Where is remote COJ server located?
It’s good for Remote.coj.net that their server is also located in United States, as that enables the majority of their visitors to benefit from a much faster page load time. Open Graph description is not detected on the main page of Remote Coj.
What is the encoding of remote COJ Net website?
Our system also found out that Remote.coj.net main page’s claimed encoding is . Changing it to UTF-8 can be a good choice, as this format is commonly used for encoding all over the web and thus their visitors won’t have any troubles with symbol transcription or reading. Remote.coj.net has no SSL certificate.
Who has access to the information submitted in the application?
Only authorized employees and hiring authorities have access to the information submitted.
How big is Remote.coj.net?
In fact, the total size of Remote.coj.net main page is 235 B. This result falls within the top 5000 of lightweight and thus fast loading web pages. Only a small number of websites need less resources to load. HTML takes 235 B which makes up the majority of the site volume.
What files were requested in the course of web page rendering?
Besides the initial HTML request, no CSS, Javascripts, AJAX or image files were requested in the course of web page rendering.
Does Remote.coj.net have SSL?
Remote.coj.net has no SSL certificate. Web browsing can be safer with HTTPS connection, so we suggest that it should be obtained for this site.
What is the Go365 program?
The Go365 program under HUMANA is designed to reward you for making healthy choices.# N#You could be rewarded for a range of fitness, prevention, and education activities—anything from participating in 5k to completing a routine dental exam..
Does Jacksonville have EAP?
We have all experienced some type of personal problem or emotional crisis at one time or another. EAP is available to all City of Jacksonville employees at no cost. This program gives you access to a Licensed Professional Counselor or Work/Life Specialist for help with personal, family and work issues.
How do criminals get your identity?
Criminals can get the information they need to assume your identity from a variety of sources, such as the theft of your wallet, your trash or from credit or bank information. They may approach you in person, by telephone, text message or on the Internet and ask you for the information.
Can you re-use a token code?
NOTE: Once you have used a token code, do not re-use it. Please be sure to wait for a new token code to appear to avoid any issues.