Remote-access Guide

cisco remote access tacaccs

by Glennie Fay Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

TACACS and XTACACS both allow a remote access server to communicate with an authentication server in order to determine if the user has access to the network. Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) is a protocol developed by Cisco and released as an open standard beginning in 1993.

Full Answer

Do I need an account on Cisco to use TACACS+?

An account on is not required. TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server. TACACS+ services are maintained in a database on a TACACS+ daemon running, typically, on a UNIX or Windows NT workstation.

What is TACACS+ (terminal access controller access control system plus)?

Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus ( TACACS+) is a protocol developed by Cisco and released as an open standard beginning in 1993. Although derived from TACACS, TACACS+ is a separate protocol that handles authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services. TACACS+ have largely replaced their predecessors.

How do I configure TACACS?

How to Configure TACACS 1 Identifying the TACACS Server Host. ... 2 Setting the TACACS Authentication Key. ... 3 Configuring AAA Server Groups. ... 4 Configuring AAA Server Group Selection Based on DNIS. ... 5 Specifying TACACS Authentication. ... 6 Specifying TACACS Authorization. ... 7 Specifying TACACS Accounting. ... 8 TACACS AV Pairs. ...

How do I Access Cisco feature navigator and TACACS+?

To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn . An account on is not required. TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server.


How do I access my TACACS server?

You must enter username information in the database. Use the username password global configuration command. local-case—Use a case-sensitive local username database for authentication. You must enter username information in the database by using the username name password global configuration command.

Is TACACS+ still used?

As it is an open standard therefore RADIUS can be used with other vendor's devices while because TACACS+ is Cisco proprietary, it can be used with Cisco devices only. It has more extensive accounting support than TACACS+....Difference between TACACS+ and RADIUS.TACACS+RADIUSUsed for device administration.used for network access8 more rows•Oct 26, 2021

What is the difference between TACACS and TACACS+?

TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) is a security protocol that provides centralized validation of users who are attempting to gain access to a router or NAS. TACACS+ provides separate authentication, authorization and accounting services.

Can a Cisco switch be a TACACS server?

Your switch can be a network access server along with other Cisco routers and access servers. TACACS+, administered through the AAA security services, can provide these services: Authentication—Provides complete control of authentication through login and password dialog, challenge and response, and messaging support.

What is difference between RADIUS and TACACS+?

RADIUS was designed to authenticate and log remote network users, while TACACS+ is most commonly used for administrator access to network devices like routers and switches.


TACACS+ uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for its transport. TACACS+ provides security by encrypting all traffic between the NAS and the process. Encryption relies on a secret key that is known to both the client and the TACACS+ process.


TACACS+ may be derived from TACACS, but it is a completely separate and non-backward-compatible protocol designed for AAA. While TACACS+ is mainly used for Device Administration AAA, it is possible to use it for some types of network access AAA.

How does TACACS authentication work?

It uses TCP as a transmission protocol. It uses TCP port number 49. If the device and ACS server are using TACACS+ then all the AAA packets exchanged between them are encrypted. It separates AAA into distinct elements i.e authentication, authorization, and accounting are separated.

What is the benefit of using TACACS+ for user authentication?

TACACS+ is a remote authentication protocol, which allows a remote access server to communicate with an authentication server to validate user access onto the network. TACACS+ allows a client to accept a username and password, and pass a query to a TACACS+ authentication server.

Is TACACS deprecated?

TACACS+ and RADIUS have generally replaced TACACS and XTACACS in more recently built or updated networks.

Is TACACS+ Cisco only?

TACACS+ is Cisco proprietary, whereas RADIUS is an open standard originally created by Livingston Enterprises. Cisco has also developed Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS), a flexible family of security servers that supports both RADIUS and TACACS+....Feature.FeatureTCP destination portPort 49.5 more rows•Oct 28, 2005

How does Cisco TACACS+ work?

TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server. TACACS+ services are maintained in a database on a TACACS+ daemon running, typically, on a UNIX or Windows NT workstation.

Which company owns TACACS?

CiscoTerminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) is a protocol developed by Cisco and released as an open standard beginning in 1993.

What is the benefit of using TACACS+ for user authentication?

TACACS+ is a remote authentication protocol, which allows a remote access server to communicate with an authentication server to validate user access onto the network. TACACS+ allows a client to accept a username and password, and pass a query to a TACACS+ authentication server.

Does TACACS+ encrypt all communication?

In other words, different messages may be used for authentication than are used for authorization and accounting. Another very interesting point to know is that TACACS+ communication will encrypt the entire packet.

What encryption does TACACS+ use?

MD5The encryption that takes place is in reality a combination of hashing (which is one-way and nonreversible) and simple XOR functionality. The hash used in TACACS+ is MD5.

What is a tacas server?

TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server. TACACS+ services are maintained in a database on a TACACS+ daemon running, typically, on a UNIX or Windows NT workstation. You must have access to and must configure a TACACS+ server before the configured TACACS+ features on your network access server are available.

What is the tacacs server command?

The tacacs-server host command enables you to specify the names of the IP host or hosts maintaining a TACACS+ server. Because the TACACS+ software searches for the hosts in the order specified, this feature can be useful for setting up a list of preferred daemons.

What is the AAA authentication command?

The aaa authentication command defines a method list, “default,” to be used on serial interfaces running PPP. The keyword default means that PPP authentication is applied by default to all interfaces. The if-needed keyword means that if the user has already authenticated by going through the ASCII login procedure, then PPP authentication is not necessary and can be skipped. If authentication is needed, the keyword group tacacs+ means that authentication will be done through TACACS+. If TACACS+ returns an ERROR of some sort during authentication, the keyword local indicates that authentication will be attempted using the local database on the network access server.

What is tacas+?

TACACS+ allows an arbitrary conversation to be held between the daemon and the user until the daemon receives enough information to authenticate the user. This is usually done by prompting for a username and password combination, but may include other items, such as mother’s maiden name, all under the control of the TACACS+ daemon.

What is Cisco support?

The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

Can a server group have multiple host entries?

Server groups can include multiple host entries as long as each entry has a unique IP address. If two different host entries in the server group are configured for the same service--for example, accounting--the second host entry configured acts as fail-over backup to the first one. Using this example, if the first host entry fails to provide accounting services, the network access server will try the second host entry for accounting services. (The TACACS+ host entries will be tried in the order in which they are configured.)

Can Cisco routers use DNIS?

Cisco routers with either ISDN or internal modems can receive the DNIS number. This functionality allows users to assign different TACACS+ server groups for different customers (that is, different TACACS+ servers for different DNIS numbers). Additionally, using server groups you can specify the same server group for AAA services or a separate server group for each AAA service.

What port does tacs use?

TACACS is defined in RFC 8907 (older rfc 1492), and uses (either TCP or UDP) port 49 by default. TACACS allows a client to accept a username and password and send a query to a TACACS authentication server, sometimes called a TACACS daemon or simply TACACSD. It would determine whether to accept or deny the authentication request and send a response back. The TIP (routing node accepting dial-up line connections, which the user would normally want to log in into) would then allow access or not, based upon the response. In this way, the process of making the decision is "opened up" and the algorithms and data used to make the decision are under the complete control of whomever is running the TACACS daemon.

What is a taccs extension?

Extended TACACS ( XTACACS) is a proprietary extension to TACACS introduced by Cisco Systems in 1990 without backwards compatibility to the original protocol. TACACS and XTACACS both allow a remote access server to communicate with an authentication server in order to determine if the user has access to the network.

What is a tacs?

Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System ( TACACS, / ˈtækæks /) refers to a family of related protocols handling remote authentication and related services for networked access control through a centralized server. The original TACACS protocol, which dates back to 1984, was used for communicating with an authentication server, common in older UNIX networks; it spawned related protocols:

What does XTACACS stand for?

XTACACS. XTACACS, which stands for Extended TACACS, provides additional functionality for the TACACS protocol. It also separates the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) functions out into separate processes, even allowing them to be handled by separate servers and technologies.

When was the IETF authentication system first used?

Originally designed as a means to automate authentication – allowing someone who was already logged into one host in the network to connect to another on the same network without needing to re-authenticate – it was first formally described by BBN's Brian Anderson in December 1984 in IETF RFC 927.

Is XTACACS open source?

Although TACACS and XTACACS are not open standards, Craig Finseth of the University of Minnesota, with Cisco's assistance, published a description of the protocols in 1993 in IETF RFC 1492 for informational purposes.

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