How can I remotely use department resources?
The CS department is providing a few different ways to remotely use department resources. The CS department recommends students use the Linux VM if possible. This virtual machine image is configured with all the necessary software that is used on the open lab machines.
How do I contact BYU online support?
BYU Online 451 HCEB 770 E University Pkwy Provo UT 84602 byuonline@byu.edu Technical Support Canvas: 801-422-4000 Connect with Us
What kind of software does BYU have on its computers?
Some of the software we have, such as VMWare and the JetBrains software suite, is proprietary software that we can only legally install on BYU-owned computers. However, this machine image does include a number of useful development tools, such as Android Studio, GCC, Java, Python, Eclipse, and Atom.
Where is the BYU travel directions program office located?
Provo UT 84602 Travel Directions Program Office BYU Online 451 HCEB 770 E University Pkwy Provo UT 84602 byuonline@byu.edu Technical Support Canvas: 801-422-4000

Many of our users need to access applications and information from somewhere off campus. Here are some of the technologies we provide for that purpose
FHSS has two high-performance computing servers, which can be used for computationally intense analysis. Please contact us at fhss-sysadmin (at) byu.edu or 2-6185 for access to this resource.
FHSS Compute Servers
FHSS has two high-performance computing servers, which can be used for computationally intense analysis. Please contact us at fhss-sysadmin (at) byu.edu or 2-6185 for access to this resource.
This only applies to computers that you have a personal login for. You CANNNOT and SHOULD NOT attempt this with open lab CAEDM account computers (Like CB110 or the FB220-caedm computers).
Set Up Your Windows Lab Computer
Typically the same as the ME property tag label on the front of your computer) ( Instructions here
Set Up Your Home Computer
On Windows, hit the start/windows button, search for "remote desktop connection", andopen it.
Click the "Show Options" to configure other options like multiple monitors, and to save the connection settings into a desktop shortcut, so you can just click an icon to open the remote connection.
Project Testing
The project testing page provides test inputs and expected outputs for testing your project.
Submitting Project Files
Put all your '.cpp' and '.h' files into a '.zip' file. Note that these are the only files you need. (Also note that your files need to be either '.cpp' files or '.h' files, no other file extensions are recognized.)
Compiling Your Code on Linux
You may use a number of tools to create your code for the projects in this class such as CLion, VS Code, or Xcode. When you want to pass off your project your code needs to compile and run using the g++ compiler on Linux. The version of g++ we use is the one installed on the CS lab machines.
Running Your Code on Linux
Your program will be run with the name of the input file given on the command line. For example, your program could be run like this:
Write-Protected Files
The input files given to your program will be write-protected. Your program will need to open input files only for reading, not for both reading and writing. If you attempt to open a write-protected input file for both reading and writing the open will fail.
Program Exit Status
Your program must run to completion with a normal exit status for any input. Do not terminate with a non-zero exit status for any input, including inputs that have errors.
Remote Access Tutorials
These are tutorials to help you access the CS lab machines remotely so you can test your code on Linux before attempting to pass off.
Logging In
Navigate to https://viz.rc.byu.edu:3443 in your browser; you should be greeted with a login prompt:
Launching a Session
To start a desktop session, click Launch Session, at which point you'll need to choose your desktop environment (from XFCE, MATE, or Cinnamon; xterm is just a terminal and basic window manager):
Using the Desktop Environment
You should now have a desktop interface to the supercomputer (Cinnamon is pictured):