How do I access UCLA CareConnect?
For CareConnect support, Contact Customer Care at 310-267-CARE (2273). Specialists are available 24/7 to provide support. To access tip sheets and eLearnings, visit us at https://mednet.uclahealth.org/careconnect.
What is CareConnect epic?
What is CareConnect? (overall Epic) CareConnect is UCLA's electronic health record (EHR) program, which integrates inpatient and outpatient clinical records with appointments, registration, billing, and other business-related functions throughout UCLA Health System and David Geffen School of Medicine.
What is Med Net?
MedNet is a managed care service provider dedicated to serving the needs of all stakeholders in healthcare, including patients, medical providers and insurers. To express this unique capacity better than ever, Munich Health has relaunched the MedNet brand.
How do I connect to UCLA Health secure WiFi?
How do I connect? Open your list of WiFi networks and select “UCLAHealthSecure.” Then you may log in using your Mednet AD credentials.
Is Epic an EMR or EHR?
Is Epic an EHR or EMR? Epic is a cloud-based EHR built for hospitals with the functionality to handle the day-to-day operations of a practice, including patient medical records. An EMR (electronic medical records) system is responsible for medical records alone, Epic medal records are available in the Epic EHR system.
Do patients have access to Epic?
If you don't have an interoperable EHR and you share patients with an organization that uses Epic, you can get secure access to patient data in Epic in the following ways: The EpicCare Link web view gives you access to your patient's record at an organization using Epic.
Who owns MedNet?
MedNet is a member of Munich Re's health division.
How do I know if I qualify for MedNet?
Please call MedNet call centre 800 4882 to verify your benefit. If your policy allows reimbursement we would not be able to pay directly to your preferred clinic or Hospital. You shall have to pay upfront and apply for reimbursement.
Can't connect to UCLA WiFi?
If you have further questions regarding the UCLA wireless network or are having problems connecting, please contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-HELP (4357) or email help@it.ucla.edu.
What is the domain for eduroam?
ox.ac.ukUse manual settings for eduroamWiFi SecurityWPA & WPA2 EnterpriseAuthenticationProtected EAP (PEAP)Anonymous IdentityLeave this blankDomainox.ac.ukCA Certificate'none' or 'no certificate required'4 more rows
Does UCLA have free WiFi?
Wireless: Access to our Wi-Fi network is available to the UCLA community and guests while on campus and it supports most mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones.
What are the Epic modules?
Epic modules are individual components of the integrated software platform that have a specialized function. For example, the aptly-named "Stork" module has workflows and UI specific to obstetrics. The Epic module known as Beaker is specific to hospital lab functions.
How do I get Epic certified?
To become Epic certified, candidates must go through a training program and then take and pass a certification exam. In many cases, to be admitted into an Epic training program, you must have sponsorship from an employer. There are several modules as options that you can take for Epic certification.
What EMR system does UCLA use?
CareConnectUCLA Health's electronic medical record (EMR) system, CareConnect, has helped reduce medical errors, protect patients, and improved accessibility and transparency of data. Additionally, its system-wide implementation of an online patient web portal has benefited both patients and staff.
How does EpicCare link work?
EpicCare Link gives you access to your patients' medical records on the Epic electronic medical record system we call O2. It includes: Real-time access to progress notes, lab results, discharge instructions, consult notes and imaging reports. Notification of outpatient visits, admissions and discharges.
You can learn more about your monitor — no matter which one you select — at our patient website: MyCareLinkConnect.com (opens new window). Once enrolled in this secure website, you can sign up to receive:
Watch video to learn more about MyCareLinkConnect.com and find out how to enroll.
You can request a UPS return shipping label to return your monitor or accessories.