How do I contact remote access support?
If you have a general question, you may find your answer under the Help tab on this site, or you may send an email to remoteaccess@ccf.org to receive a response within one business day.
What devices does the school remote access work on?
The school remote access works on both Windows based computers, MACS and Chromebooks. and save it somewhere where you can access it easily (we recommend on your desktop). These instructions will also work on IOS devices (iPad, iPhone) as well as Android devices.
Can I use remote access on a modern HTML5 browser?
These instructions will also work on IOS devices (iPad, iPhone) as well as Android devices. If you have a Chromebook or neither of the above methods work, then you can use remote access in a modern HTML5 browser by clicking on the link below. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are examples of modern HTML5 browsers.
What browsers are supported in the Cook County Health Office?
Internet Explorer 7 or higher is supported. Although other browsers may be used, your experience may be different. If you have questions contact the Cook County Health Help Desk @ 312-864-HELP (312-864-4357).

What is the Cook County Health Portal?
The Cook County Health portal allows users with VPN access and valid network credentials to access specific software applications such as Siemens, Cerner, Cook County Health Intranet and more. Use the link below to login to the Cook County Health Portal.
Is VPN available in Cook County?
VPN. VPN Access is not available to all employees. VPN Access must be approved by your Cook County Health Department Chair but, the final decision rest with the Cook County Health IT Security department. Internet Explorer 7 or higher is supported. Although other browsers may be used, your experience may be different.
All visitors are required to wear masks
For COVID-19 safety, all visitors to ChristianaCare facilities and services are required to wear masks. This includes visitors who are vaccinated. Please read our visitor guidelines before arrival.
All hospital visitors required to be vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 test
Inpatients in our Christiana, Wilmington and Union hospitals may have one visitor daily between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. The visitor must be 16 or older.