What is law IT?
Information Technology at Columbia Law School (Law IT) abides by and upholds Columbia University’s Registration and Protection of Endpoints Policy, which protects mobile device endpoints that process, transmit, and store data in support of academic or administrative operations.
How many legal topics are there on the Cali website?
The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) has a website which hosts more than 900 Lessons in 30 legal topic areas. Many students find the lessons of value as reinforcement of principles taught in the classroom.
What is downtime in law school?
Downtime enables Law IT to conduct network maintenance and ensure connectivity for all users at the Law School.
How does CUIT connect to Columbia?
CUIT provides two methods to connect to the Columbia network from a remote location: VPN and Citrix .
Can I use Citrix on Columbia University?
Most of Columbia’s systems can be accessed directly in your web browser without using VPN (virtual private network) or Citrix, freeing up licenses for other users. Columbia U Secure wi-fi eliminates the need to use VPN while on campus to access Columbia administrative resources. However, a few restricted administrative applications require the CUIT VPN. VPN is also is used to connect to shared files on the University network from a remote location. If you are a CUIT customer that pays for access to the Columbia Central Server, you can use CUIT Citrix to access certain applications and resources on the server. Before utilizing either remote access service, review the Columbia University Remote Access Policy for specific requirements and guidelines.
Can I use VPN to access off-campus Library resources?
No. The VPN service only provides access to on-campus resources. Off-campus Library resources can be requested via the Libraries website using your UNI and password.
Can I use VPN on campus?
You cannot use the VPN service if your computer is connected via a wired Ethernet connection on campus. However you can use VPN if you're connecting via WiFi, or if you're using off-campus broadband Internet.
Can CUIT use VPN?
CU faculty and staff can use the CUIT VPN service for encrypted access to Columbia resources that are operated on the Columbia Network (ARC, SAS, SDR, etc) while in China. However, using CUIT’s VPN service in China will not provide them with access to any off-campus resources (including web access to cloud services like LionMail).
Can CUIT provide VPN access that allows me to get around China’s firewall?
No. Under recommendation from CUIT Security and the Office of General Counsel, CUIT does not provide the VPN access that would allow CU affiliates to visit Western sites while in China.
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Bloomberg Remote access expire
Beginning August 17, 2021, all Bloomberg terminals and library workstations and software will be available for on-campus, in-person use inside the libraries during normal operation hour. See the full announcement here. for hours: Full Schedule »
There are 9 Bloomberg terminals available across the Libraries: seven in the Watson Library and two terminals in Lehman Social Sciences Library. The Bloomberg terminal is available on a first come, first served basis.
How to Create Bloomberg Account
You may create your own login by clicking on "Create New Login" from the login page.