Remote-access Guide

cassandra setup remote access

by Raegan Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Enable Remote Connections for Cassandra on Windows To enable remote connections you will have to edit the cassandra.yaml file from C:Program FilesDataStax Communityapache-cassandraconf set the

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How do I configure arecassandra?

Cassandra can be configured prior to installation by editing the files located in %CASSANDRA_HOME%\conf. Within theconfdirectories arecassandra.yaml,logback.xml, and other files which may be edited to tune Cassandra's performance, to customize the Cassandra cluster settings or even change logging settings. Basic Configuration

How do I change the default Cassandra configuration?

Configuring Cassandra Cassandra can be configured prior to installation by editing the files located in %CASSANDRA_HOME%\conf. Within theconfdirectories arecassandra.yaml,logback.xml, and other files which may be edited to tune Cassandra's performance, to customize the Cassandra cluster settings or even change logging settings.

How do I start cqlsh in Cassandra?

Open your terminal and using the following command, create a “.cassandra/cqlshrc” file in your user home directory. Open the empty cqlshrc file using the following command. Copy the following content and paste it into the empty cqlshrc file. Then save the file. Now you can start cqlsh with the – – ssl option.

How do I set up authentication in Cassandra?

Steps for configuring authentication. By default, the authenticator option is set to AllowAllAuthenticator. Restart Cassandra. The system_auth keyspace uses a QUORUM consistency level when checking authentication for the default cassandra user.


How do I connect to Cassandra database remotely?

For security reasons, the Cassandra ports in this solution cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to Cassandra from a different machine, you must open ports 9042, 9160, 7000, 7001 and 7199 for remote access.

How do I connect to local Cassandra?

After you specify a keyspace, it's added to the prompt.Start the CQL shell: bin/cqlsh. The host information appears. Connected to Test Cluster at 127.0. 0.1:9042. [cqlsh 5.0. 1 | Cassandra 3.3. 0 | CQL spec 3.4. ... Switch to the cycling keyspace: USE cycling; The prompt now includes the keyspace name. cqlsh:cycling>

How do I connect to Cassandra database from Linux?

a) For Mac/Linux Open your terminal and using the following command, create a “. cassandra/cqlshrc” file in your user home directory. Open the empty cqlshrc file using the following command. Copy the following content and paste it into the empty cqlshrc file.

How do I change my Cassandra IP address?

ProcedureStop DSE. ... Replace the old IP address in the cassandra. ... If the node is a seed node, update the -seeds parameter in the seed_provider list cassandra. ... If the endpoint_snitch is PropertyFileSnitch , add an entry for the new IP address in the cassandra-topology. ... Update the DNS and the local host IP settings.More items...•

How use Cassandra command line?

Cassandra - Shell CommandsHelp. The HELP command displays a synopsis and a brief description of all cqlsh commands. ... Capture. This command captures the output of a command and adds it to a file. ... Consistency. ... Copy. ... Describe. ... Describe Type. ... Describe Types. ... Expand.More items...

How does Cassandra client work?

In Cassandra, the data itself is automatically distributed, with (positive) performance consequences. It accomplishes this using partitions. Each node owns a particular set of tokens, and Cassandra distributes data based on the ranges of these tokens across the cluster.

How do I access Cassandra cluster?

Users can access Cassandra through its nodes using Cassandra Query Language (CQL). CQL treats the database (Keyspace) as a container of tables. Programmers use cqlsh: a prompt to work with CQL or separate application language drivers. Clients approach any of the nodes for their read-write operations.

What is default username and password for Cassandra?

The default user is cassandra. The default password is cassandra. If you changed the password previously, use the current password.

Where is Cassandra ENV SH located?

Examples: JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra. load_ring_state=false" Command line: bin/cassandra -Dcassandra....Usage.Package installations/etc/cassandra/cassandra-env.shTarball installationsinstall_location /conf/cassandra-env.shFeb 18, 2022

What is virtual node in Cassandra?

Virtual nodes in a Cassandra cluster are also called vnodes. Vnodes can be defined for each physical node in the cluster. Each node in the ring can hold multiple virtual nodes. By default, each node has 256 virtual nodes.

What is listen address in Cassandra?

listen_address¶ (Default: localhost ) The IP address or hostname that other Cassandra nodes use to connect to this node. If left unset, the hostname must resolve to the IP address of this node using /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts , or DNS. Do not specify 0.0. 0.0.

How do I open Cassandra Cqlsh?

ProcedureOpen Command Prompt.Navigate to the Cassandra bin directory.Type the command to start cqlsh. python cqlsh. Optionally, specify the IP address and port to start cqlsh on a different node. python cqlsh 9042.

How do I see all the tables in Cassandra?

Get keyspaces info. SELECT * FROM system_schema.keyspaces;Get tables info. SELECT * FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name = 'keyspace name';Get table info. SELECT * FROM system_schema.columns WHERE keyspace_name = 'keyspace_name' AND table_name = 'table_name';

How do I restart Cassandra?

How to rolling-restart a cassandra clustercheck your cluster is healthy: nodetool status.nodetool drain && systemctl stop cassandra (to stop accepting writes and flush data to disk; then stop the process)do any operation you need, if any.Start the cassandra daemon process: systemctl start cassandra.More items...

What protocol Cqlsh uses to connect to a Cassandra node?

cqlsh is implemented with the Python native protocol driver, and connects to the single specified node.

SSL Certificate Hot Reloading

Beginning with Cassandra 4, Cassandra supports hot reloading of SSL Certificates. If SSL/TLS support is enabled in Cassandra, the node periodically polls the Trust and Key Stores specified in cassandra.yaml. When the files are updated, Cassandra will reload them and use them for subsequent connections.


Cassandra uses database roles, which may represent either a single user or a group of users, in both authentication and permissions management. Role management is an extension point in Cassandra and may be configured using the role_manager setting in cassandra.yaml.


Authentication is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the authenticator setting in cassandra.yaml. Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.


Authorization is pluggable in Cassandra and is configured using the authorizer setting in cassandra.yaml. Cassandra ships with two options included in the default distribution.


Enabling authentication and authorization places additional load on the cluster by frequently reading from the system_auth tables. Furthermore, these reads are in the critical paths of many client operations, and so has the potential to severely impact quality of service.

JMX access

Access control for JMX clients is configured separately to that for CQL. For both authentication and authorization, two providers are available; the first based on standard JMX security and the second which integrates more closely with Cassandra’s own auth subsystem.

Where are JMX settings inserted?

Generally, JMX settings are inserted into the file. However, these options can be specified at the command line:

Can Cassandra use JMX?

Configuring JMX authentication and authorization can be accomplished using local password and access files to set the usernames, passwords and access permissions. In Cassandra 3.6 and later, Cassandra's internal authentication and authorization can optionally be configured for JMX security.

Where is the public IP address in Cassandra?

The public IP address of your machine must be added to the Cassandra Allowed Addresses in Settings tab of your cluster in the Instaclustr console (Refer this support article ).

How to save a CQLSHRC file?

Open notepad, create a new file and name it to “cqlshrc”. Copy the following content and paste it into the file. Then save the file into the “.cassandra” directory under your user home directory.

What is cqlsh in Instaclustr?

Cqlsh is a utility for running simple CQL (Cassandra Query Language) commands on a local or remote Cassandra cluster. This article describes how cqlsh can be used to connect to clusters in Instaclustr. In this article, we assume that your cluster has been set up and provisioned properly as shown in our previous tutorial “Creating a Cluster”.

Can you start cqlsh with ssl?

Now you can start cqlsh with the – – ssl option.

Can you connect to a cluster with no SSL?

If encryption is not enabled in your cluster, you can connect to it using cqlsh without SSL.

When you create roles, are you ready to authorize those roles to access database objects?

Once you create some new roles, you are ready to authorize those roles to access database objects.

What is the consistency level of a system_auth keyspace?

The system_auth keyspace uses a QUORUM consistency level when checking authentication for the default cassandra user. For all other users created, superuser or otherwise, a LOCAL_ONE consistency level is used for authenticating.

Is a datacenter name case sensitive?

Note: Datacenter names are case sensitive. Verify the case of the using utility, such as nodetool status.

Can you delete a superuser on Cassandra?

The cassandra superuser cannot be deleted from Cassandra. To neutralize the account, change the password to something long and incomprehensible, and alter the user's status to NOSUPERUSER:

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