How does remote learning work at CPS?
Understanding Remote Learning Models 1 Each student will attend class remotely five days per week. 2 Students must be logged into their CPS.edu account to be counted present for attendance. 3 In some classes, remote students will be joined by in-person students logged into the class from their school’s classroom.
How do remote students count as present for attendance?
Students must be logged into their CPS.edu account to be counted present for attendance. In some classes, remote students will be joined by in-person students logged into the class from their school’s classroom. These school day examples will explain what to expect during remote learning so you and your child can prepare for class.
Can I access CPS If I am working remotely?
If you are working remotely, continue for instructions on how to connect to the CPS network using remote access software.
What is Chicago’s free internet program?
This first-of-its-kind program will be one of the largest and longest-term efforts in the nation to provide free, high-speed internet over the course of four years to dramatically increase internet accessibility for students and help build a permanent public support system for families in Chicago.

Are Chicago Public Schools Going remote?
CPS did agree to a set of metrics that would trigger a move to remote learning for individual schools, but not a district-wide metric as the union had wanted. The deal also includes expanded PPE and efforts to increase testing consents for students, Mayor Lightfoot said.
Are Chicago Public Schools back to in-person learning?
As part of our reopening plan, students who chose to return to school will learn in-person through a hybrid learning model. K-8 students will split time learning at home and at school. This allows schools to limit class sizes and ensure students and staff can practice social distancing.
Is Chicago doing virtual school?
Chicago's Virtual Academy will return this fall, but little is known after its first year: 'It's been a black box. ' For about 420 medically fragile students, the Virtual Academy has offered a chance to focus on learning this school year without the specter of a potentially life-threatening bout of COVID.
Are Chicago teachers teaching virtually?
CHICAGO — Chicago Public Schools locked teachers out of online classrooms Wednesday morning after the Chicago Teachers Union voted to move to remote learning as COVID-19 skyrockets. It's not clear how long the impasse could last.
What is the difference between remote learning and online learning?
Remote learning happens online through scheduled Zoom classes and Brightspace activities, due to current social distancing measures, but your classes and program would normally take place in-person, in a classroom setting. Online learning involves classes specifically meant to be just online.
Is virtual learning better than in-person learning?
2) Online classes offer self-paced learning and schedule flexibility. For people who do not appreciate the structure of in-person classroom meetings, online learning is a great alternative. Students all work and learn at different paces, and online classes offer the ability for students to follow their own schedules.
What does full remote learning mean?
Remote learning is where the student and the educator, or information source, are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Information is relayed through technology, such as discussion boards, video conferencing, and online assessments.
Does Illinois have a virtual school?
Illinois Virtual School (IVS) is the Illinois State Board of Education's (ISBE) statewide virtual school.
Is virtual school effective?
Compared to the overall average national graduation rate of 85 percent, the graduation rates of 54.6 percent in full-time virtual schools and 64.3 percent in blended schools fell far short.
Why are Chicago teachers locked out?
Chicago Public School teachers attempting to teach students remotely on Wednesday discovered they'd been locked out of their digital classrooms, an apparent effort by city officials to prevent a return to remote education amid recent spikes in covid-19 cases among students and teachers.
Why did Chicago Teachers Union walk out?
The Chicago Teachers Union's governing body voted 389 to 226 to return to classrooms, ending a walkout over COVID-19 testing that cost students five days of instruction and was the union's third work stoppage in 27 months.
Is Chicago Public Schools opening in the fall?
22. Chicago Public Schools students will return earlier for the 2022-23 academic year. It's official.
Does Illinois offer remote learning?
Statewide there are no plans to reinstate online learning as the decision is typically made at a school district level. When asked whether he believes a shift to remote learning is necessary, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Monday "the best thing" is for students to be in school safety.
Is Illinois Virtual Academy free?
Both types of virtual schools are open to all students and free of tuition costs.
Do parents want remote learning?
Many parents want remote school during COVID surge, but many districts can't offer it. Lockers in school hallway. Many parents are wanting a remote learning option again after the holiday break because of increasing COVID-19 cases, but many districts can't make the switch that quickly (photo: CNY Central).
Is K12 free in Illinois?
Discovery K12 Online Homeschool The curriculum is free for pre-k to twelfth grade, and includes all major subjects. You may use our curriculum any way you like: part time, full time and supplement to it.
Frequently Used
The health and safety of our school communities are our top priority. As of October 15, all Chicago Public Schools employees must be fully vaccinated or consent to weekly COVID-19 testing provided by the district. Staff that have a religious or medical exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination are also required to consent to weekly testing.
Lead with CPS
Lead With CPS is part of the district’s commitments to increase transparency and equity around career pathways, invest in the development of employees and create talent pipelines.
Understanding Remote Learning Models
As part of our reopening plan, students who chose remote learning will continue to attend class from home. The resources below will help you successfully continue learning at home and understand potential changes as we begin to offer an in-person learning option.
School Day Examples
These school day examples will explain what to expect during remote learning so you and your child can prepare for class.
Additional Information
The resources below will help your child have an enriching remote learning experience.
Opt-in Process
Parents have the ability to opt-in or opt out of in-person learning. Find out how and when the next window will open.
Technology Devices
Find out how to access and use technology that will allow you to participate in remote learning.
Internet Access
See if you qualify for free internet service through our Chicago Connected initiative and find additional options for internet service providers and Wi-Fi network connections.
CPS Accounts
Learn how to access your CPS.edu account, which is the gateway to most of the tools you’ll need to participate in class.
A District on the Rise
Over the past decade, CPS high school graduation rates have increased by almost 50 percent, with a record high graduation rate in 2021. This progress made over such a short period of time has transformed the lives of countless graduates, and is a testament to what can be accomplished when students are centered in everything.
Five-Year Vision
We've set some ambitious goals in our five-year vision. Find out more about what's next for CPS.
The CPS Teach Chicago Podcast Season 2
Listen now as CPS high school teachers Noelle and Kyriako dive into the new Opportunity Schools Case Study for their hosting debut.
Getting a Device
Current CPS Issued Device: If you had already received a CPS issues technology device, please hold on to it and use it. Students should only return devices if they are transferring or graduating to a new school (grades 8-9), graduating from high school or otherwise leaving the district.
Using a Device
For students who have received a CPS-issued device, please refer to the following guidance to get started:
Tech Support
Remote Learning Days: If you are learning remotely and experiencing issues with a CPS-issued device, you can receive support through the Family Tech Support portal or by calling the Help Desk at 773-417-1060.
What is Chicago Connected?
Chicago Connected provides no-cost, high-speed internet service to eligible CPS students and their families. This first-of-its-kind program seeks to eliminate a barrier to digital learning that disproportionately hurts the city’s low‐income families and students of color.
What time does Chicago Connected phone call?
Monday - Friday. 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 773-416-1060. Get technical support for issues related to your CPS-issued device, assistance with other technology-related issues, and answers to general questions related to the Chicago Connected program.
How many students lack high speed internet in Chicago?
According to Census data, an estimated 100,000 students lack access to high-speed internet in Chicago, which is defined as 25 mbps download and 3 mbps upload by the Federal Communications Commission. ‘Chicago Connected’ will provide high-speed internet for households for four years by directly paying for internet service for families that are most in need, using six priority indicators and data from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to identify eligible households for the initiative. Priority indicators include students eligible for free lunch, students identified as having special needs, students experiencing homelessness and students living in communities with the highest hardship based on the UIC hardship index. Further, Chicago Connected will prioritize students who are enrolled in summer school who are also eligible for the program.
What is Chicago Connected?
The first phase of ‘Chicago Connected’ is centered on digital equity and internet connectedness as a way to lay the foundation for success for students by increasing access to online learning, college applications, training and workforce development, and other critical government services.