Remote-access Guide

centos remote access samba share

by Kristopher Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Samba allows both CentOS resources to be shared with Windows systems and Windows resources to be shared with CentOS systems. CentOS accesses Windows resources using a package called samba-client. CentOS resources, on the other hand, are shared with Windows systems using a packages called samba.

Full Answer

How to share Samba files between windows and CentOS 7?

Configuring the samba (smb) on centOS 7 and using windows machine as a client. 2. Create the shared folder and put the data inside it, which you wanna to share. Gives permission to that folder according to your need.

What is Samba server on CentOS 8/rhel8?

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to install and configure a samba server on CentOS 8/RHEL8 to share files on the local network. Samba is a free and open-source SMB/CIFS protocol implementation for Unix and Linux that allows for file and print sharing between Linux, Windows and macOS machines in a local area network.

How do I connect to a Samba server in Windows?

If you are using Nautilus file manager, then click Other Locations on the left pane. On the bottom you will see an option to connect to server. To access your Samba share, type in smb:// followed by the IP address of the Samba server and press Enter. For example: You will see a list of shared resources on the Samba server.

How to share files between two CentOS 10 servers?

Now on the Windows machine, open “ Network ” from a Windows Explorer window, then click on the CentOS host, or else try to access the server using its IP address (use ifconfig command to get IP address). e.g. \ 10. Next, open the Anonymous directory and try to add files in there to share with other users.


How do I share files between Windows and CentOS?

Select Preferences->Samba Users... and select a user from the list which will be used to share folders with the Window's system. After selecting the user, enter the corresponding Windows user name which will be mapped to the Linux user you just specified and provide a password to be used for share access. Click on OK.

How do I access Windows files on CentOS 7?

Access with CLIInstall Samba client and other related libraries on your Linux computer. sudo yum -y install samba-client samba-common cifs-utils.Create mount point. sudo mkdir -p /mnt/F_drive.Check connection to Windows server. smbclient -L //window_server -U user_name.Access Windows shared folder. ... Troubleshooting.

How do I connect to a Samba share in Linux?

To access Samba from a UNIX client session:Log on to the Linux or UNIX computer using the Active Directory account that has been granted access to the local computer's zone.Run the following command: smbclient -k -L host_name.

How do I access Samba share?

To access the Samba share from Windows Explorer, start typing the IP address to our share in the search area. I am using the hostname of the Samba server. In my case, it is centos . You can also access the share by using the IP address of the Samba server.

How do I connect to a Windows share from Linux?

If you're using this, you can follow these steps to access your Windows shared folder.Open Nautilus.From the File menu, select Connect to Server.In the Service type drop-down box, select Windows share.In the Server field, enter the name of your computer.Click Connect.

Can Linux access Windows files?

WSL also allows you to run Linux command-line tools and apps alongside your Windows command-line, desktop and store apps, and to access your Windows files from within Linux. This enables you to use Windows apps and Linux command-line tools on the same set of files if you wish.

How do I find my Samba IP address?

To query the network for Samba servers, use the findsmb command. For each server found, it displays its IP address, NetBIOS name, workgroup name, operating system, and SMB server version.

How do I open a Samba file in Linux?

Step 1: Install Samba in Linux. ... Step 2: Create and Configure Samba Shares. ... Step 3: Accessing Samba Share from Windows. ... Step 4: Secure Samba Share Directory. ... Step 5: Accessing Samba Share from Linux Client.

How do I find my SMB server address?

In the search box, type: CMD and press enter. Once the Command Prompt opens, type: "ipconfig" and press enter. The IP address will then be listed (example: 192.168. 1.200).

What is the difference between SMB and Samba?

SAMBA was originally SMB Server – but the name had to be changed due to SMB Server being an actual product. SMB was the predecessor to CIFS. SMB (Server Message Block) and CIFS (Common Internet File System) are protocols. Samba implements CIFS network protocol.

How do I map a network drive in Centos 7?

Map a Network Drive on LinuxOpen a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install smbfs.Open a terminal and type: sudo yum install cifs-utils.Issue the command sudo chmod u+s /sbin/mount.cifs /sbin/umount.cifs.You can map a network drive to Storage01 using the mount.cifs utility.More items...•

How do I access SMB from my browser?

How to access SMB share from windows over the internet with specific port numbergo to My computer.Click add network location.Enter x.x.x.x as ip (ofcourse I enter a real public IP)Then try to connect.

How do I map a network drive in Centos 7?

Map a Network Drive on LinuxOpen a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install smbfs.Open a terminal and type: sudo yum install cifs-utils.Issue the command sudo chmod u+s /sbin/mount.cifs /sbin/umount.cifs.You can map a network drive to Storage01 using the mount.cifs utility.More items...•

How do I mount a disk in Centos 7?

Mounting Hard Disk partition Let's start mount this partitions. First of all we need to create one directory where we wont to mount this partition. Create /backup1 directory using mkdir command. Mount the disk partition using mount commands on /backup1 directory.

How do I mount a Windows share in redhat?

How to Mount CIFS Windows Share In Linux?Install CIFS Client For Linux. ... Mount Windows SMB Share. ... List Mounted Windows Shares. ... Provide Password To Mount Windows Share. ... Set Domain Name or WorkGroup Name. ... Read Credentials From File. ... Specify the Access Permissions. ... Specify User and Group ID.More items...•

How do I share a folder in Redhat 7?

How To Share Directory Via NFS on RHEL 7Network File System (NFS) is one of the most used technology to share directories/folder from one server to another in UNIX based systems. ... First, you will have to install the NFS package on the server. ... Now, create a directory to be shared through NFS.More items...

What is samba in CentOS?

Samba allows both CentOS resources to be shared with Windows systems and Windows resources to be shared with CentOS systems. CentOS accesses Windows resources using a package called samba-client. CentOS resources, on the other hand, are shared with Windows systems using a packages called samba.

Where is Samba Server Configuration?

Once installed, the Samba Server Configuration may be launched from the System -> Administration -> Server Settings -> Samba desktop menu option , or from the command-line:

How to enable Samba in firewall?

To achieve this, run the Firewall Configuration tool by selecting the System -> Administration -> Security Level and Firewall menu option and select the check box next to Samba in the Trusted Services section of the tool. Click Apply and OK to commit the change.

How to configure Samba service?

Alternatively, to configure the Samba service using the GUI based Service Configuration Tool, select it from the System -> Administration -> Services menu. When the tool loads, scroll down the list of services to find smb, select it and click on the Start button. If you want the service to start on reboot make sure that the checkbox next to the entry is selected and click the Save button in the top toolbar. Check the status panel to the right of the dialog to verify the service is running before exiting from the Service Configuration tool.

What is Samba used for?

In addition to providing integration between Linux and Windows systems, Samba may also be used to provide folder sharing between Linux systems (as an alternative to NFS which was covered in the previous chapter).

How many pages are there in CentOS 8?

CentOS 8 Essentials Print and eBook (ePub/PDF/Kindle) editions contain 31 chapters and over 260 pages. Learn more... Although Linux is increasingly making inroads into the desktop market, its origins are very much server based. It is not surprising therefore that Linux has the ability to act as a file server.

Where is CentOS listed in Windows Explorer?

Once the Samba service is installed and running on the system and the firewall configured appropriately, the CentOS system should be listed within the Networking section of Windows Explorer on any Windows machines on the same network. For example, the following figure shows a CentOS system (somewhat unimaginatively named CENTOS) listed as a network resource in Windows Explorer on a Windows 7 system:

What is Samba server?

Samba is a free and open-source SMB/CIFS protocol implementation for Unix and Linux that allows for file and print sharing between Linux, Windows and macOS machines in a local area network.

Where is the Samba configuration file?

The main Samba configuration file is located at: /etc/samba/smb.conf. You can edit it in terminal with a command line text editor like nano.

How to map a drive letter to a remote directory?

To map the drive letter S: to the Samba share, right-click the Samba shared folder and select Map network drive. Then choose a drive letter and click Finish.

What IP address to use for Samba?

It’s recommended to use the hosts allow parameter to create an IP address whitelist to prevent unauthorized access. Add the following line in the [global] section, which will allow the localhost and clients in the network to access Samba services. If you are using a different network range, replace 192.168.0 with your own.

What is a private folder?

Private is the folder name that will be displayed on the Windows computer. You can use whatever name you like.

What port is SMB on?

Once started, the smb daemon will be listening on TCP port 139 and 445. The nmbd will be listening on UDP port 137 and 138.

Where is the Samba server IP address?

Next, enter \ followed by the IP address of Samba server in the address bar of File Explorer, like this: \ You will see a list of shared resources on the Samba server.

What is Samba shared with?

How to Install and Configure Samba Share with Windows and CentOS. Samba is a windows compatible file sharing system. It is used to set up windows share on Linux systems. Samba is a Linux implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol. Samba can be used to set up storage server or sharing files and directories on the Linux system.

What is the hostname in Samba?

Note: Here USERNAME is your Samba username and HOSTNAME is the DNS name or IP of your smb-server.

What is the IP address of Samba?

The Samba Storage Server (based on CentOS 7) has the hostname smb-server and IP address

How to run SMB server?

Step 1: Go to the Start menu and search for notepad. Now right click on Notepad icon and click on Run as administrator. Step 2: Now press <Ctrl> + o to go to File > Open… and select the file C: WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts. Step 3:

Does CentOS 7 have a samba server?

Samba server is not installed by default on CentOS 7. So you have to install it on the smb-server machine.

Can CentOS 7 install Samba?

You can install Samba client utilities to your CentOS 7 machines from which you want to mount the Samba shares from smb-server machine.

Which command is used to add additional parameters to existing Linux users?

Windows users have different files and directory permission schemes than Linux. To add these additional parameters to the existing Linux users, pdbedit command is used.

How to allow Samba traffic on CentOS 6?

To achieve this, run the Firewall Configuration tool by selecting the System -> Administration -> Firewall menu option and select the check box next to Samba in the Trusted Services section of the tool. Click Apply and OK to commit the change.

How to install Samba?

If you prefer to use the graphical tool to perform the Samba installation, select Applications -> Add/Remove Software, enter the root password if prompted to do so and then perform a search for Samba. When the list of matching packages appears, set the checkbox next to the samba and samba-common packages and click on Apply to initiate the installation.

How does samba work?

Samba allows both CentOS resources to be shared with Windows systems and Windows resources to be shared with CentOS systems. CentOS accesses Windows resources using a package named samba-client. CentOS resources, on the other hand, are shared with Windows systems using a package named samba. Typically, the samba-client is installed and configured by default allowing the user to browse available Windows resources without any additional work (this is covered later in the chapter). In order to allow a CentOS 6 system to share resources with Windows systems, however, some more work is required.

How many pages are there in CentOS 8?

CentOS 8 Essentials Print and eBook (ePub/PDF/Kindle) editions contain 31 chapters and over 260 pages. Learn more... Although Linux is increasingly making inroads into the desktop market, its origins are very much server based. It is not surprising therefore that CentOS 6 has the ability to act as a file server.

What is SMB in CentOS?

Windows systems share resources such as file systems and printers using a protocol called Server Message Block (SMB). In order for a CentOS 6 system to serve such resources over a network to a Windows system and vice versa it must, therefore, support SMB. This is achieved using technology called Samba. In addition to providing integration between Linux and Windows systems, Samba may also be used to provide folder sharing between Linux systems (as an alternative to NFS which was covered in the previous chapter).

What happens if samba is not installed?

If Samba is not installed, rpm will return with "pack age samba is not installed". That being the case, it can be installed using the yum command-line tool:

What is Samba used for?

In addition to providing integration between Linux and Windows systems, Samba may also be used to provide folder sharing between Linux systems (as an alternative to NFS which was covered in the previous chapter).

What is share permission on WS12FS01?

For the share permission on WS12FS01, we grant Full Control to Everyone. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is insecure. Although everyone has access to the share, the NTFS permissions on the volume hosting the share overrule the share permissions. By leaving Everyone and granting full control, we save our selves work by only having to manage permissions on the file system itself.

What to do if no errors appear on a share?

If no errors appeared, the share should successfully be mounted. The verify this, use the df command or the mount.

Can CentOS 7 mount SMB CIFS?

A default CentOS 7 build will not be able to mount SMBCIFS shares, unless you customized the install. We’ll need to install a package onto the server that allows it to understand the SMB protocol.

Do CentOS servers need Active Directory?

However, an Active Directory account is not required. As long as the CentOS server has an account that can authenticate successfully on the host publishing the share, it doesn’t matter where the account actually exists – in Active Directory or locally on the file server itself.

Does CentOS support SMB?

CentOS provides support for mounting Microsoft CIFS or SMB shares. Not just limited to shares hosted from Microsoft Windows, we can also mount shares from any network device that uses the SMB protocol. This includes just about any NAS device on the market.

First lets configure the Samba client on centOS

Open your machine terminal and starting with installing smb client using yum

Configuring the samba (smb) on centOS 7 and using windows machine as a client

2. Create the shared folder and put the data inside it, which you wanna to share. Gives permission to that folder according to your need. Like i create smb_data folder with permission 777 in recursive manner but i suggest you to use 775 permission chmod -R 0775 smb_data/ j ust crosscheck with ls -lha command

How to access CentOS server?

Go to Windows machine, open “ Network ” from a Windows Explorer window, then click on the CentOS host, or else try to access the server using its IP address. e.g. You’ll be asked to provide your username and password to login the CentOS server. Once you have entered the credentials, click OK.

What is the main samba configuration file?

4. The main samba configuration file is /etc/samba/smb.conf, the original file comes with pre-configuration settings which explain various configuration directives to guide you.

Can Samba4 be used on Ubuntu?

In our last article, we showed how to install Samba4 on Ubuntu for basic file sharing between Ubuntu systems and Windows machines. Where we looked at configuring anonymous (unsecure) as well as secure file sharing.

Is Samba a domain controller?

Important: Starting from version 4.0, Samba can run as an Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC). We suggest you read through our special series on setting up Samba4 Active Directory Domain Controller, which includes critical topics for Ubuntu, CentOS, and Windows.

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