Is Bristol Grammar co-educational?
Founded as an all-boys school, Bristol Grammar is now fully co-educational having first admitted girls in 1980. The school counts among its alumni prominent personalities including Nobel laureate Sir John Pople, former British ambassador to the US Lord Oliver Franks, and founder of Penguin Books Sir Allen Lane.
Does Bristol Grammar School have a good rugby team?
The school rugby team won the U15 1991 Daily Mail Cup and came runner-up in the same competition in 1995. Bristol Grammar has a sporting rivalry with fellow Bristol public school Clifton College . Bristol Grammar has been successful at Model United Nations for a number of years now, holding their own conference BGSMUN, in February, since 2007.
What is the school song of Bristol Grammar School?
Carmen Bristoliense (Song of the Bristolians) is the school song of Bristol Grammar School, which is sung in Latin. The song was written in 1909 by Headmaster Cyril Norwood, and set to music by the Director of Music, C. W. Stear.
Did Bristol Grammar ever win the Daily Mail Cup?
The school rugby team won the U15 1991 Daily Mail Cup and came runner-up in the same competition in 1995. Bristol Grammar has a sporting rivalry with fellow Bristol public school Clifton College .

What was the first building in Tyndalls Park?
The first buildings in Tyndalls Park were occupied in 1879: the Big School, with its Great Hall, and the Headmaster's House, a modest dwelling which is now the Junior School. Further classrooms were added, a Gymnasium and a Fives Court and a Rifle Range. These have been rebuilt as art rooms and rehearsal rooms, but the Winterstoke wing still houses the laboratories which were added in 1914. The Preparatory School began in 1900, and in 1928 moved into its own building on Elton Road, but this was destroyed on the night of 24 November 1940 by incendiary bombs.
What is BGS in England?
Charity Commission for England and Wales. Bristol Grammar School ( BGS) is a 4–18 mixed, independent day school in Bristol, England. It was founded in 1532 by Royal Charter for the teaching of 'good manners and literature', endowed by wealthy Bristol merchants Robert and Nicholas Thorne. The school flourished in the early 20th century ...
What is the name of the building that survived the Elton Road ruin?
The Prep Hall, which survived, is now the Mackay Theatre. The Elton Road ruin was rebuilt as classrooms under John Garrett, who added the University Road block and began to colonise the other side of Elton Road. Since then, the school has built yet more classroom accommodation and a new sports hall; Modern Languages, Classics, Geography and Art have their own Elton Road Houses, and the former playing field is now the Design and Technology Centre.
How long is the Senior Common Room?
The room is 140 feet (43 m) long, 50 feet (15 m) wide and 50 feet (15 m) high. Downstairs there are now, as in 1879, the Headmaster's Study, the Senior Common Room, offices and classrooms. Originally these would have accommodated the Sixth Form, while the rest of the school had lessons together in the Hall.
How many houses are there in the senior school?
There are six Houses in the Senior School, each named after its Head of House. Each student is placed in one of the six House groups at the beginning of their time in the Senior School, remaining in the House until they leave school. House activities include plays, music competitions and inter-House sporting tournaments.
Why were the stairs in the Great Hall changed?
The main stairs leading out of the Great Hall have been modified to fulfil fire and safety regulations and in preparation for the new library and Sixth Form building known as The Hub. When the whole school assembled in the Great Hall for the official opening of the new staircase, the invited guests included people who donated large sums of money to help get the project on its way and some of the OBs, including John Pople, who have supported the school. This work was permitted due to work done by the school's archivist who demonstrated that this was the way that the original staircase was likely to have been. This satisfied the authorities sufficiently that they granted permission to make structural alterations to the Grade II listed building. The Hub project however, was cancelled by the, then, new Headmaster, Roderick MacKinnon, so the planned building, which was popular among students, was discarded. This was mainly due to financing issues as building the hub would be very expensive (at least £1 million).
When was University Road Entrance founded?
University Road Entrance. The school was founded on 17 March 1532 by brothers Robert and Nicholas Thorne, when it was housed in the St Bartholomew's Hospital, as part of the new founding of schools after Henry VIII 's closure of the monasteries, where previously a large proportion of England's education had occurred.
What is the Bristol All Heart Hotline?
The phone number is: 860-584-6253. The hotline is structured for residents who are confined to their home, are elderly and thus at risk if they go to the grocery store, families who cannot reach the school food distribution sites, and other situations.
What time does Bristol Central High School have lunch?
Multi-day summer meal packs will be available at Bristol Eastern High School and Bristol Central High School between 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesday throughout the summer.
What is the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program?
The program is designed to help offset the winter heating costs of Connecticut's lower income households, specifically those households whose incomes fall at or below 60 percent of the state median income. For more information, please see the attached flyers.