Remote-access Guide

client server remote access vulnerabilities and threats

by Bud Greenholt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are the vulnerabilities of remote access?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

What is the risk of using RDP?

In many cases, servers with RDP publicly accessible to the internet have failed to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). This means that an attacker who compromises a user account by exposing a weak or reused password through a brute force attack can easily gain access to a user's workstation via RDP.

What are the threats of remote working?

Top Security Risks of Remote WorkingGDPR and remote working. Remote work means an employer has less control and visibility over employees' data security. ... Phishing Emails. ... Weak Passwords. ... Unsecured Home Devices. ... Unencrypted File Sharing. ... Open Home WiFi Networks.

Is port 3389 vulnerable?

While RDP TCP port 3389 provides an easy way to connect remotely to corporate resources, it is notorious for many security vulnerabilities, including ransomware.

What are the most important vulnerabilities in RDP?

Perhaps the top vulnerability of RDP systems, weak user sign-in credentials are an easy way for attackers to gain access to your network to deploy malicious software that steals or damages your sensitive data. Most desktop computers are protected by a password – but users can make this password whatever they want.

How can RDP be exploited?

RDP automatically connects to the service that was created first, so when a new user connects, the existing malicious pipe will be the one their machine automatically connects to. At that point, the attacker controls both ends of the pipe and can read, pass and modify data between the client and host.

What is the greatest risk that remote access poses to an organization?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

How do you protect and secure data while working remotely?

How to promote data security while working remotelyConnect to a hotspot or use a VPN. ... Use strong passwords and a password manager. ... Keep work and personal separate. ... Stay alert for phishing or other attacks. ... Participate in routine cybersecurity training.

How do you keep remote workers safe?

Digital Security While Working RemotelyAvoid public Wi-Fi; if necessary, use personal hotspots or some way to encrypt your web connection. ... Keep Work Data on Work Computers. ... Block the Sight Lines. ... Encrypt Sensitive Data in Emails and on Your Device.

Is RDP secure without VPN?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Integrated in BeyondTrust Establishing remote desktop connections to computers on remote networks usually requires VPN tunneling, port-forwarding, and firewall configurations that compromise security - such as opening the default listening port, TCP 3389.

Why is port 443 secure?

HTTPS is secure and is on port 443, while HTTP is unsecured and available on port 80. Information that travels on the port 443 is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or its new version, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and hence safer.

What is the difference between SSH and RDP?

RDP and SSH are designed to provide two distinct solutions for connecting to remote computer systems. RDP furnishes users with a tool for managing remote connections via a GUI. SSH offers a Secure Shell and is used for text-based management of remote machines.

Is opening RDP port safe?

If you are opening RDP over the Internet, keeping the RDP port to 3389 is a security threat. It is recommended that you change the default port from 3389 to something above 10000.

Is RDP secure without VPN?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Integrated in BeyondTrust Establishing remote desktop connections to computers on remote networks usually requires VPN tunneling, port-forwarding, and firewall configurations that compromise security - such as opening the default listening port, TCP 3389.

Is RDP more secure than VPN?

The essential difference when comparing VPNs and RDP is that a VPN doesn't provide your device with any additional functionality the way an RDP does. You're still using the same old device, only that its IP address has changed and it is now a whole lot more secure when accessing the Internet.

Is RDP gateway secure?

Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG or RD Gateway) is a Windows Server role that provides a secure encrypted connection to the server via RDP.

Why is cybersecurity important in remote work?

Bringing cybersecurity to the top-of-mind for your remote workforce is important in successfully educating employees on the new risks their work environment presents. Conducting training for security best practices, as well as discussing your organization’s cybersecurity standing and vulnerabilities with the entire workforce are both potential ways to combat network threats.

What should be protected using multi-factor authentication?

Any machine that is capable of connecting to your network should be protected using multi-factor authentication, automatic session timeouts, and access monitoring to prevent unauthorized users from getting into the data, even if they have the device.

What is unauthorized software?

Unauthorized software is a common entrypoint for ransomware attacks. Monitoring software and integrations is very important, especially when workers are at home with others who may be installing software on their devices.

How to prevent unauthorized app use?

Making proactive decisions about your tech stack can go a long way toward preventing unauthorized app use. For example, by making a secure video chatting or collaboration tool available, you reduce the likelihood of employees going out of their way to install their own (less secure) solutions.

What is the first step in mitigating risk throughout your attack surface?

Documenting policies, protocols, and authorized software is the first step in mitigating risk throughout your attack surface. From there, you can start to enforce changes that will improve security performance across your expanding digital ecosystem. 2. Unsecured networks.

Is IT security playing catch up?

IT security teams are still playing catchup when it comes to securing the remote workforce. We’re committed to making their jobs easier through our BitSight Security Ratings solutions for monitoring, managing, and mitigating cyber risks. Read our research to learn more about the unique risks of work from home-remote office networks and what to do next to mitigate the latest security threats.

Is social engineering easier than phishing?

Social engineering has a new dimension now that employees aren’t in the same physical space. It’s much easier to impersonate a colleague when they’re not sitting next to you, and in the current stressful environment some emotionally driven phishing emails are working better now than ever before.

What should security teams do if on-premises network and email security mechanisms are no longer available?

Recommendation: If some on-premises network and email security mechanisms are no longer available, security teams should double down on educating users to identify phishing attempts and to choose strong, unique passwords, encouraging the use of a password manager. They should also implement client certificates and multi-factor authentication in order to prevent attackers from gaining access through unsecured devices.

What are the risks of using a VPN?

Here are five top security risks that teams must deal with, as well as technology and user education best practices to keep users and data safe: 1. Weak remote access policies. Once attackers get access to a virtual private network (VPN), they can often penetrate the rest of the network like a hot knife through butter.

What is Wildfire malware analysis?

Resources: Learn how the cloud-delivered WildFire® malware analysis service – which is built into Cortex XDR and many other Palo Alto Networks products – aggregates data and threat intelligence from the industry’s largest global community to automatically identify and stop threats. Additionally, URL Filtering blocks access to malicious sites to help prevent phishing attacks.

Why do companies use VPNs?

Historically, many companies deployed VPNs primarily for technical people needing access to critical technology assets. Not so much the case anymore – VPNs are often encouraged for all users as a more secure connection than home or public networks.

Why is it important to enforce access based on user identity?

Recommendation: It’s critical that companies enforce access based on user identity, allowing specific groups access to only what they need to get their jobs done, and expanding access from there on an as-needed basis.

What is XDR in security?

Recommendation: Rather than invest in point solutions, consider security platforms that maximize integration between systems, limiting the amount of switching between tools and providing visibility into all data – including remote user activity. Extended detection and response (XDR) not only protects endpoints, but also applies analytics across all your data to find threats like unusual access or lateral movement, and simplifies investigations by stitching together data and identifying the root cause.

Why are unprotected remote organizations more susceptible to email scams?

Unprotected remote organizations are more susceptible due to the increased complexity of the network environment because many organizations still don’t use multi-factor authentication. In total, Americans lose $3.1 billion to email scams each year.

What are flash vulnerabilities?

These vulnerabilities include personal mobile devices that are used for business communications. According to a Duo report, approximately 60 percent of enterprise devices were found to be running on older, vulnerable versions of flash. These exploits allow hackers to download software that assesses a device’s flash version and installs malware, should the right version (s) be identified. From there, attackers have full access to each infected machine.

How many employees did hackers give out login details?

In one notable attack, staff members accidentally gave out login details for five employees. The end result: the exposure of sensitive data for 80 million customers. Ironically, hackers used the media attention to send more rounds of phishing emails.

What are opportunistic hackers?

Opportunistic hackers typically aim for well-known vulnerabilities. They’re particularly interested in known exploits for older, out of-date-devices. An organization which allows remote workers to use outdated personal devices puts their critical business information at great risk to cyber criminals.

Is remote work the future?

Remote employment is clearly the future of work. It’s especially apparent now given the organizational challenges of working during COVID-19, but there’s no doubt that demand will only grow in the foreseeable future. All that’s needed to keep hackers at bay is a diligent focus on training, and device and network security.

Is working from home a security risk?

Working from home opens organizations up to increased security risk , however, through their workforce’s frequent use of unsecured WiFi, personal device usage and the ensuing growth of complexity in network environments.

Can hackers hack remote workers?

Without the proper protections on personal devices, remote workers can face greater threats from phishing attacks. Cyber criminals don’t care if personnel are working from home or in the office. Either way, they can trick workers into giving up login credentials—or completing a financial transaction—by posing as a message from a reputable company.

What is the overriding risk of remote access services and software?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats.

How to mitigate remote access risks?

Choosing a firewall that matches the size, scope, and scale of your organization is an essential first step in mitigating remote access risks. Make sure your firewall has built-in antivirus and anti-malware software and high availability programs.

What is Remote Access?

Remote access is simply the ability to access a computer or network, at home or in an office, from a remote location.

What is VPN for business?

Set up a VPN. A VPN is a critical tool to use to securely access sensitive data remotely. There are many kinds of VPNs you should know about and consider using for your company. If you use a business-grade firewall, it will usually have a built-in VPN.

What are some practices that end point users engage in?

Connecting to an unsecured Wi-Fi network, visiting malicious sites, and downloading hazardous software are practices that many end point users engage in – making a man-in-the-middle attack and other hacking methods for infecting your computer very easy.

What is shadow IT risk?

On top of that, be aware of employees downloading or installing any information or software without your permission – also known as shadow IT risks.

Can antivirus stop hackers?

Most consumer-ready antivirus products won’t stop sophisticated hackers targeting your organization – which is what most home computers are running.


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