Remote-access Guide

block remote access to wmi

by Mrs. Breana Cummings Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

  • In the Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall.
  • Click Change Settings and then click the Exceptions tab.
  • In the Exceptions window, select the check box for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable WMI traffic through the firewall. To disable WMI traffic, clear the check box.

In the Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall. Click Change Settings and then click the Exceptions tab. In the Exceptions window, select the check box for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable WMI traffic through the firewall. To disable WMI traffic, clear the check box.Jan 7, 2021

How do I enable WMI on a remote computer?

To set remote enable permissions. Connect to the remote computer using the WMI Control. For more information about the WMI Control, see Setting Namespace Security with the WMI Control. In the Security tab, select the namespace and click Security. Locate the appropriate account and check Remote Enable in the Permissions list.

How can I block all WMI connections on Windows?

How can I configure Windows to block all WMI connections? It just hardens the OS against a range of possible script attacks... Disable the winmgmt service. You should also consider disabling tcp access to RPC, or at least setting it to require authentication. WMI is deprecated, and modern remote management tools (e.g. Powershell) use RPC instead.

How do I Turn Off WMI on my firewall?

Windows Firewall Settings. 1 In the Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall. 2 Click Change Settings and then click the Exceptions tab. 3 In the Exceptions window, select the check box for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable WMI traffic through the firewall. To disable WMI ...

How do I enable or disable WMI traffic?

The exception for WMI also works if WMI has been started with a fixed port, using the winmgmt /standalonehost command. For more information, see Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI. You can enable or disable WMI traffic through the Windows Firewall UI. In the Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall.


How do I restrict WMI?

Click Start, click Run, type DCOMCNFG, and then click OK.In the Component Services dialog box, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then right-click My Computer and click Properties.In the My Computer Properties dialog box, click the COM Security tab.Under Access Permissions, click Edit Limits.More items...•

How do I enable WMI access remotely?

Enable remote Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) requestsOn the target server, go to. Administrative Tools. ... Expand. Services and Applications. ... Right-click. WMI Control. ... On the. WMI Control Properties. ... Security. .Add. if you want to add a monitoring user.Check. Remote Enable. ... Check if the connection is successful.

How do you check the remote connectivity through WMI?

The process to perform a quick test of the WMI services on a remote machine is not much different than testing the local services.Click Start, click Run, type wmimgmt. ... Right-click WMI Control (Local), and then click Connect to another computer.Click Another computer, and then enter the name of the remote computer.More items...•

What is remote WMI?

WMI can be used to manage and access WMI data on remote computers. Remote connections in WMI are affected by the Windows Firewall and DCOM settings. User Account Control (UAC) may also require changes to some settings.

How do I disable WMI service?

To stop Winmgmt Service At a command prompt, enter net stop winmgmt. Other services that are dependent on the WMI service also halt, such as SMS Agent Host or Windows Firewall.

What permissions are needed for WMI?

To access WMI as a non-administrator using DCOM you need the following groups / permissionsDistributed COM Users.'Remote Enable' permissions under WMI control for the namespace you want to access (manual steps or with a script and Group Policy)More items...

How do I know if my WMI port is open?

Confirm WMI is brokenLaunch the WMI MMC snapin: go to Start -> Run -> type wmimgmt.msc.Right click WMI Control (Local) and click Properties. ... If WMI is working correctly, you will see Successfully connected window as shown below.If you see Invalid class or any other error message then WMI is not working properly.

What is WMI and how it works?

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a set of specifications from Microsoft for consolidating the management of devices and applications in a network from Windows computing systems. WMI provides users with information about the status of local or remote computer systems.

Is WMI enabled by default?

By default, only local administrators can have access to WMI remotely. If you are using a standard domain user account, you will obtain a “WMI Access denied” error while testing the connectivity of your monitoring tool for Exchange or SharePoint.

How do I change my WMI settings?

Select the WMI Control item in the left pane, right click on the mouse and select Properties. Select the Security tab. Select the WMI Container where you want to modify the security, i.e. Root or CIMV2, and click on the Security button. Configure the desired permissions.

Is WMI secure?

WMI security focuses on protecting access to namespace data. WMI first grants access to groups of users as specified by the WMI Control and DCOM settings and then providers determine if the user should have access to namespace data.

Is WMI safe?

Is the WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe) safe? Yes. The WMI Provider Host process is a legitimate system process that comes installed on your Windows 10 computer. It's required to run in order to make your PC functional.

How do I enable WMI access for non admin domain users?

ResolutionCreate a normal (non-administrative) user.Add the user to the Performance Monitor Users and DCOM Users groups.Open the wmimgmt. ... Select WMI Control (Local) from the left.Select the Properties.In the Properties window, select the Security tab.Select the Root file, then click the Security button.More items...

How do I know if WMI is enabled?

Confirm WMI is brokenLaunch the WMI MMC snapin: go to Start -> Run -> type wmimgmt.msc.Right click WMI Control (Local) and click Properties. ... If WMI is working correctly, you will see Successfully connected window as shown below.If you see Invalid class or any other error message then WMI is not working properly.

How do I fix WMI access is denied?

AnswersDCOM permission. Open Dcomcnfg. Expand Component Service -> Computers -> My computer. Go to the properties of My Computer. ... Permission for the user to the WMI namespace. Open WMImgmt.msc. Go to the Properties of WMI Control. Go to the Security Tab. ... Verify WMI Impersonation Rights. Click Start, click Run, type gpedit.

How do I run a WMIC command on a remote computer?

To create a share on a remote computer by using WMIC: At a command prompt, type wmic, and then press ENTER. Type /node:computer name where computer nameis the name of the target computer. If you want to pass administrator credentials, type /user:"domain\username", to receive a prompt for a password.

What is WMI used for?

In this article. WMI can be used to manage and access WMI data on remote computers. Remote connections in WMI are affected by the Windows Firewall and DCOM settings. User Account Control (UAC) may also require changes to some settings.

What parameter is used to get WMI object?

Use the -ComputerName parameter common to most WMI cmdlets, such as Get-WmiObject.

What is a moniker in GetObject?

Use a moniker that contains the name of the remote system in the call to GetObject.

Do you need to enable DCOM for remote connection?

The correct DCOM settings must be enabled for a remote connection to work. Changing DCOM settings can allow low rights users access to a computer for a remote connection. For more information, see Securing a Remote WMI Connection.

Is a remote call to a WMI call the same as a local call?

However, once your have your settings correct, the call to a remote system is very similar to a local WMI call. You may choose to make it more complex however, by using different credentials, alternate authentication protocols, and other security features.

Can I access a remote system with WMI?

Before you can access a remote system with WMI, you may need to check some security settings to confirm that you have access. Specifically: Windows contains a number of security features that may block access to scripts on remote systems. As such, you may need to modify your system's Active Directory and Windows Firewall settings ...

Can remote computers be used in the same domain?

Both your local and remote computers are within the same domain. If you need to cross domain boundaries, you would need to supply additional information or use a slightly different programming model.

What is WMI exception?

The exception for WMI allows WMI to receive remote connections and asynchronous callbacks to Unsecapp.exe. For more information, see Setting Security on an Asynchronous Call. If a client application creates its own sink, that sink must be explicitly added to the firewall exceptions to allow callbacks to succeed.

What is WMI in Windows firewall?

Windows Firewall Settings. WMI settings for Windows Firewall settings enable only WMI connections, rather than other DCOM applications as well. An exception must be set in the firewall for WMI on the remote target computer. The exception for WMI allows WMI to receive remote connections and asynchronous callbacks to Unsecapp.exe.

What happens when a client application creates its own sink?

If a client application creates its own sink, that sink must be explicitly added to the firewall exceptions to allow callbacks to succeed.

What is UAC filtering?

User Account Control (UAC) access-token filtering can affect which operations are allowed in WMI namespaces or what data is returned. Under U AC, all accounts in the local Administrators group run with a standard user access token, also known as UAC access- token filtering. An administrator account can run a script with an elevated privilege—"Run as Administrator".

How to get to the firewall in Windows 10?

In the Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall.

Does UAC affect WMI?

For more information on DCOM settings, see Securing a Remote WMI Connection. However, UAC affects connections for nondomain user accounts. If you connect to a remote computer using a nondomain user account included in the local Administrators group of the remote computer, then you must explicitly grant remote DCOM access, activation, and launch rights to the account.

Can you use individual commands for each WMI service?

Rather than using the single WMI rule group command, you also can use individual commands for each of the DCOM, WMI service, and sink.

How to run WMI control?

To run the WMI Control (Wmimgmt.msc) and make changes to WMI namespace security or auditing settings, your account must have the Edit Security right explicitly granted or be in the local Administrators group. The built-in Administrator account can also change the security or auditing for a namespace.

What determines whether UAC filtering occurs?

Whether you are connecting to a remote computer in a domain or in a workgroup determines whether UAC filtering occurs.

Why is my WMI not returning all instances to a standard user?

The WMI providers for some classes do not return all instances to a standard user account or an Administrator account that is not running as a full administrator because of UAC filtering.

Why does WMI not return all instances?

The WMI providers for some classes do not return all instances to a standard user account or an Administrator account that is not running as a full administrator because of UAC filtering. The following classes do not return some instances when the account is filtered by UAC: Win32_Bus. Win32_Printer.

What is UAC filtering?

Even if the account is in the Administrators group, UAC filtering means that a script runs as a standard user.

How to disable remote UAC?

Disabling Remote UAC by changing the registry entry that controls Remote UAC is not recommended, but may be necessary in a workgroup. The registry entry is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies system LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy. When the value of this entry is zero (0), Remote UAC access token filtering is enabled. When the value is 1, remote UAC is disabled.

How many access tokens does a script have?

Under UAC, accounts in the local Administrators group have two access tokens, one with standard user privileges and one with administrator privileges. Because of UAC access token filtering, a script is normally run under the standard user token, unless it is run "as an Administrator" in elevated privilege mode. Not all scripts required administrative privileges.

How to configure DCOM for WMI?

You can configure DCOM settings for WMI using the DCOM Config utility ( DCOMCnfg.exe) found in Administrative Tools in Control Panel. This utility exposes the settings that enable certain users to connect to the computer remotely through DCOM. Members of the Administrators group are allowed to remotely connect to the computer by default. With this utility you can set the security to start, access, and configure the WMI service.

Can I connect to WMI on a remote computer?

You cannot connect to WMI on a remote system. You may be trying to connect to a system that does not support WMI. The following connections between operating system versions are not supported: You cannot connect to a computer that is running a Starter, Basic, or Home edition.


Assume that a third-party firewall is installed and registered by using Windows Firewall to take ownership of Firewall policy management.


This issue occurs because the DCOM API doesn't honor the third-party firewall when it queries the firewall settings.


To work around this issue, run the following command at a command prompt to enable WMI traffic:


Microsoft has confirmed that this is an issue in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

How to troubleshoot remote WMI?

The quickest way to do this is via the WMI Control snap-in. Please refer to the WMI Permissions and General Errors topic on the AskPerf Support Center for testing and ensuring that WMI is working locally on each box as well as data collection before moving to troubleshooting remote connectivity.

What happens when WMI is configured correctly?

If the WMI service is configured correctly, the WMI Control will connect to WMI and display the Properties dialog box.

Why can't I connect to WMI?

CAN'T CONNECT TO REMOTE WMI. Description: WMI can fail for a number of reasons. Some of those can include not having appropriate rights and permissions for access to machines or namespaces, problems with provider registration, corrupted repository, and scripting errors to name a few. If WMI returns error messages, ...

What is data gathering?

Data Gathering: In all instances, collecting either MPS Reports with the General, Internet and Networking, Business Networks and Server Components diagnostics, or a Performance-oriented MSDT manifest must be done. Additional data required may include the following:

How to run dcomcnfg?

Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg, and then click OK.

Where can I run WMI diagnostic tool?

The WMI Diagnosis Tool can be run from Windows Explorer or from the command line. (cscript wmidiag.vbs)

Can you add an administrator to a group?

You can add the Administrators group and grant the group Local and Remote access if it is not already present.

What protocol does Spiceworks use?

After setting up a group policy, I can now use Spiceworks to inventory all of the desktop PCs on my network. Spiceworks uses the WMI protocol for discovery and inventory.

What command to use to start services?

You may use net start command to start the services. For more information, please refer to the following Microsoft TechNet articles:

Can you edit group policy in Windows 7?

Make sure you are editing your group policy object from a Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2 machine to ensure you are editing the policy with the same client-side extension present.


User Account Control

  • Under UAC, accounts in the local Administrators group have two access tokens, one with standard user privileges and one with administrator privileges. Because of UAC access token filtering, a script is normally run under the standard user token, unless it is run "as an Administrator" in elevated privilege mode. Not all scripts required administrati...
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Account Needed to Run WMI Command-Line Tools

  • To run the following WMI Command-Line Tools, your account must be in the Administrators group and the tool must be run from an elevated command prompt. The built-in administrator account can also run these tools. 1. mofcomp 2. wmicThe first time you run Wmic after system installation, it must be run from an elevated command prompt. The elevated mode may not be r…
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Handling Remote Connections Under UAC

  • Whether you are connecting to a remote computer in a domain or in a workgroup determines whether UAC filtering occurs. If your computer is part of a domain, connect to the target computer using a domain account that is in the local Administrators group of the remote computer. Then UAC access token filtering will not affect the domain accounts in the local Administrators group…
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UAC Effect on WMI Data Returned to Scripts Or Applications

  • If a script or application is running under an account in the Administrators group, but not running with an elevated privilege, then you may not get all the data returned because this account is running as a standard user. The WMI providersfor some classes do not return all instances to a standard user account or an Administrator account that is not running as a full administrator be…
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