Can I run Stata in a Windows Server environment?
Pete Huckelba, StataCorp (updated by Kevin Crow, StataCorp) Many users have requested information for running Stata in a Windows Server computing environment that uses the server’s resources (not the client’s). To do this, you must have a Terminal Server deployed at your site.
How do I access Brown RemoteApp on a Windows computer?
If you are using a Windows computer in the CIS Public Computing Labs, your Brown RemoteApp shortcuts will be already available on the start screen for you. When launching an application, you will be prompted for two-step verification. To do this: NOTE: You may see a Windows login screen, briefly.
How do I run Stata 15 as an administrator?
Click Start. "Right-Click" Setup or (Setup.cmd) located in the C:\BrownSW\Stata15 folder. Select "Run as Administrator".
How do I install Stata on a Citrix server?
Simply insert your Stata installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive and follow the installer’s instructions. The correct Stata license for a Citrix server is a Stata network license. The number of users for the network license depends on how many users would be using Stata at any given time and is controlled within the Windows/Citrix environment.

How long can you leave RemoteApp open?
If you leave your RemoteApp open for more than two hours without mouse or keyboard input, you may be disconnected. However, if you have a short disconnection, you will be able to pick up right where you were - even if you switch computers.
Where are my documents in Brown Network?
The "My Documents" in the RemoteApp service ties in to the Documents folder in your Brown Network Home Folder. So, you can save information between sessions, and copy and paste files into your Documents folder when needed. If you'd like to access this folder outside the RemoteApps, see our article Connecting to your Network Home Folder.
How long does it take for remote app to disconnect?
Note: RemoteApp connections will automatically disconnect after 8 hours of inactivity.
How to connect to remote app on Windows 10?
Alternative Method: Connection via Control Panel and Start Menu. If you regularly use the same computer to connect to your RemoteApp sessions, you can add a direct connection from your operating system's Control Panel. Open your Windows Control Panel, switch to Icon View, and open "Remote Apps and Desktop Connections.".
Where are Brown RemoteApp shortcuts?
If you are using a Windows computer in the CIS Public Computing Labs, your Brown RemoteApp shortcuts will be already available on the start screen for you.
How to remotely access apps on Windows 10?
Open your Windows Control Panel, switch to Icon View, and open "Remote Apps and Desktop Connections."
Which is better: web or connection?
If you are connecting from a computer that you do not use regularly, a connection via the web will be a better choice for you.
What is SSH in CS?
SSH provides a command shell. It also gives you port forwarding (e.g. X), and an easy way to copy files to and from your CS account. However, it requires some setup ahead of time.
How to get through the firewall on a computer that isn't on the Brown CS network?
There are two supported ways of getting through the firewall from a computer that isn't on the Brown CS network: SSH and OpenVPN.
Can you ftp files from outside?
If all you want to do is transfer files, you can use our anonymous FTP server. Anyone can ftp files from the outside in, but you will need to contact the tstaff to have a directory set up for outgoing transfers. See the FTP page.
Can you use SCP to copy files?
Once you've got SSH set up , you can use scp to copy files to and from the department. This the most convenient way to move files through the firewall. See the man page for details.
Does SSH forward port forwarding?
SSH handles X port forward ing automatically. Just run X clients in your SSH session, and they appear on your remote X display.
Do you have to type passwords for Unix?
All remote access methods authenticate you when you connect, so you never have to type your unix account password. As a rule, never type any important password remotely unless you trust the machine you are on AND you are using a secure connection (SSH or OpenVPN) to the CS Department.
Does Brown Computer Science have a firewall?
Internet access to the Brown Computer Science Department network is restricted by a firewall. The firewall protects our computers from outside attackers, but it also limits the ways legitimate users can access the department.
Stata installation on a Citrix server is tantamount to a client level install. Simply insert your Stata installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive and follow the installer’s instructions.
The correct Stata license for a Citrix server is a Stata network license. The number of users for the network license depends on how many users would be using Stata at any given time and is controlled within the Windows/Citrix environment. The number refers to concurrent Stata users, not multiple Stata sessions.
How to access myapps.brown.edu?
Launch a web browser and navigate to myapps.brown.edu, you’ll be prompted to log in with your Brown credentials in Microsoft format - “ username@ad.brown.edu ” (ex. jcarberr@ad.brown.edu ). After successfully authenticating, you be able to view and access each of the MyApps virtual desktops assigned to you. Each virtual desktop will have apps that are tailored to your role at the University.
Does MyApps require Microsoft Remote Desktop?
MyApps can be utilized entirely as a web-based service on any platform and does not require the Microsoft Remote Desktop app. This gives you the convenience of accessing your applications from any computer.
Who can apply for core applications?
Core Applications (available to students, staff, and Brown-paid faculty)