What is cloud computing and how it works?
The term cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote server maintained data and application. Cloud Computing includes data, application and storage and also provides these three basic services i.e. Software as a service, platform as a service and infrastructure as a service.
How can Engineers in the construction industry use remote access computing?
Engineers in the construction industry can use remote access computing to connect to systems, apps and devices and share these resources from anywhere. Remote desktop software extends whatever IT environment you already have in place, cloud or no cloud. It enables better collaboration, and this should be a consideration for any new business tool.
What is the difference between remote desktop software and cloud-based tools?
In the cloud, you can access your files from any device at any time. With remote desktop software, you can access a specific desktop, the files, the applications, and everything else related to that desktop from a remote location. Remote desktop software and cloud-based tools are not mutually exclusive.
Is the cloud a replacement for remote access technology?
The cloud is not a replacement for remote access technology and remote access software isn’t the same thing as moving your IT environment to the cloud. However, there are certain similarities – both the cloud and remote access software enable collaboration: In the cloud, you can access your files from any device at any time.

What is remote access in cloud computing?
Remote access is the ability for an authorized person to access a computer or network from a geographical distance through a network connection. Remote access enables users to connect to the systems they need when they are physically far away.
How cloud computing helps remote working?
Cloud computing allows remote workers to have seamless information access whenever they want it or need it. Remote workers can get the files they need not only at any time but from any device with internet access.
What are the types of access in cloud computing?
Cloud can have any of the four types of access:Private Cloud.Public Cloud.Hybrid Cloud.Community Cloud.Service Models.
What is the difference between a remote server and a cloud?
Web Server primarily consists of space which has been leased or purchased by the owner, whereas with cloud computing, you're using applications (like email, word processing, spreadsheet, photo editing) that are located on a remote server somewhere, but using them as if they were programs on your computer.
How will cloud computing help government agencies transition to remote work?
With the growing dependence on online systems and data management, it's no wonder that government agencies are moving to cloud computing. It increases efficiency, lowers the burden on the agency's IT department, increases flexibility, and reduces overhead costs.
What is cloud computing service?
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.
What are the 4 types of cloud computing?
There are four main types of cloud computing: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multiclouds. There are also three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
What are the 5 main types of cloud computing?
Here are the five main types of cloud computing deployment systems:Public clouds. Public clouds are a type of cloud computing run by a third-party cloud provider. ... Private clouds. ... Hybrid clouds. ... Multi-clouds. ... High-performance computing (HPC) cloud.
What are the 4 types of cloud storage?
Let's look at the different types of cloud storage solutions:Private cloud storage. Private cloud storage is also known as enterprise or internal cloud storage. ... Public cloud storage. ... Hybrid cloud storage. ... Community cloud storage.
What is opposite of cloud computing?
Opposite of computing done in the cloud. in-house computing. local computing. local hosting. offline computing.
Is Remote Desktop cloud computing?
The core difference between remote desktop software and cloud computing lies in the type of access that is allowed. With a remote desktop, a user has limited access to files, applications, and other organization resources through use of a specific desktop.
Why cloud is better than servers?
Cloud hosting provides maximum network uptime and guarantees no single point of failure. As it is a system of interconnected servers so if at any point, one server is unable to take your request then another one out of the multiple servers will take over the workload of the failed server by default.
Does cloud can be used remotely?
One example of cloud computing is Software as a Service (SaaS). This means that software such as general office desktop applications and associated data are not resident on your PC, but are hosted remotely and accessed over the Internet using a web browser.
Can you work from home in cloud computing?
Virtual Storage In a traditional office setting, computer files are often stored on-site and can only be accessed when employees are in the facility. With employees working from home, cloud computing provides a virtual area to house these documents, allowing access from anywhere they have a solid internet connection.
Do cloud developers work from home?
As a remote cloud engineer, you work from home to design and develop software that runs in the cloud and maintain cloud systems and hardware. If you specialize in software development, then you typically write and test software.
What does it mean to work on the cloud?
Cloud computing is when you utilize software or services through an internet connection, for which the computing occurs in a different location but is delivered to you through the internet. An example of this is Microsoft Office.
What is remote access software?
Remote access software is the most convenient, secure, and reliable way to ensure your organization has the right tools to collaborate, be flexible in its processes, and enable your staff to be optimally productive—all while remaining in full compliance within your industry regulations.
Why do medical institutions use remote access?
Medical institutions often prefer to use remote access software to aid in collaboration because it can more reliably support desktops, diagnostic apparatus, servers, x-ray machines etc., without breaking down or losing a network connection. Keeping critical devices from failing is essential. Being able to access data remotely without sacrificing security precautions (as might happen if they were relying on the public cloud) allows these institutions to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Protected Health Information (PHI), and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and still get all the benefits of remote access.
How does remote desktop software help?
If you work in IT, you’ll know the value of remote desktop software for taking over an individual computer from anywhere in the company and performing security updates, fixing problems in real-time, or just updating certain settings without having to leave your own desk. This can save a lot of time and keep productivity levels high. This also extends to other typical business practices like staff training in HR when your HR department happens to be miles away. Engineers in the construction industry can use remote access computing to connect to systems, apps and devices and share these resources from anywhere.
What is remote desktop?
With remote desktop software, you can access a specific desktop, the files, the applications, and everything else related to that desktop from a remote location.
Why do businesses need to keep their data on premises?
Other times, investments have already been made in on-premises infrastructure, and so there may be some business who need remote desktop software so their employees can access their own computers from anywhere with any device .
What is file transfer between systems?
File transfer between systems is a separate feature that can be enabled or disabled by an administrator and logging keeps track of any files that have been transferred. But in general, the remote access session only includes streaming where an encrypted video view of the system is transmitted to the viewing computer.
Is the cloud a replacement for remote access?
The cloud is not a replacement for remote access technology and remote access software isn’t the same thing as moving your IT environment to the cloud. However, there are certain similarities – both the cloud and remote access software enable collaboration:
What is cloud computing?
Cloud Computing provides us a means by which we can access the applications as utilities, over the internet. It allows us to create, configure, and customize the business applications online.
What are the four types of cloud access?
Deployment models define the type of access to the cloud, i.e., how the cloud is located? Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid and Community.
Why is IaaS important?
Because IaaS offers the consumer to run legacy software in provider's infrastructure, therefore it exposes consumers to all of the security vulnerabilities of such legacy software.
What is virtualization in IT?
Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single physical instance of an application or resource among multiple organizations or tenants (customers). It does so by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and providing a pointer to that physical resource when demanded.
Why is the public cloud less secure?
The Public Cloudallows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less secure because of its openness, e.g., e-mail.
Why do private clouds have more control over their resources and hardware than public clouds?
Private clouds have more control on its resources and hardware than public cloud because it is accessed only within an organization.
What is service oriented architecture?
Service-Oriented Architecture helps to use applications as a service for other applications regardless the type of vendor, product or technology. Therefore, it is possible to exchange of data between applications of different vendors without additional programming or making changes to services.
What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.
What is private cloud?
Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers ( e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
What is cloud computing?
Cloud Computing is a new IT infrastructure in which computing resources areprovided as a utility to cloud users in the pay-as-you-go manner. By integrat-ing techniques such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), virtualization, dis-tributed computing and etc, cloud computing oers elastic, on-demand and mea-sured services to cloud users anytime anywhere whenever Internet is available,and enable them to enjoy the illusionary unlimited computing resources. Theservices provided by the cloud can be at dierent levels of the system stack,which can be described by the terminology of X as a service (XaaS)" whereX could be Software, Infrastructure, Hardware, Platform and etc. For example,Amazon EC2 provide Infrastructure as a service and allow cloud users to managevirtual machine instances and control almost the entire software stack above theOS kernel; Google AppEngine provides Software as a service which is targetedat traditional web applications; Microsoft Azure oers services which are inter-mediate between AppEngine and EC2. By deploying applications in the cloud,cloud users are able to enjoy massive and elastic computing resources withoutthe large capital outlays in building their own data centers. Such a fact will sig-nicantly benet the IT industry, especially small and medium IT enterprises,letting alone individuals, who were greatly limited by computing resources. Forthis reason, Cloud computing is believed to have the potential to shape the ITindustry in the future.
Why is data integrity important in cloud computing?
Data integrity is another important security issue in cloud computing. Such asecurity assurance is necessary not only for communications between cloud usersand cloud servers, but also for data at rest on cloud servers. In particular, cloudusers may have great concerns on data integrity when outsourcing valuable dataassets in the cloud for storage. The possible long lifetime of outsourced datawould make it more likely vulnerable to intentional or inadvertent modication,corruption, or deletion, be it caused by careless system maintenance or for thepurpose of cost saving. While the issue of data integrity for communications canbe addressed with o-the-shelf techniques such as message integrity code, thatfor data storage seems to be more cumbersome because of the following facts:First, cloud users may not be willing to fully rely on cloud service providersfor providing data integrity protection. This is because cloud services are usuallyprovided by third-party providers who are not necessary in the same trust do-main of the cloud users. Although cloud users can establish the trust relationshipwith cloud service providers via mechanisms such as service level agreement, thispractice is still not able to give cloud users the full condence on data integritydue to the possible occasional purposive or inadvertent misbehaviors from thecloud service providers. Such misbehaviors could be the result of providers' de-cision to hide data corruptions caused by server hacks or Byzantine failures tomaintain reputation, or their neglect of keeping or deliberate deletion of somerarely accessed data les so as to save resources. Given such a fact, cloud userswould like to protect integrity of their own data assets by themselves or throughtheir trusted agents.
What is data protection?
Data protection is a crucial security issue for most organizations. Before movinginto the cloud, cloud users need to clearly identify data objects to be protectedand classify data based on their implication on security, and then dene the se-curity policy for data protection as well as the policy enforcement mechanisms.For most applications, data objects would include not only bulky data at restin cloud servers (e.g., user database and/or lesystem), but also data in transitbetween the cloud and the user(s) which could be transmitted over the Internetor via mobile media (In many circumstances, it would be more cost-eectiveand convenient to move large volumes of data to the cloud by mobile medialike archive tapes than transmitting over the Internet.). Data objects may alsoinclude user identity information created by the user management model, ser-vice audit data produced by the auditing model, service prole information usedto describe the service instance(s), temporary runtime data generated by theinstance(s), and many other application data. Dierent types of data would beof dierent value and hence have dierent security implication to cloud users.For example, user database at rest in cloud servers may be of the core value forcloud users and thus require strong protection to guarantee data condential-ity, integrity and availability. User identity information can containPersonallyIdentiable Information(PII) and has impact on user privacy. Therefore, justauthorized users should be allowed to access user identity information. Serviceaudit data provide the evidences related to compliances and the fulllment ofService Level Agreement(SLA), and should not be maliciously manipulated.Service prole information could help attackers locate and identify the serviceinstances and should be well protected. Temporary runtime data may containcritical data related to user business and should be segregated during runtimeand securely destroyed after runtime.