Where is Columbia University?
Columbia University in the City of New York
What is CUIT remote access?
CUIT provides technologies that enable all faculty and staff to accomplish their work-related tasks while working remotely at any time. Prior to using remote access tools, make sure your desktop or laptop is free of computer viruses, worms, bots, etc. Refer to the Columbia University Remote Access Policy in the Administrative Policy Library for specific requirements and guidelines.
What is Citrix connection?
With a Citrix connection, faculty and staff can access applications and shared data files hosted on the Columbia Central Server.
Can I access my Columbia email remotely?
Everyone at Columbia can securely access his or her Columbia email remotely using LionMail with a web browser. UNI login is required.
Can faculty access Citrix?
Faculty and staff can access Statistical, Financial, Human Resource, Course Management, Administrative, Enterprise Business Intelligence Solutions and Microsoft applications from off-campus. Some applications are accessed via a web browser, some require a secure VPN connection to the Columbia network, and other require a secure Citrix connection to the Central Server.
Does rolm work on Columbia?
Rolm Phone users have several self-features including setting up call forwarding to Columbia extensions. Rolm Phone users may submit a ticketto the CUIT Service Desk to inquire about pricing for call forwarding to off-campus phone numbers, and the Service Desk will also be able to facilitate setting up the service.
How to access my Columbia email?
Everyone at Columbia can securely access his or her Columbia email remotely using CubMail or any email client. To start CubMail, visit http://cubmail.cc.columbia.edu. UNI logon is required.
How to access voicemail messages on campus?
To access Phone Mail voicemail messages or to change outgoing greetings from off-campus: Dial your office telephone number (including area code and full 3-digit exchange, such as 1-212-854-xxxx), press 5, and enter your password.
Can faculty access VPN?
Although faculty and staff can access the applications noted above via the Internet, certain applications are only accessible via VPN ( UNI logon required). These applications are:
Does CUIT have a call forwarding service?
Use CUIT's MyNetPhone (UNI logon required) tool to forward calls or make any other necessary changes.
Remote Access to the SIPA Network via Citrix
Access to the SIPA network on personal devices is available through Citrix for faculty and staff. Users are required to take a training before they are given access to connect remotely via Citrix. Uers should contact sipahelpdesk@columbia.edu to arrange training and access.
Remote Access to CU Resources
Users can access CU resources from their personal system using the CU Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Can you convert a class to remote instruction?
Yes. However, converting an entire class from in-person to temporary remote instruction should be limited to the following COVID-related circumstances:
Can you remote teach in person?
Remote access to an in-person Teachers College course is restricted to those students who cannot attend for COVID-related reasons. Temporary access to remote instruction can be granted in the following cases:
Can you take Honorlock exams remotely?
If using the Honorlock system to administer an exam the option to take the exam remotely can be offered to students but the classroom must also be available to any student who needs a quiet space to perform the exam.
Do instructors have to report remote access requests?
Instructors are not expected to determine the veracity of remote access requests. Only explain the guidelines and report the number of requests.
Do students have to get permission from their instructor for remote access prior to class?
Students must receive permission from their instructor for remote access prior to class.
Can you remote teach at Teachers College?
Students must receive permission from their instructor for remote access prior to class. Instructors are not expected to verify students’ requests, however, students with positive test results are obligated to notify the College in accordance with New York City and contact tracing requirements. Lack of vaccination without an approved medical or religious exemption is not grounds for remote instruction. An approved COVID-19 vaccination is a requirement to enroll in classes at Teachers College.
What is CUIT VPN?
The CUIT VPN enables you to create a secure connection, a Virtual Private Network, over the Internet, and lets off-campus faculty and staff access administrative applications normally available only on campus.
Can you connect to electronic resources from Columbia University?
If you would like to connect to electronic resources (e.g. journals, databases, etc.) provided by Columbia University Libraries from off-campus, please use the 'remotely accessible URL' links to these resources that appear on the libraries website and in CLIO.
Is e-resource restricted to specific computers?
Please note: some e-resources are restricted to specific computers even on-campus.
Is CLIO restricted to on campus use?
Z39.50 users: Access to CLIO via the Z39.50 protocol is now restricted to on-campus use. CLIO (Columbia's Voyager-based online public access catalog) is Z39.50 capable, and can be accessed using a Z30.50 client with the following connection settings:
Why am I unable to log in with my UNI in a Columbia lab?
CUIT computer lab terminals are restricted to active students and faculty. Computer terminals in IAB and the Business School do not accept UNI logins and are generally restricted to students in SIPA or the Business School, respectively. Please contact the appropriate support center for more information or help with logging in to these terminals.
What to do if ADCU doesn't work?
If it doesn't work, you may have to use ADCUUNI as your username to log in. For example: ADCUab1234. Click OK when prompted for a certificate. IMPORTANT: Please log out using the logout button on the desktop when you are done so others can use the computers.