Remote-access Guide

bishop auckland college remote access

by Prof. Erin Daugherty MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

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How to contact tutors at Bacoll?

You will be able to contact your tutors either through Moodle or by email; if you aren’t sure of their email address, all staff college email addresses follow the same format, e.g. Staff will also keep in touch through telephone calls, text messages and social media where that is appropriate.

How to access Moodle from home?

As a reminder, you can access Moodle from home by going to and logging on using your email address and password as usual. You will find work there to complete and you will be able to communicate with your tutor.

How to contact progress mentors?

Progress Mentors can be contacted by email and their mobile between Monday to Friday. The college also has a general enquiries line that will be open from 8.30am until 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am until 4pm on a Friday:

Do you receive phone calls from tutors?

You will receive regular telephone calls from your tutors to check on progress and provide you with support over the telephone. For full-time students, your progress mentor will also be in touch on a weekly basis.

Do you get a phone call from a college interview?

All applicants who have face to face interview appointments booked at the college will now receive a telephone call and an informal discussion with a tutor.


Assessment and Progress

Support For Students with Special Educational Needs

  • During this period, the College will continue to offer on-site provision for vulnerable students who need it. Students will be contacted to assess whether this provision is appropriate for them. Other students who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or access to regular additional learning support, will continue to be able to access ...
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Further Information

  • As we get more information and guidance from the Government and other organisations we will continue to update the Covid pages on our website and, where appropriate, will contact students direct.
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