Remote-access Guide

centos phpmyadmin remote access

by Shawn Harris Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Install and remote access phpMyAdmin on CentOS

  1. Download the phpMyAdmin from Run command: wget -c http://sourceforge.
  2. Move the downloaded file to your website root folder. For example, /var/www/html. mv phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-english.tar.gz...
  3. Extract the files. Run tar xvfz phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-english.tar.gz mv phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-english phpmyadmin

Install and remote access phpMyAdmin on CentOS
  1. After finishing downloading, you can run ls -a to check that the phpMyAdmin-3.5. ...
  2. Move the downloaded file to your website root folder. ...
  3. Extract the files. ...
  4. Find the file in phpmyadmin directory and make a copy of it and rename it to
Jun 21, 2012

Full Answer

How do I access a remote MySQL database in phpMyAdmin?

Access Remote MySQL database on phpMyAdmin. Step 1: Enable WSL on Window 10 ( Linux user skip this) Step 2: Install MySQL. Step 3: Install phpMyAdmin locally or on a remote server. Step 4: Edit configuration file. Step 5: Run phpMyAdmin to access a remote database.

How to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7?

phpMyAdmin comes in the EPEL repository (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). To access EPEL you need to install a special package – epel-release. Use the following command to install epel-release on your CentOS: Now that the EPEL repo is made available, we can proceed to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7.

How do I restrict access to phpMyAdmin to specific IP addresses?

By default, phpMyAdmin is configured so that the server it’s installed on has access. This change lets you allow or restrict access to specific IP addresses of different or additional computers. The file is located at /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf .

How do I Find my IP address in phpMyAdmin?

We’ll open the phpMyAdmin.conf file located in the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d/ using the vim editor: Here you will see four different require ip strings matched with long IPs. The default value is Replace that value with the IP of the machine you will be using to access phpMyAdmin. You can use a tool like WhatsMyIP to check your IP.


How do I access phpMyAdmin remotely?

How to: Allowing remote access to PHPMyAdminStep 1: Edit the phpMyAdmin. conf. ... Step 2: Amend the directory settings. add the additional line to the directory settings: ... Step 3: If you want to allow access for all. ... Step 4: Restart the Apache.

How do I access phpMyAdmin on CentOS?

To install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7, first install the EPEL repository:sudo yum install epel-release.sudo yum install phpmyadmin.sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf.Require ip Allow from ip Allow from restart httpd.

How open IP address in phpMyAdmin?

The standard URL for a phpMyAdmin installation is https://ipaddress/phpMyAdmin, where ipaddress is the IP address that you added to the configuration file in the previous section. If you want to change the URL, you can set an alias. Open the /etc/httpd/conf. d/phpMyAdmin.

How do I access phpMyAdmin via SSH?

Access the phpMyAdmin console through the secure SSH tunnel you created, by browsing to Log in to phpMyAdmin by using the following credentials: Username: root. Password: application password.

What port does phpMyAdmin run on?

Source port: 8888. Destination: localhost:80.

How do I know if phpMyAdmin is working?

Check if phpMyAdmin is Working. Finally, we can open phpMyAdmin utility by entering in your server's IP address in a browser's address bar with the addition /phpmyadmin string like so – 127.0. 0.1/phpmyadmin. There you should see the login screen.

How do I access localhost phpMyAdmin?

Once phpMyAdmin is installed point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin to start using it. You should be able to login using any users you've setup in MySQL. If no users have been setup, use admin with no password to login.

How do I grant access to phpMyAdmin?

phpmyadmin Getting started with phpmyadmin How to create a database and grant privileges for database user.Login using username root and root password.Click on Databases tab.Enter database name, select collation (you may leave it to default) and click create.Click on Privileges tab and select "Add user account".More items...

How do I enable remote access in MySQL?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I start phpMyAdmin from command line?

use mysql command “mysql -uroot -p” to login into mysql, here -u for taking user name of mysql and -p for password. to create database in mysql run command create database learn_php, here learn_php is database name and create database is mysql command. for use of created database run command use learn_php.

What is http localhost phpMyAdmin?

http://localhost/phpmyadmin phpMyAdmin is a free, open-source web-based database management program written in PHP that is intended to manage MySQL databases online.

How do I start phpMyAdmin on Linux?

Q: How to start phpMyAdmin on a Linux based System? A: To start the phpMyAdmin, type in the URL: http://{your-ip-address}/phpmyadmin/index.php and login using the MySQL root/admin username and password.

How do you fix you don't have permission to access phpMyAdmin on this server?

Change the file content of c:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin. conf to the following. You should remember to set the Allow Directive to allow it from your local machine for security purposes. The directive Allow from all is insecure and should be limited to your local machine.

How do I install phpMyAdmin?

Issue the command sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext -y. Type in your sudo password when prompted and then allow the installation to complete.

How do I download phpMyAdmin on Linux?

To get started out follow the steps below.Step 1) Install LAMP server. ... Step 2) Secure MariaDB database server. ... Step 3) Install phpMyAdmin. ... Step 4) Log in to phpMyAdmin. ... Step 5) Configuring the password for the MariaDB root account. ... Step 1) Install LAMP server. ... Step 2) Secure MariaDB server. ... Step 3) Install phpMyAdmin.More items...•

How do I access phpMyAdmin in Hostinger?

You can access your website's phpMyAdmin directly from hPanel or by using one of these links: or phpmyadmin. domain. tld (where domain.

phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

I created a MySQL user with a wildcard host and can successfully log in to MySQL from a shell session.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

You're looking at the wrong config file. The one you posted is for apache httpd but the one you need to configure is the one that tells phpmyadmin where the mysql server is and what user/password to use.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

Which should be /etc/phpMyAdmin/ - there should be a sample config file in /etc/phpMyAdmin which you can copy and modify to your needs.

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

MySQL is v8.0.14 and while SELinux is enabled, the setsebool command didn't help...

Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access

Now we are making progress! Thank you! After changing the Authentication Plugin for root as described, the root MySQL user (and only root) can now connect via phpMyAdmin. I will try altering other users as well, including the phpMyAdmin control user.


To install phpMyAdmin on CentOS, you first need to set up a web server (e.g., Apache or nginx), MySQL/MariaDB and PHP. Depending on your preference or requirement, you can choose to install either LAMP stack or LEMP stack.

Install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 6 or 7

Once you set up EPEL repository, you can install phpMyAdmin easily with yum command as follows.

Configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7

By default, phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7 allows access only from loopback address ( ). To enable remote access, you will need to update its configuration.

Configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 6

By default, phpMyAdmin on CentOS 6 blocks access from every IP address. To enable remote access, you will need to update its configuration.

Test phpMyAdmin

To test if phpMyAdmin is successfully set up, go to http://<web-server-ip-addresss>/phpmyadmin


Here are a few troubleshooting tips during phpMyAdmin installation on CentOS.

Where is phpMyAdmin installed?

phpMyAdmin comes in the EPEL repository (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). To access EPEL you need to install a special package – epel-release. Use the following command to install epel-release on your CentOS:

Why Use phpMyAdmin?

When you install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7, you get to enjoy a new, intuitive user interface through your browser, instead of using the command line. Through this web interface, you can perform all the typical operations like managing databases, tables, columns, relations, users etc, while at the same being able to execute any SQL statement directly.

Why is phpMyAdmin needed?

The main reason for having phpMyAdmin is that the native tool for accessing MySQL is the command line. Not everyone can access the command line at any point, and the lack of GUI – graphical user interface – can be a pain for novice users. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB (a fork of MySQL).

What is the first prerequisite for PHPMyAdmin?

The first prerequisite of phpMyAdmin is an Apache web server. Use the following command to install Apache on your CentOS 7 virtual private server:

What is the default IP string for phpMyAdmin?

Here you will see four different require ip strings matched with long IPs. The default value is Replace that value with the IP of the machine you will be using to access phpMyAdmin. You can use a tool like WhatsMyIP to check your IP. Save and exit the file by hitting escape and typing in :wq.

Is MySQL a database?

MySQL is a database that is popular above all kinds of developers! It’s open source and maintains a perfect balance between speed and features. That’s why in this tutorial, we’ll show you how to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7 – an amazing tool for MySQL database management. Your VPS will have an additional utility to increase the quality of life.

Is phpMyAdmin easy to use?

phpMyAdmin is easy-to-use and acts as an all encompassing solution for many business database needs. You don’t need to be an experienced database administrator in order to work with phpMyAdmin, which is the primary reason of its popularity. Happy management, and we’ll see you in the next article.

What is phpMyAdmin?

phpMyAdmin is a PHP based application to easily create, manage, edit, delete, import, and export MySQL databases. That’s is the reason why most of the hosting companies are providing it as a default application either via cPanel or as manually installed on a cloud server. But what about the cloud hosting services especially Cloud hosting such as ...

Can I use Bitnami with phpMyAdmin?

Well, yes if we are using some pre-built stack such as Bitnami on them it will install the phpMyAdmin by default, or in case you are installing a database with-in the server instance then you can install phpMyAdmin as well. Both the setup will allow us to access the database application resides on the same server.

Can I use phpMyAdmin on Windows 10?

In such scenarios, if you still want to manage the cloud or any other web hosting MySQL database then simply install phpMyAdmin locally on your system. Yes, make sure the system you are going to use is secure without any malware. I recommend you should use Linux OS and those are on Windows 10 they can go for WSL (Windows system for Linux) because phpMyAdmin is natively a Linux tool.

Can MySQL and phpMyAdmin be installed on the same server?

In most cases, the MySQL server and phpMyAdmin both are installed on the same server so that the management of the database becomes easy. However, do you know? We can even access the remote server in the phpMyAdmin with just a little tweak. If not, then here is the tutorial on that.

Does phpMyAdmin need a database?

As phpMyAdmin itself needs a database to work, thus we a one for it on the local machine or server where you are planning to use phpMyAdmin. Hence, use the below command:

What server does phpmyadmin need?

PhpMyAdmin requires an active and running Apache web server. To install Apache on CentOS use the command:

What is phpMyAdmin used for?

The database utility, phpMyAdmin, is used for managing MySQL databases through a graphical web-based interface. It can be configured to manage a local database (on the same system), or a remote database (over a network).

How to open a command prompt with root access?

A command prompt with root access. To open a command prompt: Menu > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

Does CentOS 7 have phpMyAdmin?

CentOS 7 does not have access to phpMyAdmin in its default software repository. You’ll need to get access to the EPEL repository – the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.

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