What is IMSS for HR?
IMSS recommends this option for individuals that work with sensitive information such as HR data, payroll, financials, HIPPA/FERPA protected data. IMSS is in the process of obtaining devices (laptops or thin clients) that can be used to connect remotely to your work computer.
How to submit a request to a supervisor at Caltech?
Supervisors, please submit a request by emailing help@caltech.edu
Does Windows 10 Pro include Remote Desktop?
Windows 10 Pro (Home edition does not include the Remote Desktop client which is needed to connect to your work computer)
Where to pick up microfilm at Sherman Fairchild Library?
Please note, for if picking up microfilm requests, the microfilm readers/scanners are on the first floor of the Sherman Fairchild Library. We also provide assistance from 8a-5p, Monday through Friday, for those unfamiliar on how to use the microfilm readers. Faculty, staff, graduate students, and Post-docs may be eligible for campus delivery for these items. Please see the Campus Delivery page for more information.
How to access articles on DocuServe?
To access them, login to your DocuServe account, under the "Retrieve PDFs," you will see the available requests.
How to contact DocuServe?
For more information, visit our DocuServe FAQ or email DocuServe or call (626-395-6437).
Is there a charge for Caltech books?
There is no charge for these items, regardless if the item comes from another library or is available within the Caltech Library holdings.
Can you make a book request on DocuServe?
You will now be able to make a book or article request through DocuServe.
Does Caltech Library have a book chapter?
There is no charge for requesting an article, book, or book chapter the Caltech Library does not have. However, for certain items, like patents, standards, theses (we cannot borrow), you will be charged the cost to acquire that item.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA’s Sea Level Change Team also developed an online mapping tool to visualize sea rise.
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