Who manages my online courses at Brookdale?
The Teaching & Learning Center manages online courses at Brookdale. We also manage Canvas, the learning management system through which you will access your online courses. We support all online students, so technology will not be a barrier to your learning. You can contact us at the above email and phone number. Why Online?
How do I log in to my Brookdale email?
Select the “Email & Apps” icon on the top screen and enter your Brookdale email address and NETID password. Find your path at Brookdale. We’re here to help!
Why register at Brookdale?
Register Today! Wherever your there is, here will get you there. with clear paths to personal, educational, and economic success. “A perfect fit, I was able to be part of the Honors Program as well as the volleyball & softball teams.” Learn more about Brookdale experiences and opportunities straight from our students.
How do I Find my Brookdale Student ID number?
Click on “My ‘Brookdale” link, and then click on “NETID” which is located in the upper-right hand corner of the screen (looks like a lock). From there you can enter your last name, and student ID# or social security number, and you will be able to retrieve your user ID and email address.

Virtual Appointments
If you are interested in meeting with a Career, Leadership & Transfer Pathways Team member, please email your interest to career@brookdalecc.edu. A representative will schedule a Zoom meeting with you and you will be invited through a link emailed to your Brookdale email.
Online Resources
Job/Internship Database: Handshake is an available and robust online resource for those seeking job and internship opportunities. There are also some great informational resources as well!
Programs & Services
Internships: If you are interested in an internship, please email us at career@brookdalecc.edu to schedule an online Zoom meeting to discuss.
How long after a positive test can you return to school?
For an unvaccinated individual who is identified as a close contact of a person who has tested positive, return to campus is permitted after a 14-day quarantine period following the last known close contact with the positive person OR after 10 days with no symptoms and a negative RT-PCR test taken on day 8, 9, or 10, ONLY IF the 14-day quarantine period would create an economic or other hardship. The negative test result can be reported on the COVID reporting page.
What is the best way to disinfect a bathroom?
Disposable wipes or spray disinfectant and paper towels will be available in all bathrooms, offices, classrooms, and other shared facilities for wiping down surfaces. Good hand hygiene (frequent hand washing with soap/water or alcohol-based sanitizer) is encouraged after the use of shared equipment and common areas.
What is Brookdale College committed to?
The College is committed to providing regular communications and updates to the Brookdale community as information becomes available.
What do Allied Health students wear?
Allied Health students will follow the requirements set forth by their clinical sites, including wearing KN95 or other approved masks, gloves, and gowns as appropriate. Prior to and after each session, each lab area, including medical equipment, will be cleaned. All surfaces and shared equipment will be disinfected with Disinfectant Wipes or an EPA-approved solution and paper towels.
What do students wear in the Art Program?
Art Program students will wear masks and gloves as appropriate.
How long does it take to isolate a positive test?
Individuals who test positive must follow the isolation protocols. Isolation is for 10 days and improvement of symptoms and the absence of a fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
What is the custodial staff doing?
Custodial staff will wipe down high-touch areas throughout the day.