Remote-access Guide

byu poli sci remote access

by Jabari Gottlieb DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Many of our users need to access applications and information from somewhere off campus. Here are some of the technologies we provide for that purpose

FHSS has two high-performance computing servers, which can be used for computationally intense analysis. Please contact us at fhss-sysadmin (at) or 2-6185 for access to this resource.

FHSS Compute Servers

FHSS has two high-performance computing servers, which can be used for computationally intense analysis. Please contact us at fhss-sysadmin (at) or 2-6185 for access to this resource.


This only applies to computers that you have a personal login for. You CANNNOT and SHOULD NOT attempt this with open lab CAEDM account computers (Like CB110 or the FB220-caedm computers).

Set Up Your Windows Lab Computer

Typically the same as the ME property tag label on the front of your computer) ( Instructions here

Set Up Your Home Computer

On Windows, hit the start/windows button, search for "remote desktop connection", andopen it.


Click the "Show Options" to configure other options like multiple monitors, and to save the connection settings into a desktop shortcut, so you can just click an icon to open the remote connection.​

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