Remote-access Guide

chapter 7 networking+ all types of remote access techniques

by Mr. Norbert Gleason DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are the different types of remote access services?

Remote access over a dedicated (usually leased) line. (example: DSL or T-1 access to an ISP) Virtual private network (VPN) A virtual connection between a client and a remote network, two remote networks, or two remote hosts over the Internet or other types of networks, to remotely provide network resources.

What is remote access in networking?

Remote access A service that allows a client to connect with and log on to a server, LAN, or WAN in a different geographical location. After connecting, the client can access files, applications, and other shared resources (printers) like any other client on the server, LAN, or WAN. Remote access methods

What is another name for remote access server?

Remote terminal emulation Also called remote virtual computing, which allows a remote client to take over and command a host computer. (telnet, SSH, Remote Desktop, Virtual Network Computing (VNC)) Remote access server (RAS)

Where do the two types of remote connections intersect?

The two types can intersect at a point called the crossover error rate. An administrator of a small data center wants a flexible, secure method of remotely connecting to servers.Which protocol would be best to use? Because hackers sniffing traffic can read clear text passwords, any connection needs to be encrypted.


What are the different types of remote access methods?

Remote Access Control MethodsDirect (Physical) Line. The first direct remote access control that can be implemented is a direct line from a computer to the company's LAN. ... Virtual Private Network. Another method which is more common is establishing a VPN. ... Deploying Microsoft RDS.

What are two types of remote access servers?

Remote Access Methods1- Remote Access Server: It's one server in organization network that it is the destination of all remote access connections.2- Remote Access Client: All computers that remote connect to network, called remote access client or remote computer.More items...•

What is remote access in networking?

Remote access is the act of connecting to IT services, applications, or data from a location other than headquarters. This connection allows users to access a network or computer remotely via the internet.

Which remote access protocol is used over an Ethernet network Ras Pppoe slip PPP?

Which remote access protocol is used over an Ethernet network? - When PPP Is used over an Ethernet network (no matter that connection type), is known as PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet).

What types of remote access solutions can you deploy by using Windows Server 2016?

You can deploy the RAS Gateway a single tenant RAS Gateway virtual private network (VPN) server, a multitenant RAS Gateway VPN server, and as a DirectAccess server.

Which technology is used in remote access?

virtual private network (VPN) technologyRemote access software is usually accomplished using a virtual private network (VPN) technology. This type of method is more available compared to others since it is a more secure remote access software that connects the user and the enterprise's networks through an internet connection.

What does IT mean when you call someone and IT says please enter your remote access code?

What is a remote access code? It is a code or a password that a user enters to gain access to a private network or server. It is a form of authentication that either permits or blocks an access attempt from entering a corporate system.

Can you get scammed on AnyDesk?

AnyDesk is used legitimately by millions of IT professionals worldwide, to remotely connect to their clients' devices to help with technical issues. However, scammers can try to misuse AnyDesk (or any other remote access software) to connect to your computer and steal data, access codes, and even money.

How can I tell if someone is using LogMeIn on my computer?

The Report you are looking for is the Remote Access Session report. You can also view who logged in via the Computers Application Event Logs, which will contain the Log On and Log Off records for LogMeIn.

What does PPPoE mean on ps4?

Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a network protocol that facilitates communication between network endpoints.

What is IPoE and PPPoE?

IPoE refers to a protocol used for broadband traffics across Ethernet without utilizing PPP encapsulation. This protocol relies on Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) instead of PPPoE.

Is PPPoE good for gaming?

It is highly unlikely it is the speed of the connection that makes any difference. There is huge discussion on how much bandwidth this game uses but it depends on the type of server and number of players.

What are different type of servers?

There are many types of servers, including web servers, mail servers, and virtual servers. An individual system can provide resources and use them from another system at the same time. This means that a device could be both a server and a client at the same time.

What is the difference between RAS and VPN?

Information sent over a VPN is secure, it«s both authenticated and encrypted, while information sent via RAS lacks these security features. Although RAS served a purpose in providing LAN access to remote users, its time has clearly passed. 1.

What is local and remote server?

A local server is located in the same machine as the one who made the request. A remote server is another machine that can receive and respond to exterior requests.

What is remote access in Windows Server?

Remote Access is a server role in Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 that provides administrators with a dashboard for managing, configuring and monitoring network access. Remote Access can be installed using the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

What is the source address of a multicast transmission?

The source address of a multicast transmission is in the range of to

What is a directed broadcast?

unicast. Explain: A directed broadcast is a message sent to all hosts on a specific network. It is useful for sending a broadcast to all hosts on a nonlocal network. A multicast message is a message sent to a selected group of hosts that are part of a subscribing multicast group.

What is IPv4 subnet mask?

A subnet mask is used to identify the length of each portion. 3.

What is a unique identifier burned into a classroom phone?

The unique identifier burned into the phone is a transport layer address used to contact another network device on the same network.

What is a global routing prefix?

a global routing prefix that is used to identify the network portion of the address that has been provided by an ISP *

How to find a question in a question bank?

How to find: Press “Ctrl + F” in the browser and fill in whatever wording is in the question to find that question/answer. If the question is not here, find it in Questions Bank.

Why isn't a file segmented?

The file is not segmented, because UDP is the transport layer protocol that is used by TFTP.

How many networks does RIP advertise?

RIP will advertise two networks to its neighbor.

When to use outbound ACL?

An outbound ACL should be utilized when the same ACL filtering rules will be applied to packets coming from more than one inbound interface before exiting a single outbound interface. The outbound ACL will be applied on the single outbound interface. 2.

What is OSPF enabled router?

30. An OSPF enabled router is processing learned routes to select best paths to reach a destination network. What is the OSPF algorithm evaluating as the metric?

What is each packet compared to?

Each packet is compared to the conditions of every ACE in the ACL before a forwarding decision is made.

What is the only filter that can be applied with a standard ACL?

The only filter that can be applied with a standard ACL is the source IP address. An extended ACL can use multiple criteria to filter traffic, such as source IP address, destination IP address, type of traffic, and type of message. 3.

How to find a question in a question bank?

How to find: Press “Ctrl + F” in the browser and fill in whatever wording is in the question to find that question/answer. If the question is not here, find it in Questions Bank.

Which site announces subnets available only at the central site to the other participants?

The central site announces subnets available only at the central site to the other participants.

What topologies are influenced by the overlay VPN model?

Topologies influenced by the overlay VPN model, which include hub-and-spoke topology, partial or full-mesh topology, and hybrid topology.

What is a full mesh topology?

Provisioning a full-mesh topology is pretty simple?you just need a traffic matrix indicating the bandwidth required between a pair of sites in the VPN and you can start ordering the VCs from the service provider. Provisioning a partial mesh, on the other hand, can be a real challenge, as you have to do the following:

Why use an extranet instead of the public internet?

The only reason to use an extranet instead of the public Internet is quality of service guarantees and sensitivity of the data exchanged over such a VPN network, which still is more resilient to data capture attacks than the generic Internet.

How does VPDN work?

Every VPDN solution requires an underlying IP infrastructure to exchange tunneled PPP frames between the NAS and the home gateway. In the simplest possible scenario, the public Internet can be used as the necessary infrastructure. When the security requirements are stricter, a virtual private network could be built to exchange the encapsulated PPP frames. The resulting structure is thought to be complex by some network designers, because they try to understand the whole picture in all details at once. As always, the complexity can be reduced greatly through proper decoupling:

What is a hub and spoke topology?

The most commonly encountered topology is a hub-and-spoke topology, where a number of remote offices (spokes) are connected to a central site (hub), similar to the setup in Figure 7-10. The remote offices usually can exchange data (there are no explicit security restrictions on inter-office traffic), but the amount of data exchanged between them is negligible. The hub-and-spoke topology is used typically in organizations with strict hierarchical structures, for example, banks, governments, retail stores, international organizations with small in-country offices, and so on.

Does each participating organization pay for the VCs it uses?

In the extranet topology similar to that in Figure 7-18, each participating organization usually pays for the VCs it uses. Obviously, only the most necessary VCs are installed to minimize the cost. Furthermore, participants in such a VPN would try to prevent transit traffic between other participants from flowing over VCs for which they pay, usually resulting in partial connectivity between the sites in the extranet and sometimes even resulting in interesting routing problems. The peer-to-peer VPN model is therefore the preferred way of implementing an any-to-any extranet.

What are the two types of firewalls?

Today, several different types of firewalls have evolved. The two major types of firewalls commonly used include proxy firewalls and packet-filtering firewalls . The main difference between them is the layer in the protocol stack at which they operate, and consequently the way IP addresses and port numbers are used.

What is a client on the inside of a firewall?

Clients on the inside of the firewall are usually configured in a special way to associate (or connect) with the proxy instead of the actual end host providing the desired service.

Why is NAT important?

NAT is popular because: It reduces the need for globally routable Internet addresses. It offers some degree of natural firewall capability and requires little configuration. Perhaps ironically, the development and eventual widespread use of NAT has contributed to significantly slow the adoption of IPv6.

Why was NAT introduced?

NAT was introduced to solve two problems: address depletion and concerns regarding the scalability of routing. NAT was initially suggested as a stopgap, temporary measure to be used until the deployment of some protocol with a larger number of addresses (IPv6) became widespread. Routing scalability was being tackled with the development of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR, Chapter 2)

What is NAT in IPv6?

One of the most important mechanisms developed to deal with this, aside from IPv6, is called Network Address Translation (NAT). With NAT, Internet addresses need not be globally unique, but can be reused in different parts of the Internet, called address realms. This greatly eased the problem of address exhaustion.

What is packet filtering firewall?

Packet-filtering firewalls act as Internet routers and filter (drop) some traffic. They can generally be configured to discard or forward packets whose headers meet (or fail to meet) certain criteria, called filters.

Why do we use proxies?

Such proxies often also operate as Web caches. These caches save copies of Web pages so that subsequent accesses can be served directly from the cache instead of from the originating Internet Web server. Doing so can reduce latency to display Web pages and improve the experience of users accessing the Web.

How to remember wireless security standards?

A good way to remember wireless security standards is to consider how they evolved from WEP to WPA, then to WPA2. Each evolution increased security measures.

What chapter is Cybersecurity Essentials 1.1?

This quiz covers the content in Cybersecurity Essentials 1.1 Chapter 7. It is designed to provide an additional opportunity to practice the skills and knowledge presented in the chapter and to help prepare for the final quiz.

What is a firewall?

A firewall allows and denies traffic based on rules and an HIDS monitors network traffic.

What is the difference between a firewall and a HIDS?

An HIDS blocks intrusions, whereas a firewall filters them. An HIDS monitors operating systems on host computers and processes file system activity. Firewalls allow or deny traffic between the computer and other systems. A firewall allows and denies traffic based on rules and an HIDS monitors network traffic.

Why use a centralized patch management system?

A centralized patch management system can speed up deployment of patches and automate the process. Other good reasons to using an automated patch update service include the following:

What is DNS address?

DNS resolves a website address to the actual IP address of that destination.

Which center supports security?

Operation centers support different areas of the operation including the network and security. Each one focuses on particular parts of the IT structure. The center that supports security would be the SOC.

How does Directory Server prevent denial of service attacks?

Directory Server offers a way of preventing denial of service attacks by setting limits on the resources allocated to a particular bind DN. For more information, refer to "Setting Individual Resource Limits" in the Administration Server Administration Guide.

Where does unauthorized access occur?

Unauthorized access can occur from inside your company, or if your company is connected to an extranet or to the Internet, from outside.

Why is my directory useless?

Your directory is rendered useless if the data can no longer be trusted by clients, or if the directory itself cannot trust the modifications and queries it receives from clients.

What is the goal of a denial of service attack?

With a denial of service attack, the attacker's goal is to prevent the directory from providing service to its clients. For example, an attacker might simply use the system's resources to prevent them from being used by someone else.

What is the chapter 2 of the survey?

When you performed your site survey in Chapter 2, "Planning and Accessing Directory Data, "you made certain decisions about who can read and write the individual pieces of data in your directory. This information now forms the basis of your security design.

Why is encryption important?

Protects the privacy of information. When data is encrypted, it is scrambled in a way that only the recipient can understand.

What is Java Enterprise System?

The Java Enterprise System enables the rapid deployment of business applications and Java Web services. With the Java Enterprise System, customers quickly realize the benefits of fully integrated, real-world tested, ready-to-use, industry-leading network services.

What is the purpose of the computer networking course?

The course objective is to introduce students to the foundations of computer networking. Students will learn about basic network standards, different network types, topologies, hardware, troubleshooting strategies and security methods.

How many attempts to take a quiz?

You will have 3 attempts to take each quiz for a score.

What to do at the end of each chapter?

At the end of each chapter, you can complete a chapter test to see if you're ready to move on or have some material to review. Once you've completed the entire course, take the practice test and use the study tools in the course to prepare for the proctored final exam.

What are the characteristics of remote sensing?

This chapter describes the general characteristics of remote-sensing electro-optical imaging instruments and the images produced by them. The field of remote sensing and the types of systems used for imaging the earth are discussed in the chapter. The chapter concludes the following points: (1) remote sensing of the earth's surface is limited to spectral transmission windows in the atmosphere; (2) materials on the earth's surface may potentiall y be identified by their spectral–temporal optical reflectance signatures; and (3) therefore, a key component of remote sensing is repetitive multispectral or hyperspectral imagery.

What is remote sensing technology?

Remote sensing is a technology that engages electromagnetic sensors to measure and monitor changes in the earth’s surface and atmosphere. Normally this is accomplished through the use of a satellite or aircraft. Remote Sensing, in its third edition, seamlessly connects the art and science of earth remote sensing with the latest interpretative tools and techniques of computer-aided image processing. Newly expanded and updated, this edition delivers more of the applied scientific theory and practical results that helped the previous editions earn wide acclaim and become classroom and industry standards.

How does a sensor affect a remote sensing sensor?

This chapter discusses the influence of the sensor on remote-sensing measurements. Its primary impact is a local spatial and spectral integration of the signal by which the “resolution” of the image data are determined. The sensor converts the upwelling radiance (reflected and/or emitted) into an image of the radiance spatial distribution. Several important transformations of the radiometric, spatial, and geometric properties of the radiance occur at this stage. The chapter focuses on the way the sensor modifies the signal of interest in remote sensing. Generally, the sensor degrades the signal of interest, that is, the portion of the total radiance that contains information about the earth's surface. The sensor affects the spatial and radiometric quality of the signal. It is important to understand the nature of this degradation to properly design image processing algorithms and to interpret their results. The important aspects of this sensor influence are as follows: scene spatial features are weighted by the sensor spatial response, including blurring by the optics, image motion, detector, and sensor electronics; scene spectral radiances received at the sensor are weighted by the sensor spectral response in each band; the overall imaging process, under reasonable assumptions, is a linear transform of the at-sensor radiance; geometric distortion arises from internal sensor, external platform, and topographic factors.

What is thematic mapping?

A thematic map shows the spatial distribution of identifiable earth surface features; it provides an informational description over a given area , rather than a data description. Image classification is the process used to produce thematic maps from imagery. The themes can range, for example, from categories— such as soil, vegetation, and surface water in a general description of a rural area— to different types of soil, vegetation, and water depth or clarity for a more detailed description. It is implied in the construction of a thematic map from remote-sensing imagery that the categories selected for the map are distinguishable in the image data. A number of factors can cause confusion among spectral signatures, including topography, shadowing, atmospheric variability, sensor calibration changes, and class mixing within the ground instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). Although some of these effects can be modeled, some cannot, and so they must be treated simply as statistical variability. This chapter focuses on classification algorithms and the way their performance depends on the physical and data models. A wide assortment of techniques for thematic classification of remote-sensing imagery has been presented in the chapter. They range from heuristic, intuitive approaches to theoretically well-founded, statistical pattern-recognition techniques. Thematic classification methods are either heuristic (nonparametric) or based on statistical distribution assumptions (parametric).

What is image classification?

Image classification is the process used to produce thematic maps from imagery. The themes can range, for example, from categories— such as soil, vegetation, and surface water in a general description of a rural area— to different types of soil, vegetation, and water depth or clarity for a more detailed description.

Does nearest neighbor resampling introduce new vectors?

Nearest-neighbor resampling does not introduce any new pixel spectral vectors into the data, bilinear resampling introduces new vectors within the original digital number (DN) range, and cubic resampling introduces new vectors within and outside the original DN range.

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