What is restricted tunnel VPN?
Restricted Tunnel is a service that is limited to people that access sensitive systems and data. It has increased monitoring, and utilizes many of the advanced security features of the Palo Alto Networks firewalls.
How do I access my UC Berkeley library from home?
How to Access Online ResourcesUse UC Library Search and other library websites to look up licensed (subscribed) resources. ... To access licensed (subscribed) library resources found via non-UCB sites such as Google, Google Scholar, email links, Twitter, etc, you can add the EZProxy bookmarklet to your browser.More items...•
How do I open a case on Cal student Central?
If you still need assistance, you can open a case with us online. Your case will be directed to one of our trained staff who can either find answers or direct you to appropriate resources or steps to take. We will respond to all inquiries within five to seven business days.
What is CalNet UC Berkeley?
CalNet provides secure, effective, and flexible identity and access control solutions for UC Berkeley.
Is UC Berkeley Library open to public?
Yes, most of UC Berkeley's libraries are open.
How do I set up eduroam UC Berkeley?
For those new to campus: Leave Account Activation option set to “Now” then click “Create.” The next screen will show you an automatically generated password for use with eduroam. Choose “eduroam” from the Wi-Fi network options on your device, enter username (YourCalNetID@berkeley.edu ) and your password.
How do I contact Cal Central?
Cal Student Central (CSC) is offering online and phone advising for billing and payment, financial aid, and registrar inquiries.For online advising, create a case online at any time. ... For phone service, contact us at 510-664-9181 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.More items...
How many units do you need to graduate from UC Berkeley?
Unit Requirements You are required to earn: 120 total semester units. This includes transfer credit admitted to the Berkeley record and advanced high school units admitted to your college record.
How do I contact UC Berkeley?
See alsoVisitor and Parent Services.Campus operator: 510-642-6000.Campus directory.Campus postal address format.News media contacts.Office of Communications and Public Affairs.Emergency contacts.
How do I set up CalNet?
Obtain your UCPath ID from your supervisor. Go to https://bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/claimAccount/start?identifierType=ucPath and enter your UCPath ID number. Follow the steps to claim an account: Instructions on how to create your CalNet ID. Your CalNet ID will be your email address, so choose wisely!
What is a CalNet?
What is CalNet? CalNet Identity and Access Management provides the campus with a centralized authentication and authorization system. Departments can use CalNet services to validate users to access departmental applications, obtain authoritative information about users, and for public directory service and lookups.
Can you change your CalNet ID?
You can change your CalNet ID using the tool at: https://bpr.calnet.berkeley.edu/account-manager/person/changeCalnetId . Find instructions online at: https://calnetweb.berkeley.edu/calnet-me/manage-my-calnet-account#calnetid.
Is the Berkeley library open today?
7 a.m.-10 p.m.
Are Berkeley libraries open over the summer?
Library Summer Schedule Most of UC Berkeley's libraries will be open during the summer, although library hours are generally shorter than during the regular session and many libraries will be closed on the weekends.
How do I get a UC Berkeley library card?
You must be a California resident in order to obtain a library card and check out books. Non-residents may still access the libraries using a day pass, but may not check out books. Library cards must be set up and renewed in person at the Privileges Desk at Doe library.
How many libraries are on the UC Berkeley campus?
The UC Berkeley Library is actually made up of more than 20 libraries — and you are welcome at all of them.
What is bsecure remote access?
The bSecure Remote Access VPN (Virtual Private Network ) service, using the Palo Alto Networks’ GlobalProtect software, allows CalNet ID–authenticated users to securely access the UC Berkeley network from outside of campus as if they were on campus and encrypts the information sent through the network.
What is restricted tunnel?
Restricted Tunnel is a future service that will be limited to people people that need access to sensitive systems and data. It will have increased monitoring, and will utilize many of the advanced security features of the Palo Alto Networks firewalls.