Remote-access Guide

cloudant set up remote access to couchdb

by Kirk Raynor Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

To configure the Apache CouchDB/Cloudant server connection information, pass its url as the COUCHDB_URL environment variable to the Meteor server process. $export COUCHDB_URL= Database API Just like Mongo.Collection, you will work with CouchDB.Database for CouchDB data.

Full Answer

Why does Cloudant provide two different client implementations of CouchDB?

Since connecting to the Cloudant managed service provides extra end points as compared to a CouchDB server, we provide the two different client implementations in order to connect to the desired database service.

How do I manage a connection to a Cloudant database?

In order to manage a connection you must first initialize the connection by constructing either a Cloudant or CouchDB client. Since connecting to the Cloudant managed service provides extra end points as compared to a CouchDB server, we provide the two different client implementations in order to connect to the desired database service.

What is the difference between client and database in couchzilla?

Couchzilla defines two types, Client and Database. Client represents an authenticated connection to the remote CouchDB instance. Using this you can perform database-level operations, such as creating, listing and deleting databases.

Where can I find CouchDB as a service?

IBM Cloudant offers a clustered version of CouchDB as a service. What started out as a fork has with version 2.0 och CouchDB now largely come back togther, and Cloudant now does (nearly) all its work directly in the Apache CouchDB repos.


How do I connect to Cloudant database?

Connecting to IBM CloudantLog in to IBM Cloud.From the IBM Cloud Dashboard, click the Cloudant service instance that you want to work with.To view the service credentials, click Service credentials in the left pane, and then click View credentials. (If you want to define new credentials to use, click New credential.)

How do you replicate a remote database to your Cloudant instance?

Replicating the Source DatabaseSet the Replication Source to Local database.Set the Source Name as the database that you want to replicate.Set the Replication Target as New Remote Database or Existing Remote Database.Set the Replication Type to One time.

How do I access Cloudant documents?

After you authenticate with your user name and password, you're presented with the IBM Cloud dashboard.Type Cloudant in the Search bar and click to open it: ... Select an offering and an environment. ... Type an instance name. ... Select your plan. ... To create the service, click Create :More items...

Which IBM Cloudant capabilities enable you to access databases from any Internet device?

Easy to use distributed, NoSQL databaseServerless. Deploy an instance, create databases and independently scale throughput capacity and data storage to meet your application requirements. ... Secure. ... Global availability. ... Zero vendor lock-in. ... Compliant. ... Powerful API. ... Durable replication. ... Transaction Engine.

What do you need to configure when you create a new IBM cloudant database?

If you use a Cloudant Local installation instead of, you must configure the following things: The URL to access your Cloudant Local installation. A user name to access your Cloudant Local installation, which has sufficient permissions to write and read documents in the database.

Which replication type is the default in cloudant?

Continuous replicationContinuous replication By default, the synchronization of a database during replication happens one time when the replicate request is made.

Is couchbase the same as CouchDB?

CouchDB is an Apache open source project written in the Erlang language and is free for the user to download. Couchbase is also open source, but it has enterprise, community and developer editions as a portfolio of components. You can download the community edition.

What software is required to work with IBM cloudant database?

Java. java-cloudant is the official Cloudant NoSQL database for IBM Cloud® library for Java™.

Is cloudant a relational database?

Traditionally, e-commerce systems are built with relational databases. These databases typically use a number of tables joined to record sales, customer details, purchased products, and delivery tracking information.

What kind of database is cloudant?

distributed databaseCloudant is a non-relational, distributed database service of the same name. Cloudant is based on the Apache-backed CouchDB project and the open source BigCouch project. Cloudant's service provides integrated data management, search, and analytics engine designed for web applications.

What is IBM cloudant used for?

What is IBM® Cloudant®? A fully managed, distributed database optimized for heavy workloads and fast-growing web and mobile apps, IBM Cloudant is available as an IBM Cloud® service with a 99.99% SLA.

Is cloudant a NoSQL database?

You will learn about the four categories of NoSQL databases and how they differ from each other. You will explore the architecture and features of several different implementations of NoSQL databases, namely MongoDB, Cassandra, and IBM Cloudant.

Is Cloudant open source?

In November 2010, Cloudant was recognized as one of '10 Cool Open-Source Startups' by CRN.

Which two field are required for any document in a Cloudant database?

All documents must have two fields: a unique _id field, and a _rev field. The _id field is either created by you, or generated automatically as a UUID by Cloudant. The _rev field is a revision number, and is essential to the Cloudant replication protocol.

Is IBM Cloudant free?

Try Cloudant at no cost, no time limits. Limited throughput and capacity.

Which search engine does the Cloudant search service use?

Cloudant Upgrades Cloud Database Service With Integrated Text Indexing and Search Based on Apache Lucene.

What does IBM Cloudant manage for me?

Cloudant handles software and hardware provisioning, management and scaling, and support. You'll receive high availability and elastic scaling of t...

What is a document data store?

Document data stores are represented in JSON, where each document is itself a complex data structure. Documents can contain nested structures of va...


JSON’s appeal stems partly from its schema, which can rapidly evolve without admin intervention. JSON offers an elegant model for persisting Java o...

How is Cloudant different than CouchDB?

While Cloudant is API-compatible with Apache CouchDB, unlike CouchDB, Cloudant has layered additional open source technologies for full-text search...

What is offline-first architecture?

Offline-first architecture means building an app without an internet connection; the architecture lets you interact with your app without connectiv...

Before We Get Started

To begin with, I'll assume at this stage you have a fresh CouchDB installation as in this tutorial. If you already have a CouchDB installation that you want to work with, that's fine, you may just have to slightly modify some steps.

Preparing the Target Database

When performing a replication we will have a source database and a target database. Our source will be the database we want to replicate, and the target will be the database we want to replicate to.

Replicating the Source Database

The rest of the process is quite simple. Log in to your Cloudant database, and go to the Replication tab:


Once you know what you are doing, the process of moving an entire database somewhere else takes just a minute or two. This is pretty spectacular, and it gives you a lot of confidence knowing how portable your infrastructure is.

What is Cloudant database?

Cloudant is the database for all our mobile applications with offline-first architecture, and it's the best option to keep everything synced and secure. Having the solution hosted by IBM is also giving us the chance to focus on features and the improvement of our apps. It's one thing less to be worried about.

What is IBM® Cloudant®?

A fully managed, distributed database optimized for heavy workloads and fast-growing web and mobile apps, IBM Cloudant is available as an IBM Cloud® service with a 99.99% SLA. Cloudant elastically scales throughput and storage, and its API and replication protocols are compatible with Apache CouchDB for hybrid or multicloud architectures.

Why is IBM Cloudant so good?

Because IBM cloudant is able to store large amounts of data very efficiently, it’s great to work with in remote locations and downtimes. It performed quite seamlessly across platforms for our needs of data manipulation. We just felt a sense of securi...

What is Cloudant in IBM Cloud?

Cloudant is a very important database in the IBM Cloud to make connections for all applications in the cloud.

How many regions does Cloudant have?

Get continuous availability as Cloudant distributes data across availability zones and 6 regions for app performance and disaster recovery requirements.

What is offline first architecture?

Offline-first architecture means building an app without an internet connection; the architecture lets you interact with your app without connectivity. Using Cloudant Mobile Sync, mobile apps can collect and read data when the network is unavailable. Once the connection is established, the data will sync with Cloudant.

Database API

Just like Mongo.Collection, you will work with CouchDB.Database for CouchDB data.

Latency compensation

Latency compensation works with all supported commands used either at the client or client's simulations.


Apache CouchDB stores data in Databases. To get started, declare a database with new CouchDB.Database.


To create a cursor, use database.find. To access the documents in a cursor, use forEach, map, or fetch.

How to manage connection pools?

Connection pools can be managed by using the requests library’s HTTPAdapter when constructing a Cloud ant or ClouchDB client instance. The default number set by the urllib3 library for cached connection pools is 10. Use the HTTPAdapter argument pool_connections to set the number of urllib3 connection pools to cache, and the pool_maxsize argument to set the maximum number of connections to save in the pool.

What is IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management?

IBM Cloud Identity & Access Management enables you to securely authenticate users and control access to all cloud resources consistently in the IBM Bluemix Cloud Platform.

When to add replay429 adapter?

Note: If you require retrying requests after an HTTP 429 error, the Replay429Adapter can be added when constructing a Cloudant client and configured with an initial back off and retry count.

How to access a document from a database?

Accessing a document from a database is done by supplying the document identifier of an existing document to either a CloudantDatabase or a CouchDatabase object. Since the CloudantDatabase and CouchDatabase classes are sub-classes of dict, this is accomplished through standard dict notation.

What is partitioned database?

Partitioned databases introduce the ability for a user to create logical groups of documents called partitions by providing a partition key with each document.

What is the forbidden status code for a server?

The server returns a 403 Forbidden status code.

Is a client session thread safe?

Although the client session is documented as thread safe and it’s possible for a static client to be accessible by multiple threads, there are still cases that do not guarantee thread safe execution. It’s recommended to use one client object per thread.

What is a view in CouchDB?

A powerful feature of CouchDB are secondary indexes, known as views. They are created using a map function written most commonly in Javascript, and optionally a reduce part. For example, to create a view on the name field, we use the following:

What is Couchzilla database?

Client represents an authenticated connection to the remote CouchDB instance. Using this you can perform database-level operations, such as creating, listing and deleting databases. The Database immutable type represents a client that is connected to a specific database, allowing you to perform document-level operations.

Can you attach a file to CouchDB?

You can attach files to documents in CouchDB. This can occasionally be convenient, but using attachments has performance implications , especially when combined with replication. See Cloudant's docs on the subject.

Can CouchDB store files?

CouchDB can store files alongside documents as attachments. This can be a convenient feature for many applications, but it has drawbacks, especially in terms of performance. If you find that you need to store large (say greater than a couple of meg) binary attachments, you should probably consider a dedicated, separate file store and only use CouchDB for metadata.

Does Cloudant use CouchDB?

Cloudant pushes most of its stuff to upstream to Apache CouchDB. However, not everything Cloudant does makes sense for CouchDB , and once such example is throughput throttling. Cloudant, currently only in its Bluemix guise, prices its service in terms of provisioned throughput capacity for lookups, writes and queries.

Is Couchzilla a replication library?

Unlike e.g. PouchDB, CDTDatastore and sync-android, Couchzilla is not a replication library in that it does not implement a local data store. However, you have access to all replication-related endpoints provided by CouchDB. The CouchDB replication algorithm is largely undocumented, but a good write-up can be found in Couchbase's repo.

Likelihood to Recommend

Great for REST API development, if you want a small, fast server that will send and receive JSON structures, CouchDB is hard to beat. Not great for enterprise-level relational database querying (no kidding).


It can replicate and sync with web browsers via PouchDB. This lets you keep a synced copy of your database on the client-side, which offers much faster data access than continuous HTTP requests would allow, and enables offline usage.

Likelihood to Renew

Because our current solution S3 is working great and CouchDB was a nightmare. The worst is that at first, it seemed fine until we filled it with tons of data and then started to create views and actually delete.


Couchdb is very simple to use and the features are also reduced but well implemented. In order to use it the way its designed, the ui is adequate and easy. Of course, there are some other task that can't be performed through the admin ui but the minimalistic design allows you to use external libraries to develop custom scripts

Implementation Rating

it support is minimal also hw requirements. Also for development, we can have databases replicated everywhere and the replication is automagical. once you set up the security and the rules for replication, you are ready to go. The absence of a model let you build your app the way you want it

Alternatives Considered

It has been 5+ years since we chose CouchDB. We looked an MongoDB, Cassandra, and probably some others. At the end of the day, the performance, power potential, and simplicity of CouchDB made it a simple choice for our needs. No one should use just because we did.

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