How secure is Remote Desktop Access?
If you use remote desktop access, stay secure. Setting up remote desktop access requires you to think carefully about security, since you want to prevent other people from gaining unlimited remote access to your computer.
How do I log in to Bu without being on campus?
For example, when you are not on campus you could be prompted to provide your BU login name and Kerberos password through BU’s Web Login, or required to use VPN software; both possibilities are described below. What is Web Login? Web Login is BU’s standard method of authenticating you to BU web sites.
Why do I need to provide my Bu login name and password?
Whether you are on or off campus, you will be prompted to provide your BU login name and Kerberos password as needed to ensure that you are an authorized user of that resource. You should never save your password in Web Login, but should know that you will only be prompted to authenticate once per browser session.
How will my networked resources work if I'm not on campus?
Most networked resources will function just as they do when you are on campus. However, as determined by license agreements and other requirements, some resources will look at your network (IP) address to determine whether or not you are on campus, and require a different level of authentication if you are not.

Why is VPN required for BU?
Since some Internet Service Providers use a rotating IP address system , use of the VPN can be required, in some instances, in order to successfully use BU applications.
What is a VPN in Boston University?
Boston University’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a “tunnel” between your computer and the campus network that encrypts your transmissions to BU. Use of the VPN also identifies you as a member of the Boston University community when you are not connected directly to the campus network, allowing you access to restricted networked resources.
What is the BUL library?
The BUL is the oldest university library in Bangalore, a wide green surrounding area and is an internationally renowned center of reading environment. The University Library would like to support you in your studies and in making good use of your knowledge by using library services; we will help you to locate, select and acquire the information you need from what may seem like a rather daunting mountain of material. But in today's knowledge-based society we rely on knowing the section of this information that is relevant to our field of work and area of life, particularly those of us who are involved in developing strong knowledge-based society. The Library also created Green Library Learning Environment by planting thousands of plants around the library and established Digital Library services through providing mobile apps to access e-Resources from online and offline, provided specialized system workstations where software installed systems for visually-challenged students learning. The Bangalore University Library continually works to further the development of its services. We aim to provide you with the best possible services. -University Librarian
What is ePrints Bangalore?
ePrints@Bangalore University is an initiative of Bangalore University Library, which collects, preserves and distributes scholarly output of Research and Innovation activities at Bangalore University
ENGRLab-AutoConnect Install & UserGuide
Hello! Thank you for using AutoConnect! We hope you'll find that AutoConnect makes it even easier to access lab computers remotely.
Install Guide
To install ENGRLab-AutoConnect, download the Autoconnect Installer.exe

Central Printing Via Myprint
Files in A Shared Network Drive That Is Managed by Active Directory
- If you store files in a folder on a server that is part of BU’s Active Directory, you can access these files remotely. You will generally need to do this over a VPNconnection.
Access to Departmental Resources
- Access to departmental server-based resources like shared drives, remote printing and shared FileMaker databases usually requires use of aVPNconnection.