How to contact the Cleveland Clinic for help with MyChart?
100 Years of Cleveland Clinic MyChart Need help? Giving Careers Search Search Cleveland Clinic Menu Find a Doctor Locations & Directions Patients & Visitors Health Library Institutes & Departments Appointments & Access MyChartNeed help? Call for Additional Assistance 800.223.2273 Find a Doctor
How do I contact remote access support?
If you have a general question, you may find your answer under the Help tab on this site, or you may send an email to to receive a response within one business day.
Where is the Cleveland Clinic located in Ohio?
Site Information & Policies Send Us FeedbackSite MapAbout this WebsiteCopyright, Reprint & LicensingWebsite Terms of UsePrivacy PolicyNotice of Privacy PracticesNon-Discrimination Notice 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 | 800.223.2273| © 2022 Cleveland Clinic. All Rights Reserved.
Why choose Cleveland Clinic caregivers?
For Cleveland Clinic Caregivers In order to provide world-class care to our patients, we believe it's vital Cleveland Clinic Caregivers take care of themselves and each other. Making self-care a priority improves our overall sense of well-being in work and in life.
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Does Cleveland Clinic have a mammogram hotline?
Cleveland Clinic has a hotline for employees to use to schedule screening mammograms. Employees who are due for an annual mammogram (and have had one ordered by a primary care physician or gynecologist) can use the hotline to schedule a priority appointment at main campus that will take no longer than 30 minutes.
Do you need to log into the intranet to access Cleveland Clinic?
For Cleveland Clinic employees who are on the road or working from home, the following is a list of resources available on the Internet. You do not need to be logged into the intranet in order to access them.
Does Cleveland Clinic offer fertility?
Cleveland Clinic fertility experts offer a full range of treatment options for men and women that deliver personalized results that are right for you. And with special employee pricing, you can take advantage of up to 60 percent off on selected services including intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.