Cisco VPN
You can get to all of your APL files, tools, and applications using Cisco VPN. This option is available only when using an APL system.
Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN
With Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN, you can get to all of your APL files, tools, and applications when using an APL system. To get to basic only services (like e-mail or E-Time) from a non-APL system, use the web option at: https://gpvpnweb.jhuapl.edu .
APL View
APL View is available from any APL or personal system or device and provides access to your APL files, tools, and applications. APL View utilizes virtual machine (VM) technology instead of a VPN connection, however, your HID token is still required for login. Type https://aplview.jhuapl.edu in any web browser.