Family holidays in term time
Headteachers cannot grant any authorised absence during term-time, unless in exceptional circumstances. Those circumstances are at the discretion of the headteacher, but essentially, term-time holidays will no longer be authorised.
Legal responsibilities
Parents are responsible in law for ensuring the regular and punctual attendance of their children. The school will also recognise the external factors which influence student attendance and will work in partnership with parents, the Education Welfare Service and other relevant services to deal with any issues.
First Day Calling for unexplained student absence
Whenever a student is absent from school, we ask that parents/carers inform us on the morning of the first day of absence before 8.30am.
The purpose of assessment is to communicate progress with students, teachers and parents so that students have a clear sense of where they are in their learning journey and the next steps that they need to take. More information on assessment can be found in this video:
Attitude to Learning
Bottisham Village College places great emphasis upon developing each student’s attitude to learning. We believe that great learning happens when students challenge themselves to work hard and aim high. We want students to be curious learners who fully engage in every learning opportunity.
Three times a year, a progress check will take place detailing the following:
However, our main way to report is through our parental intranet; this gives parents an up to date, live report.