Remote-access Guide

cassandra 3.11 remote access

by Kristy Block Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I connect to Cassandra from a different machine?

To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access. Refer to the FAQ for more information on this.

Why can't I access the Cassandra ports over a public IP?

For security reasons, the Cassandra ports in this solution cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access. Refer to the FAQ for more information on this.

How to deploy Cassandra cqlsh in Kubernetes?

Now use kubectl from the local machine to exec into the Kubernetes cluster and launch the deployed Cassandra's cqlsh. Specify its location in the Kubernetes cluster.


How do I access my Cassandra database remotely?

For security reasons, the Cassandra ports in this solution cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access.

How do I enable Cassandra authentication?

To enable authentication: Update all Edge components that connect to Cassandra with the Cassandra username and password. On all Cassandra nodes, enable authentication. Set the Cassandra username and password on any one node.

Is Cassandra a TCP or UDP?

When experimenting with Cassandra I've observed that Cassandra listens to the following ports: TCP *:8080. TCP *:8888.

What port does Cassandra use for communication?

What ports does Cassandra use? By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication (7001 if SSL is enabled), 9042 for native protocol clients, and 7199 for JMX.

How do I enable remote JMX in Cassandra?

To enable remote JMX connections, change the LOCAL_JMX setting in The default settings for Cassandra make JMX accessible only from localhost. If you want to enable remote JMX connections, change the LOCAL_JMX setting in and enable authentication and/or ssl.

What is SSL in Cassandra?

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are designed to provide these features (SSL is the old name for what became TLS but many people still refer to TLS as SSL). Cassandra is written in Java.

Does Cassandra use Hadoop?

The main components of Hadoop are HDFS, MapReduce and YARN. Cassandra is an open-source distributed data management system with wide column store and NoSQL database....Difference Between Hadoop and Cassandra.S.NO.HADOOPCASSANDRA5Hadoop is deployed in a single data center.Cassandra is deployed in a very distributed fashion.11 more rows•Jul 7, 2022

Is Cassandra based on Hadoop?

Key Differences between Hadoop and Cassandra 1. Hadoop has distributed filesystem which is designed for parallel data processing, while Cassandra is NoSQL database for speedy online transactions. 2. Hadoop is for preferred for massive data batch processing, whereas Cassandra is preferred for real-time processing.

What is default username and password for Cassandra?

The default user is cassandra. The default password is cassandra. If you changed the password previously, use the current password.

What is Apache Cassandra most useful for?

One open source application, Apache Cassandra, enables organisations to process large volumes of fast moving data in a reliable and scalable way. That's why companies like Facebook, Instagram and Netflix use Apache Cassandra for mission-critical features.

What is listen address in Cassandra?

listen_address¶ (Default: localhost ) The IP address or hostname that other Cassandra nodes use to connect to this node. If left unset, the hostname must resolve to the IP address of this node using /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts , or DNS. Do not specify 0.0. 0.0.

What is Cassandra Jmx?

Cassandra exposes a number of statistics and management operations via Java Management Extensions (JMX). JMX is a Java technology that supplies tools for managing and monitoring Java applications and services.

How do I disable Cassandra authentication?

To disable, set this option to 0. This setting is automatically disabled when the authenticator is set to AllowAllAuthenticator . If credentials_validity_in_ms is non-zero, this setting must be set. After setting this option, cache options can only be set in the cassandra.

How do I open Cassandra Cqlsh?

ProcedureOpen Command Prompt.Navigate to the Cassandra bin directory.Type the command to start cqlsh. python cqlsh. Optionally, specify the IP address and port to start cqlsh on a different node. python cqlsh 9042.

How do I create a username and password for Cassandra?

ProcedureLog in to CQL shell (cqlsh) with the Cassandra user: ... Create a new superuser account with password stored in the CQL database: ... Exit cqlsh: ... In order to disable or drop the cassandra role, log in with the new role created in the previous step: ... Verify that the role was created as a superuser using LIST:More items...•

Where is Cqlshrc?

~/.cassandra directoryA cqlshrc file contains CQL shell session settings that are used when the CQL shell starts. If you place a cqlshrc file in the ~/. cassandra directory on a local computer, that file is used by default. You can also specify the directory that the cqlshrc file is in using the --cqlshrc option.

SSL Certificate Hot Reloading

Beginning with Cassandra 4, Cassandra supports hot reloading of SSL Certificates. If SSL/TLS support is enabled in Cassandra, the node periodically polls the Trust and Key Stores specified in cassandra.yaml. When the files are updated, Cassandra will reload them and use them for subsequent connections.


Cassandra uses database roles, which may represent either a single user or a group of users, in both authentication and permissions management. Role management is an extension point in Cassandra and may be configured using the role_manager setting in cassandra.yaml.


Authentication is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the authenticator setting in cassandra.yaml. Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.


Authorization is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the authorizer setting in cassandra.yaml. Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.


Enabling authentication and authorization places additional load on the cluster by frequently reading from the system_auth tables. Furthermore, these reads are in the critical paths of many client operations, and so has the potential to severely impact quality of service.

JMX access

Access control for JMX clients is configured separately to that for CQL. For both authentication and authorization, two providers are available; the first based on standard JMX security and the second which integrates more closely with Cassandra’s own auth subsystem.

Get credentials and exec start cqlsh within Kubernetes

On a local machine where you have authorized access to the Kubernetes cluster, as described in Create a Kubernetes cluster, use the following command to get the cluster1-superuser secret. The command must also identify the cass-operator namespace, which was defined earlier via the sample YAML configuration files. Example:

Submit DDL and DML commands to the connected Cassandra database

With the connection to Cassandra's cqlsh established inside the Kubernetes cluster, we can submit DDL and DML commands.

What's next?

Now that you've deployed Cass Operator and Cassandra to your Kubernetes cluster, and learned how to connect to cqlsh from within the Kubernetes cluster, proceed to the next topic. It explains how to connect to Apache Cassandra ® resources and applications in the Kubernetes cluster from outside the cluster.

What is Cassandra cluster?

Cassandra is a partitioned row store. Rows are organized into tables with a required primary key. Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will automatically re-partition as machines are added/removed from the cluster.

What is listen_address in Cassandra?

listen_address: The IP address or hostname that Cassandra binds to for connecting to other Cassandra nodes. It defaults to localhost and needs to be changed to the IP address of the node.

What is the best database for mission critical data?

The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.

What is num tokens in Cassandra?

num_tokens: Number of virtual nodes within a Cassandra instance. This is used to partition the data and spread the data throughout the cluster. The recommended value is 256.

What is endpoint_snitch in Cassandra?

endpoint_snitch: Set to a class that implements the IEndpointSnitch. Cassandra uses snitches for locating nodes and routing requests. The default one is SimpleSnitch but we will change to GossipingPropertyFileSnitch which is more suitable for production environments:

Is Cassandra available for OpenShift?

There is a Cassandra image available for OpenShift.

Can Cassandra be accessed from another computer?

Always use a strong passwordd. Limit user permissions to those necessary for the application to run. By default, Cassandra cannot be accessed from another computer. In order to allow access from another computer, we need to do the following things.

What is Scylla CDC?

The Scylla CDC Source Connector “is built on a foundation of a project called Debezium. Now if you know Kafka Connect and you ever talked to databases, you probably know what Debezium is. It’s the foundation for most of the free and open source Change Data Capture database connectors in the Kafka Connect world. And CDC is always a source concern, right?”

Who presented on how Scylla implemented CDC?

With that Othmane handed back the session to Mahee, who presented on how Scylla implemented CDC. For those who hadn’t used it before, Mahee explained that Change Data Capture “allows you to query the history of changes made to the database.”

How many times has Scylla Operator been updated?

Since Maciej’s Scylla Summit presentation, the Scylla Operator has been updated three times. Today we just released Scylla Operator 1.3 which brings greater security by allowing users to dynamically assign Role Based Access Control (RBAC) roles to Kubernetes pods, amongst other updates and fixes.

Is Scylla Cloud a NoSQL database?

In fact, Scylla Cloud is the only fully managed NoSQL database that offers this service . You pay only the subscription fees for Scylla; all of your infrastructure expenses are paid directly to AWS, through your existing accounts.

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