How do I find Carroll County circuit court records online?
Online access to land, UCC, judgments, wills, and index books can be found by clicking on the following link: Complete the Carroll County Circuit Court SRA Agreement Form A $25 monthly fee is required in order to help pay for online services.
How to sign up for SRA in Carroll County Circuit Court?
Complete the Carroll County Circuit Court SRA Agreement Form A $25 monthly fee is required in order to help pay for online services. a. In Person b. By mail with check c. By phone using a credit/debit card (A convenience fee of 4% is applied)
What is the secure remote access policy (SRAP)?
This allows the Clerk’s Office to protect the citizens’ identity by maintaining a separate login for each user at the same time allowing the office to recover the operational costs of the system. Please contact the Clerk, Gerald R. Goad with any questions or concerns regarding the Secure Remote Access Policy.
What is comprehensive rezoning in Carroll County?
Carroll County is in the process of updating its zoning code and maps. Comprehensive rezoning is the process whereby a jurisdiction changes the zoning map to be consistent with the Master Plan. This also involves reviewing and updating the zoning code.
Who is the Commissioner of Carroll County Veterans Services Program?
What is the phone number for the county meeting?
About this website

Carroll County, Maryland - Forms and Documents
Carroll County Government. Carroll County, Maryland 410-386-2400. 225 North Center Street Westminster, MD 21157 Hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Summer Hours: Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Permits & Inspections - Carroll County Government
Building Codes Save Lives: The Carroll County Bureau of Permits and Inspections wishes to invite you to visit the below web pages to learn more about the importance and value codes and standards have on our everyday lives.
Carroll County Government | Government Carroll County, Maryland
Real Estate Tax Bills: The Account No. is located in the pink box at the top of the Real Estate Tax bill or you can lookup your Account No. by clicking on Street Address or Map Reference.. Enter Account No. - District: Account: Sample: 13-012345
Welcome to Carroll County Sheriff's Office
Carroll County Sheriffs Office Org Chart. Carroll County Sheriff's Office • 100 North Court Street • Westminster, Maryland 21157 410.386.2900 or 1.888.302.8924
System Access
To search a locality, please contact your local Circuit Court Clerk's Office to obtain an Account Name and Password. This will require an agreement and payment before the person is granted the ability to search records.
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Who is the Commissioner of Carroll County Veterans Services Program?
On the eve of Veterans Day, Commissioner Ed Rothstein and staff from the Carroll County Veterans Services Program, part of the Carroll County Department of Citizen Services, gathered today at an event to award vehicles to two Carroll County Veterans. The theme of the event was Veterans helping Veterans to be successful.
What is the phone number for the county meeting?
Please call 410-386-2043 to confirm a meeting you plan to attend. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will be held virtually. All or part of a meeting may be conducted in closed session. Watch meetings and commissions on the county meeting portal.