows employees to choose books from an evolving list of about 250 titles, including The New York Times’ 2020 anti-racist reading list.

How much more productive are teleworkers?

Productivity — Teleworkers are an average of 35-40% more productive than their office counterparts, and have measured an output increase of at least 4.4%.

Is remote work a good idea?

Well, yes. The topic of remote work is producing a lot of attention — and research. There are many reports that tout the benefits of remote work from organizations like OwlLabs and Buffer, but privately-sourced data is in danger of biased results.

Is remote work beneficial?

In other words, if there is value in telecommuting for organizations, there is value for the world . But whether or not remote work is truly beneficial for organizations ...

Is remote work going anywhere?

Based on this statistical analysis, remote work is not going anywhere any time soon. Even further, companies would be wise to prioritize the “remote work revolution” as a strategy to enhance their top objectives in this new decade.

Does the remote work revolution have a case for change?

So, what were the results? Does the remote work revolution have a case for change? The world’s top researchers say yes, by proving that workplace flexibility will boost your bottom line in these five categories:

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