When configuring the Windows Server Routing and Remote Access Service
Remote Access Service
A remote access service is any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. A remote access service connects a client to a host computer, known as a remote access server. The most common approach to this service is remote control of a computer by using another device which needs internet or any o…
Ras-related protein R-Ras is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RRAS gene.
Why do I need an a certificate for remote access?
A certificate is required on the Remote Access server and all DirectAccess clients so that they can use IPsec authentication. The certificate must be issued by an internal certification authority (CA). Remote Access servers and DirectAccess clients must trust the CA that issues the root and intermediate certificates.
How to set up a routing and remote access server?
1 Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Routing and Remote Access. 2 In the left pane of the console, click the server that matches the local server name. ... 3 Right-click the server, and then click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access to start the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. ... More items...
What is routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS)?
RRAS makes it possible to create applications to administer the routing and remote access service capabilities of the operating system. Developers can also use RRAS to implement routing protocols. Routing and remote access service (RRAS) can be used to:
Do I need a certificate for the Network Location Server website?
This step is not required if the network location server website is hosted on the Remote Access server. Bind an HTTPS server certificate to the website. The common name of the certificate should match the name of the network location server site. Ensure that DirectAccess clients trust the issuing CA.

Does RDP need a certificate?
RDP itself doesn't support any security protocols (authentication with cert is not a security layer). You have to use VPN to avoid attacks to the host, brut force, etc..
How do I set up Remote Access and routing?
Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Routing and Remote Access. In the console tree, expand Routing and Remote Access, expand the server name, and then click Remote Access Policies. Right-click the right pane, point to New, and then click Remote Access Policy.
How do RDP Certificates work?
You can check this with the actual Certificate> Windows Key+R > mmc {enter} > File > Add/Remove Snap-in > Certificates > Local Computer > Open Certificates > Personal > Certificates > Locate the certificate you 'Think' RDP is using and you can compare its thumbprint with the registry key you found above.
How do I update my VPN certificate?
To renew an internally signed certificate for a VPN Gateway element, follow these steps.Select Configuration, then browse to SD-WAN.Browse to Other Elements > Certificates > Gateway Certificates. ... Right-click the certificate you want to renew and select Renew Certificate. ... Click Yes.More items...•
How do I install Nat?
Right-click NAT/Basic Firewall and select New Interface from the shortcut menu. Specify the type of interface. Click OK. Next, select Public Interface Connected To The Internet, and then select Enable NAT On This Interface.
How do I configure my NAT server?
Right-click the server, and select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.When the wizard opens, click Next.Select Network address translation (NAT) and click Next.Select the network interface that your users will use to connect to the internet, and then click Next.More items...
How do I setup an RDP certificate?
Click Start, click Run, type mmc, and then click OK. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, on the Available snap-ins list, click Certificates, and then click Add. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, click Computer account, and then click Next.
How do I install an RDP certificate?
In the RDP-Tcp Properties window, click on the General tab. In the General tab, click on the Select button. Choose your certificate from the list and click the OK button. You should see the Common Name of the certificate next to the Certificate: field.
How do I get a Remote Desktop certificate?
In the Details pane, expand the computer name. Right-click Certificate Templates, and then click Manage. Right-click Workstation Authentication, and then click Duplicate Template. On the General tab, change the Template display name to Client Server Authentication, and select Publish certificate in Active Directory.
How do I check if my VPN certificate is valid?
StepsSelect Configuration, then browse to SD-WAN.Browse to Other Elements > Certificates > VPN Certificate Authorities.See the Expiration Date column for information about the CA's expiration date.More items...•
How do VPN certificates work?
You can use certificates for authentication in both the policy-based and route-based VPNs. A certificate authority (CA) issues certificates as proof of identity. Gateways that form a VPN tunnel are configured to trust the CA that signed the other gateway's certificate.
What is OpenVPN certificate?
OpenVPN supports bidirectional authentication based on certificates, meaning that the client must authenticate the server certificate, and the server must authenticate the client certificate before mutual trust is established.
How do I setup Remote Access to VPN?
Configure Remote Access as a VPN ServerOn the VPN server, in Server Manager, select the Notifications flag.In the Tasks menu, select Open the Getting Started Wizard. ... Select Deploy VPN only. ... Right-click the VPN server, then select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.More items...•
How do I enable Remote Access in Windows 10?
Windows 10: Allow Access to Use Remote DesktopClick the Start menu from your desktop, and then click Control Panel.Click System and Security once the Control Panel opens.Click Allow remote access, located under the System tab.Click Select Users, located in the Remote Desktop section of the Remote tab.More items...•
What is the use of routing and remote access service?
RRAS is a software router and an open platform for routing and networking. It offers routing services to businesses in local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) environments or over the Internet by using secure VPN connections.
How do I setup my Netgear RDP router?
To remotely access your router from your Windows computer:Connect your computer or Wi-Fi device to a different Wi-Fi network.Click the genie icon. ... Select Router Settings. ... From the Login as menu, select Remote Access.Type your remote genie email and password and click the OK button.More items...
What certificate is needed for remote access?
Remote Access requires an IP-HTTPS certificate to authenticate IP-HTTPS connections to the Remote Access server. There are three certificate options for the IP-HTTPS certificate:
When is a website created for remote access?
If the network location server website is located on the Remote Access server, a website will be created automatically when you configure Remote Access and it is bound to the server certificate that you provide.
How to join a remote server to a domain?
To join the Remote Access server to a domain. In Server Manager, click Local Server. In the details pane, click the link next to Computer name. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Computer Name tab, and then click Change.
What port is UDP 3544?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) destination port 3544 inbound, and UDP source port 3544 outbound. Apply this exemption for both of the Internet-facing consecutive public IPv4 addresses on the Remote Access server.
How many Group Policy Objects are required for remote access?
To deploy Remote Access, you require a minimum of two Group Policy Objects. One Group Policy Object contains settings for the Remote Access server, and one contains settings for DirectAccess client computers. When you configure Remote Access, the wizard automatically creates the required Group Policy Objects.
What domain is Remote Access Server?
The Remote Access server and all DirectAccess client computers must be joined to an Active Directory domain . DirectAccess client computers must be a member of one of the following domain types:
When you use an internal CA to issue certificates, must you configure certificate templates for the IP-HTTPS certificate and?
When you use an internal CA to issue certificates, you must configure certificate templates for the IP-HTTPS certificate and the network location server website certificate.
What is a rras?
What is RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service)? RRAS stands for Routing and Remote Access Service is a feature of Windows Server operating systems family that provides additional support for TCP/IP internetworking.
What is OSI model?
7 layers OSI model is a short name for the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model for networking. This theoretical model explains how networks behave within an orderly, seven-layered...
What is a RRAS certificate?
This computer certificate is used by the VPN client to authenticate the RRAS server when the session is established .
What happens if a CRL is not contacted?
If the server hosting the CRL cannot be contacted, then the validation fails, and the VPN connection is dropped. To prevent this, you must either publish the CRL on a server that is accessible on the Internet or configure the client to not require CRL checking.
How to import PFX to certificate store?
To do this, certlm -> Personal -> Certificates -> Right-click, All Tasks -> Import -> Next -> Select your Cert -> Enter your password -> Next -> Finish.
How to launch NPS in RRAS?
Once you’ve returned to the RRAS window, *left-click* Remote Access Logging and Policies. Then right-click and Launch NPS.
How to change VPN to SSTP?
Click the Security Tab -> Change type of VPN to SSTP. By default, it detects the type of VPN automatically, but slightly slows down the process.
Can you use NAP to access VPN?
Enter your user information. Don’t forget that if you didn’t setup a Group to access the VPN using NAP , you’ll need to enable Dial-In access within Active Directory Users and Computers for that user.
Does RRAS work with IIS?
It will force you to install IIS, which is odd, because RRAS can work independently of IIS (you can even stop and disable IIS and RRAS will still work). I would think just the IIS Hostable Web Core would be enough, but whatever. It’s required. Go ahead and accept that it will be installed.
Certificate Expiration
Of course, all certificates expire, and the TLS certificate used for SSTP is no exception. When using a public TLS certificate, the certificate lifetime is typically no more than one year, which means Always On VPN administrators will be renewing this certificate regularly.
Certificate Renewal
The process of “renewing” an SSTP TLS certificate is essentially the same as installing a new one, as it is best to create a new public/private key pair when renewing a certificate.
Demonstration Video
A recorded video demonstration of this process can be found here. The video recording also includes guidance for making these changes on Windows Server Core servers.
We are trying to set up a new RRAS VPN server using SSTP. We have a valid Trustwave domain validation certificate and a valid certificate for the public facing domain address.
Thanks for the suggestion. It turns out the problem was the CSR was issued from the control panel of the CA, instead of being generated on the server (I know that probably sounds obvious, but I've read through numerous guides that all say it doesn't matter - apparently it does, quite a lot).
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Did you import the certificate under 'Local Computer - Personal' certificate store? If that is the case, i would suggest you have a try to import the certificate into Current user\Trusted Root Certication Authorities store and see if it works.
What certificate is used for VPN?
When configuring the Windows Server Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) to support Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) for Always On VPN user tunnel connections, administrators must install a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate on the VPN server. The best practice is to use a certificate issued by a public Certification Authority (CA). In addition, administrators should use a TLS certificate using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for optimal security and performance.
Where is TLS certificate installed?
Once complete, the TLS certificate is automatically installed in the local computer certificate store on the VPN server and can be assigned in the RRAS management console, as shown here.
How long does it take to get a Let's Encrypt certificate?
Speed – Enrolling for a Let’s Encrypt certificate takes just a few minutes.
Is a TLS certificate free?
Obtaining a public TLS certificate is not inherently difficult, nor is it expensive. However, Let’s Encrypt is a nonprofit public CA issues TLS certificates entirely for free. Always On VPN supports Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates, and installing a Let’s Encrypt certificate on the Always On VPN RRAS server is quite simple.
How to get a list of certificates installed?
This command will give you a list of certificates installed and their Thumbprint: Get-ChildItem -path cert:LocalMachineMy This command uses the ThumbprintNumber for your certificate to repair the store. Your certificate should show in the server certificate list in IIS after the command completes successfully. If it fails then you will have to troubleshoot why: certutil -repairstore my "ThumbprintNumber"
How to install SSL certificate?
Install Your SSL Certificate 1. From the Administrative Tools, find Internet Information Services (IIS) Managerand open it. 2. In the Connectionspane, locate and click the server. 3. In the server Home page (center pane) under the IIS section, double-click Server Certificates.
How to launch NPS in RRAS?
Once you’ve returned to the RRAS window, *left-click* Remote Access Logging and Policies. Then right- click and Launch NPS.
Where is CSR.txt saved?
If you just enter a filename without browsing to a location, your CSR will end up in C:WindowsSystem32.
How to find the server name of a server?
2. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, in the Connectionsmenu tree (left pane), locate and click the server name.
I have tested Remote Desktop Services with a self signed certificate. For testing the remote gateway over the internet, I have edited the host file from the client test machine so that the domain of my self signed certificate match the public IP address of the remote desktop gateway and remote web access.
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In fact I get that working the time needed by the trust chain to be propagated.